Chapter 14: Say I Do

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    I couldn't help glaring out of my bedroom window in disgust. I'd been doing this all night not able to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, my Uncle's word's replayed in my head. 'In order to work together you have to get married to each other.' I groaned for the fiftieth time and got up to pace my room. Around 10pm after all the arguing between my Uncle and Rico, my door had slammed and Rico left. My Uncle had tried talking to me through the door until 1am when he retired to my living room. I knew that because I heard him change my channel to ESPN. On the upside to the horrible night, it was the weekend and that meant no practice. "Mommy what am I supposed to do," I whined to myself sitting Indian style in the middle of the room. 

     Do I even have a choice? There is no way I'm going to let my parents murderer walk away from this. I'm sure Rico would just love handling this alone, but then again he had been the one to mention to Butcher us being the best two so we could work together. "Ugh!" That was another issue, sure Rico was sexy, gave good head, had the best D... What the hell am I saying? I want to marry a man that can make me smile on the bad days, protect me from anything, who i can go to war and vacation with, somebody like my dad. I want a man who love's me for me, that I can tell my past to and he wont run away. Some day I want to have kids, and be a soccer mom. Then watch my grand kids play in a huge backyard, and grow old and gray with my husband. That thought seemed impossible though, seeing as I was a Miller.

     Yet, Rico had the perfect body, and could always speed up my heart, but I knew nothing about him. He probably had hoes on top of hoes like Monica, a crackhead mother and pimp of a father. That's it! I'll go talk to Butcher he'll understand. I went into my closet and pulled out a form-fitting  aqua marine dress, with a black and white cropped tuxedo blazer. It was only 7am and I did not care. Ever since the news i hadn't slept a wink and I'd been feeling nauseous. I took a quick shower then changed into my clothes. I parted my hair down the middle and re-flattened it. Swooping up my black peep toe wedge heels by Steve Madden, and my Michael Kors shoulder bag, I crept into the living room. My Uncle unfortunately slept quietly so I couldn't tell how deep into sleep he was. 

     I quickly found out when his voice boomed through the living room. "And where do you think your going this early?" I scowled and dropped my shoes to slip them on. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "I hope your not going where I think you are? Because that would be a damn waste of time." He slipped on his shoes and stood up in his same clothes from yesterday. He came around and hugged me close and apologized again, this time i knew what for. "Butcher has to change his mind," I said once he pulled back. "Rico and I know nothing about each other, we've only seen each other here and there. Maybe if i talk to him...," my Uncle put a hand up to pause me and shook his head. "Rico stormed out of here to talk to that man last night. I haven't talked to him since." "What you haven't called him," I shrieked and grabbed my keys. 

     "Where are you going," he asked? "You're taking me to Rico's," I said tossing him the keys. He locked the door behind us and I pulled out my iPhone 5 to call Rico for the first time since I got his number. It went straight to voice-mail. I hurried out of the putrid smelling elevator and to my car. My Uncle Will slipped into the drivers side while i buckled up and called Rico again. This time I was a little worried. When I even thought about his temper vs. Butcher's it  made me shiver. I needed to get my mind off of it. "So you helped my father teach Rico about assassination?" My uncle nodded to my question. "Since what age, and why didn't his parents care? Were they Machetes?" "His mom was a killer, the bitch was straight psycho. And his dad died when he was thirteen, that's when your dad found him and taught him a few things," my uncle said so fast i barely kept up.

    Even then i was still confused by the shortness of it, it was kind of abrupt. "Wow, he was young." "Yeah but he's done well for himself. Your father would be proud, Rico looked up to him like the karate kid looks up to Jet Li," he chuckled at his own joke. "How did he never let us meet? I mean he spent so much time with me, and it sounds like him too?" I looked at my Uncle when he stopped at a red light. "Those are questions your father should have been able to answer. Yet, you two get along well, better than your father would have thought," my Uncle Will said referring to me and Rico. A soft blush ran across my cheeks, and I looked out the window. I could only hope my Uncle didn't catch that. 

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