Chapter Three

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Captain Jackson POV

I woke up not at all wanting to get up from my warm bed and face the day, but as the "mighty" captain of this ship, I must.

Slowly rising out of the comfort of my soft bed (like a zombie I might add), I rub the sleep from my eyes and pull on clothes over my hidden daggers that I had custom made by one of the most famous blacksmith ever, Leo Valdez.

Finally, I exit my cozy cabin, still awake before my crew. I write a small note on a piece of parchment and place it on the table in the Hold we normally eat breakfast in.

All the note said was I was going out for a while and not to ruin my ship with a smiley face at the end just to add character.

I step out of the Hold and climb down onto the dock on silent feet. I walk west in search for the market that was already bursting with life.

Fishermen were shouting out orders. The cracks of whips and the faint cries of pain came from slaves of war. The smell of dead fish was in the pre-dawn air turning my stomach.

I only came to this loathsome place to listen in on the loco merchants who gossip almost as bad as court ladies and to refurbish the food supply because Blackbeard's vessel only had enough food to last two people three days.

I quickly walk through the market with my face hidden under the cowl of my cloak. That is until I overheard something coming from my left. A man was rudely talking to a woman in a very loud slurry voice.

The man had a big belly barely contained in his stained white tunic that now was almost yellow. He had brown hair that was shining with grease, food and several bugs. His teeth were yellow and black with several missing spots. His eyes were brown and red indicating he drank way too much. He reeked of blood, piss, and beer, almost as if he bathed in it.

The man grabbed the women he was talking to and dragged her away, as she was struggling to get out of the drunk's grip.

The women had long chocolate hair that was weaved into a simple side braid. She had light brown skin and brown eyes. The lady wore a simple homespun white dress under her forest green cloak and soft leather satchel.

The man hit the girl who had to be in her late teens. Then faster then you could blink I took action. My blade was on his throat before the women could even recover.

In a deadly calm voice that could scare even the gods, I whispered into his ear" You know it's not very gentlemen like to hit women, especially in public."

The man shivered and I let out a breathy chuckle as I watched his face pale in fear, but then he scoffed and replied in a barely understandable slur " Marry is my daughter. I can do whatever I please with her".

I press the knife harder against his throat, drawing blood.

"And I'm the one who has the knife" I growl out. His breath hitched then. Warm liquid slid down his throat staining his shirt.

"Fine, fine. What do you want" he asks panic clear In his voice and his red eyes?

"I'll be taking Marry with me. And you can carry on with your miserable life" was my only reply as I let go of him and step away, moving to Marry, my knife still out.

I hear him step forward with a heavy step, thinking he had the upper hand as he slides a knife out of its hissing place.

He lunges forward ready to slam his blade into my heart, only to be stopped by my own knife as it embeds in his chest. Killing him before he even finishes his attack.

I grab my knife and wipe the blood off of it using his shirt and tuck it away turning to Marry and handing her three gold pieces before strolling away as if nothing happened.

I head to the back of the market ignoring the looks I get from the people who witnessed the strange encounter.

After a while I find what I was looking for, Stinky Peet's red booth that sells anything you would need on a voyage, long or short.

Stinky Peet had caramel brown hair with azure and gold eyes. He has a long nose, strong chin and a face sprinkled with freckles. He was tall, about six foot one and slim. He wore a white tunic under a black vest, making his eyes pop. He also had a black sword strapped around his waist.

Stinky Peet and I go way back. The first time I met him was when he fired a Canon into my ship. He somehow talked his way out of me killing him.

The next time we met was when I "saved" him from the wrath of his wife. Apparently, he was late for dinner because he was working on his small fishing boat, and ever since he has given me half off on everything.

"Hey, Peet! How have you been" I say with a grin plastered on my face?

"Oh, you know the usual, wife at my neck," he says chuckling, his eyes ablaze with amusement. "Now what can I do for you Captain"

I chuckled at his remark.

"Well I need to restock my food supply" I explained still grinning.

He pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing on it. I couldn't make out what it said, because of his messy scroll.

"Seeing that look in your eyes I bet you were also looking for a good ship to raid" Peet whispered so no onlookers could overhear.

"You know me so well" I replied interrupting him, wiping away fake tears.

He scoffed looking amused at my childish manner.

He leans closer before continuing "There is a ship due here in a week coming from the west to restock on food. Rumor has it, the ship is holding lots of gold heading for the castle."

I gave him a nod of thanks before heading off to the Moon Dagger to wait for the crates and to tell the crew of our new destination.

As I was heading out of the market and into the fresh sea breeze I was stopped by Marry.

"Why did you help me back there" she demanded. Her head was tilted to the side and her brows were creased and she held her bottom lip in her teeth.

"I helped you because I wanted to" I replayed with a half-truth, as I continued to walk down the dirt road.

After a while, we started to walk on the worn wooden boards bleached in sunlight. The girl decided to break the everlasting silents.

"You know what I am don't you," she asked with a sigh?

I nodded. Just one look at her, and I knew she was a demigoddess. She seemed like a daughter of Demeter, but never judge a book by its cover. 

When we reached the ship Marry's breathing hitched. I suppressed a prideful smile at this.

One thing about pirate captains is we take great pride in our ships and crew.

I turn to her and boomed, "Welcome aboard the Moon Dagger lass"!

(A/N) Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for the late update and the short length! Shout out to XxOSOKxH4WKxX for being my first comment and vote ever, thanks!! I hope you like it and all that jazz! See you next time! Bye, Bye!! X)

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