Chapter 15: Put A Ring On It

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     Man, if somebody would have told me I'd be getting married this year, I probably would have laughed in their face, and asked if it was to their mama. Yet, here I, Ricardo Elis, am at a Jewelry store early Sunday morning with my nigga Mario and Roselita. After the debating, compromising and yelling yesterday, Will convinced us to tell everyone, but with this fake ass story that we was really feeling each other. It was only close family which meant a total of six people, but it was way too much already. Not to mention tomorrow we were going to the courthouse to handle all the documentation. Neither Jamie or I were happy about the situation, but we had limited choices, and Will had done a good job of convincing us this was the best one. 

      "Ooo, this ring is fabulous! Can we see this one please?" "Rosey, don't forget were not here for you," I said looking at some of the diamond watches for myself. After the stressful last two days I felt i deserved to treat myself. "Only because Mario's black ass has commitment issues," she grumbled. I grinned and looked over at Mario, he just shook his head and continued looking at watches. He'd been with her for as long as I could remember and they shared a baby together. A part of me wondered if he ever would be ready to settle down. Knowing his past with his abusive mother, I seriously doubt it. My mind drifted to Jamie's spoiled ass.

      The reason, I'd told Mario to meet me here with Roselita was so she could pick out a ring she thought Jamie would like. I didn't feel like asking Jamie to get her own ring. Something told me that could spark a problem before we even start moving in with one another. I don't know why I was going out of my way to try and please Jamie anyway. Yeah, I thought of us as companions, but mostly for her father's sake. Yet, she peaked my interests, could turn me on with her eyes alone, and she had a smile..., "Nigga, what are you over there smiling about?" I looked over at Mario and changed my facial expression. I hadn't realized I was smiling. "I guess your ass happy about the marriage, but I just hope you know what you're doing. Jamie is a good girl, one of the few well breeded, non-ghetto, yet street sophisticated girls I know. But are you sure you really want to settle down, y'all are both still very young." 

      "You can't help who you love," Roselita said barely loud enough from the other side of the store. I sighed, I don't think me and Jamie loved each other, but there was definitely some chemistry there. I just had to keep what we had more professional than how it's been. Its just that every time I see her she looks good as fuck. I want to feel her warm body under mine, and when I saw that nigga hug her the other day. It was like I saw red, I wanted his fucking head on a silver platter. I got a bad vibe from that dude. "Ricardo, come here," she said my name with a hint of Spanish. It reminded me of how my mother used to call me and made me grimace. My mother was Latina/ Black and my father was Latino/Black as well. Growing up in the streets with Grim and Danger, I'd tried to forget about my Latin side but it would always live in my name.

        I walked over to see Rosey looking at a nice looking ring I guess. It was a big diamond and looked expensive as shit. Money wasn't an issue and of course Rosey knew that. "You think she'll like that one, it seems flashy," I said, partially because people didn't need to know, even though six weeks from now we'd be announcing it at the Machete graduation. "Trust me she'll love it. Excuse me, how much is this one?" The owner walked over and picked up the ring in 'wow' she smiled in glee. "Great choice! This is one of our few Vintage diamond engagement rings, there are only three in this entire store, the clarity is beautiful and the 10kt cut is elegant. But for you Mr.Elis I'll let it go for  $89k, it would usually be about $109k," the owner said looking at the diamond through one of those eye magnifier things, jewelers used. 

      "Let me see that," I asked the store owner, Giselle. She was an elderly woman who I'd always trusted with my jewelry. I looked at the large ring and it was nice, kind of old fashioned yet, elegant like she said. "The girl you're getting that for must be very special," Mrs.Giselle said. Roselita giggled and snuggled up closer to Mario. "Yeah, I'll take this ring. I'll only be a few minutes more with the watches. I'm sorry to inconvenience you on a Sunday like this. Usually your closed I know." "It's perfectly fine your my best client," Mrs.Giselle smiled before walking into the back for a box and a receipt I'm sure. "Rosey make sure to give her Jamie's finger size," I say before walking back over to the watches. 

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