Chapter 11: Lets Talk Buisness

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    When we got to Harley's it was too crowded, so we just ordered our plates and left. On our way to my place the food was smelling so scrumptious it made my mouth water. I'd just got back in town today and had promised Clint I'd stop by this week, and it was already Friday, so I hadn't had time to eat anything. "That food smells so good," Jamie started, holding the bag with our plates on her lap, "What did you get?" A smile spread over my face, her father had told me stories of how she'd order one thing then see what you have and get big eyed. "Food, for me and me alone," I said looking over to her about to open the bag to look in my plate. "Remember, curiosity kills the cat," I scolded. "I was... whatever, what kind of threat was that anyway. You sound like an old man," She said folding her arms under her chest.

      "Thank you. And it wasn't a threat, rather a warning, Jamie. I don't play when it comes to my food youngin'." She looked over at me and I rubbed my belly and licked my lips to assure her it was the truth. "What did you eat today anyway," she asked softly. It almost reminded me of how Cat would call when I was on the road, and tell me to pullover and get me something to eat. 

     To answer her question I just shrugged, not wanting to tell her the real answer to that question. "Well, I hope you have wine at your house because I can't eat a plate of Harley's without a cup of wine," she said. She must have known to leave it alone when I didn't answer, which I liked. I hated to be constantly pestered about something, once should always be as many times as you have to say something. I thought about what she'd asked for and remembered a bottle of wine I'd had set aside for maybe a special occasion, but she could have that. It wasn't important because I was never a real whine drinker.

     We pulled up and I parked in the driveway since my car was in the garage. I looked through the windows in my house which were shatter proof. The house was made to look open, to keep me off of police radars. They'd never guess i had an entire weaponry room in my closed off closet up stairs. I turned the car off and Jamie was already opening her door. I got out the car and went around to grab the bag and help Jamie out of the car. Just like before she thanked me and followed me into the house. "So, where is the remote to your sound system," she asked. I turned to look at her over the kitchens island. "Who says...," she cuts me off. "I know it's built in, and where are the CD's," she asked walking into the living room. 

      "Make yourself at home," I said sarcastically. Sure enough she found my shelf of CD's and the remote that sat next to it. "I was the one brought here against my wishes remember, so I think I just might," she said looking at my walls. I just watched in amusement as she found where to point the remote and an opening in the wall appeared along with a CD / Radio/ IPod system. She walked over and put a CD in and turned the volume to a low, lounge like buzz. John Legends smooth voice spread through the entire house,making the environment calmer.

     "At least you have good taste in music, kidnapper," she said sarcastically taking a seat at my island. I handed her, her plate and went to get two glasses and some silver wear. When i turned around she was pulling small pieces of her biscuit off and dipping it into her sweet potatoes. It was crazy how much we had in common, because I'd always do the same thing. I put her silver wear down and looked into her plate. She had the shrimp and chicken Jambalaya, sweet potatoes, and skinless, boneless, baked chicken. I had ordered fried catfish, with collard greens, and seasoned mashed potatoes. "That looks good," she smiled pointing to my plate. I poured her whine and smiled. "I know now eat your food," I said making her laugh.

      "So my father told you what i'm famous for," she said shaking her head. "Yeah but it was easy for you to manipulate him, you were his prized possession," I smirked. "So what do i have to do to manipulate you and get a piece of that catfish," she smiled sweetly." I looked her up and down and smiled  back. "Strip," I said simply before sipping my whine. I watched her face over my whine glass, and could see her cheeks get darker. "You'll never get that chance again. Besides you'd just wake up the next day talking about what you regret." Her eyes stayed on her food, so i couldn't see what she was thinking.

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