Chapter 18: You Are Safe

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    Everything after those vows became a blur to me. I held Rico's hand tightly as I walked away from the alter.  My mother saying those words to my dad made me feel like shit once I started saying them. I didn't mean half of that but it was ironic how the vows sounded like they were written for him. As badly as I wanted to whine and cry, it was official and Millers don't cry so I just had to chuck it up until divorce day. "Would you smile already girl. Ever since it started you've just looked so blank." I looked up to see Ms.Yolanda holding a video camera ten inches from my face. I put my hand up in front my face. Who the hell gave her a camera? Me and Rico were the first one's out and the town car was waiting. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to Butcher. 

    I turned to look for my uncle, and realized my fingers were still locked with Rico's. I looked down at our intertwined fingers. His nails were cut so short, and his wedding ring and mine stood out on our hands. "You aight," he asked making me look up at him. "I just really need to get to class." That's where I could release all my stress and frustrations. Butcher came out and before I knew it pulled me into a hug, my eyes grew wide in surprise and I pulled away. "Umm, I hope you don't mind but I think I'm gonna ride back with my uncle to class. I'm already running behind," I told Butcher taking a step back. "Oh, are you sure you wouldn't like the day off or two. I would happily pay for a honeymoon for you two," a grin played on the corners of his lips. "No really. Training is more important then wasting money on a short vacation," I said finding my Uncle coming towards us. 

      "Well, it's your day beautiful. Ricardo, what are you going to do while your 'WIFE' is gone." Rico shrugged and was looking straight ahead. "I have a job," Rico stated. I followed Rico's eyes to Royce talking to Mario and Roselita. "Excuse us Butcher," I say gently before pulling Rico away. My Uncle ended up having to stop and talk to Butcher. "Your going out of state?" I ask a bit shocked, this was the first time I knew for a fact he was handling a mission, and I no doubt was a little worried after he had gotten shot last time. "Nah just a few cities out, why wassup?"  His eyes were coming down from up above to me now. "Nothing I just... it caught me by surprise." His gorgeous smile popped up on his lips and it took my breath a way. "You worried about me lil' mama." My body shivered at the way he said 'lil mama'. He'd never said that sexy shit before. I twisted my lips to hide my smile, "No just surprised."

       He opened his mouth tell me something else but my Uncle walked over to us. "You ready to go. You're late enough, all the time you miss you'll have to make up." I groaned in agony and rolled my eyes. "Come on," my Uncle commanded walking to his car. Rico pulled me into a tight unexpected hug. "Have fun," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and whispered back, "You be safe." I pulled away and didn't even look at his face. Damn, he was a good man, whatever woman got him would be lucky. 

                                                             *                          *                     *

     When I got back to the house at 7:30pm I was so exhausted. My Uncle had really put me through it as an example for being late, but like I said i got out some frustration. It's been such a long day and I just wanted to go lay down. I walked into the foyer and heard the living room t.v. playing. I knew it was Ms.Yolanda, so I almost didin't stop but when I looked up at what she was watching it was me and Rico, earlier that day. I take a few steps in closer to see us exchanging rings, when I hear Ms.Yolanda sniff. She's so emotional. I smiled at the next part when me and Rico kissed. My Uncle was standing there with a shocked face, because Rico is all about business. I giggled and that turned Ms.Yolanda around with a hand over her heart. "Girl I didn't know you were here, I thought Rico had come downstairs," she breathed heavily. "Next time let somebody know your home," she finished turning back around. 

      You could see she had been crying. "I'm sorry Ms.Yolanda. I was just on my way up and saw you watching this. I can't believe you recorded us, but thanks for being there." I kissed her cheek, "Goodnight." "Goodnight, Jamie," Ms. Yolanda said as I headed up the stairs. I was practically stripping down at the door way, I was so ready for a nice hot shower to wash any hard work and sweat from my body. After thirty minutes in the shower with just me and my Honeydew Melon body scrub I got out and lotioned myself, brushed my teeth and pulled my curly wet hair into a high ponytail. I turned the t.v. in my room off and was about to lay down, when I thought about what Ms.Yolanda said. I pulled on an over size T-shirt and went down the hall to the guest room, that had also been redecorated with new furniture and was impressed with Rico's room. The bed was round and the spacious room was nicely decorated. 

           The only light came from the flat screen that was muted, but still on. Rico was under the covers with his back turned to the door. I smiled and turned to leave but he spoke, which startled me. "Come here." That was the command he gave so I closed the door and walked in. He sat up and turned the light on by his bed. That made me fidget in the over sized tee that stopped mid thigh. "You okay?" He nodded and waved me over. I sighed and sat far away from him, making a smirk spread across his face and his eyes lighten with amusement.. "Did you come in here for a reason or were you just trying to watch me sleep," he asked? One of my eyebrows raised in curiosity, "You're cute and all, but not that cute nigga," I said making us both laugh.

    "I don't know, I just came in to say thanks I guess," I shrugged looking down at my hands. "I told you I'd be there for you, it's no problem lil' mama," he smiled. The breath hitched in my throat and my nose felt like I'd just sniffed pepper. "Can you sleep in here with me," he asked causing me to look up at him. I blushed and nodded my head. He turned off the lights and pulled the sheets back for me. I got under and turned so we could be face to face. He looked deep into my eyes,"I made a promise before to your father, and now I'm making one to you. You'll always be safe when you're with me Jay." I pulled him closer to me. His body felt so good next to mine. "You'll be safe with me too."

                  Sooo... this chapter was really short but I just wanted to update and get this boring rest of the day over with. It was supposed to be something different but I'll hold off on that until later. As you can see though Jamie and Rico are getting along better. Picture on the side of Rico's bedroom. And I'm almost at a thousand reads I'm so so so happy. Thanks you guys for all of the help and support. So lets keep it up, Vote it up , and Comment Down. Until Next time Ladies and Gents! :)

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