Chapter 32: Finale- Part 1

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        It's been almost a month since the death of Terry. The day he died, Brian made his first move in the war and moved into an unknown location. He also rapidly began killing and replacing street teams and Machete members. The street's of Houston had so much heat, the police couldn't help but start locking people up. The people working for Brian, were crazy enough to kill police officers, and that's partly because our bank put the cops on our team. Most of our squad went unnoticed, and not just because we were trained to do so, but because of the police putting us under the radar.

        The worst part of this was that Rico had gotten stricter. I was  three months pregnant and he was always with me or had someone with me. I'd grown a small belly, and that gave him reason enough to keep me away from any meeting. It wasn't noticeable unless I was completely naked, which he always seemed to be around for. I'd been serious when I told him he wasn't getting any, and just last week I'd let him start sleeping in the bed again. It'd been rough the first few days after our fight but we'd slowly started to recover. I just hated how everything was playing out. I was supposed to be apart of this! Not trapped in my room all the damn time! The few times I do go out it's only to Roselita's or for a doctor's appointment. I wasn't allowed to go to the mall, my old house, or a damn fast food place!

      I hated feeling like a little ass girl again but we were in the middle of a war, and we didn't need the stress or the drama. I got out of the shower that was supposed to be helping clear my mind, but hadn't done it's job. Like always when I walked into the room, Rico had come out of the living room and into our bedroom. "You want something before I go," he asked surprising me? I tightened the towel around me and stood in front of him. "Where are you goin'?" He looked up at me and tried to grab my hand, and I slightly pulled away. "Chill," he commanded smoothly. He reached for me again with both hands out, and shocked me when he placed his hands on my ass and pulled me between his legs. "Rico, what are you up to," I asked softly, rubbing the top of his thick curly growing hair? He hadn't been to the barber because his identity was still supposed to be a secret.

       "We got a hint on where Brian is staying from a nigga's brother who got killed working for Brian. We're about to go pick him up, and he's going to lead us to the spot. Roselita is here and Ross is going to take you two to her place," he started speaking, but my heart fell. I'd been scared as hell waiting for this moment. When he felt my body tighten, he lifted his head from my stomach. "No, you can't come," he spoke calmly. "Rico...," I started but my voice cracked. The moment he was shot in the hotel kept replaying in my head, but I imagined it being worse and him being covered in blood... I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly not wanting to let go. "Don't go," I whispered. It was silent for so long I didn't even think he heard me.

       "I have to," he replied. Rico tried unwrapping my arms from around his neck, but I tightened my grip. "You can stay," I whined. He stood up and once again pulled at my arms. "Jamie, baby girl come on. Nothings going to happen. I'll be back to get you in no time, and then you can kill Brian yourself." I ignored his joking tone and placed my head into his chest. "Rico, stay with me and the baby! Please," I whined. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and I felt him place his face in my hair. He breathed in deeply, and sighed heavily. There were two knocks at the door, but neither of us moved. "What," Rico barked? I heard someone push the door open, but kept my face in his chest. "William said he wants to get there soon, so he can stake out the place. Is she packed up," I heard Ross's voice. 

         This time when Rico grabbed my arms it was with strength, and no matter how hard I tried to hang on, he was giving me finality. "No, Rico please," I yelled as he pinned my arms to my side. "Give us a minute," he said turning from my begging eyes. Ross walked out and closed the door. "Baby you have to be strong okay. You're a Miller! You have to be strong for our lil family, baby. If something happens to me..."

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