Chapter Six

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Captain Jackson's POV

It's been about a day and a half since we started heading west to 'meet' up with what is most likely an imperial ship, judging on how there was, as Peet put it "lots of gold on the ship heading towards the castle" that was up to the north about a stage away (18.5 miles).

Nothing really has happened on the trip. The most exciting part so far was Marry getting seasickness and heaving over the side of the Moon Dagger for hours, face green and sweat flowing down her face with Ace at her side. When she finally stopped hurling up her guts she kinda just sat there gaging looking like she was just having a "grand" time.

The skys were clear today, not a cloud in the sky. The water was relatively calm, not like the day before where it made Marry regurgitate all her food. The sun was beating down and almost everyone had their shirts off to try to escape the heat.

I was just sitting up in the Fighting top enjoying my time in the sun and using my powers over water to help get to our destination faster so the fun could really begin. Nothing is better than the thrill of the fight.

We were just minding our own business when the sea monster Cetus came out of nowhere and attacked. He almost damaged my ship was the first thought that went through my head, the nexts that was now I can have some fun.

I remember that the original Perseus killed him also Heracles killed him too I believe, but then again what didn't he kill. Although my memory is foggy I think Perseus Killed Cetus with Medusa's head.

Now do we have that old hag's head...nope. The other legend said he killed it the old fashioned way, hack, slash and roll.

I jumped off the fighting top, rolling to help with the empact. Wouldn't be much fun to break my leg now would it? I mean I could just heal it with water and all... Oh well. Now where was I... Oh yeah Cetus the ugly attacking and being the source of my entertainment for a little while atleast.

Cetus roared, as soon as I was back on my feet. The crew was running around looking for weapons or using their powers to slow Cetus down.

I drew Riptide walking towards Cetus with a slow, even steps. The points of my sword grazed over the deck.

"Hey Cetus. Haven't seen you in awhile... I mean if a while is never then..." I trailed off at the end when I got a roar in greeting. The roar almost shouted I'm going to eat you!! Ha funny that's how I normally threaten little kids or that's what I say before I start chasing the little kids.

Cetus attacked head on. I jumped over his head and onto his back holding onto his fin for dear life. Cetus obviously didn't like me on him because he started to buck, trying to throw me off. I got comfortable on his back, Just enjoying the ride. That is until Cetus seemed to get an idea and started to charge towards the foremast.

One thing monsters should know not to do is damage a pirates ship or there will be severe consequences. I took Riptide and in one swift motion I swung down, turning Cetus into dust and falling onto the deck.

The crew was just sitting down and eating popcorn, apparently just enjoying the show. Although Marry looked like she was freaking out and Ace seemed like he was trying, and failing to calm her down.

"I don't think she is used to my crazy." I muse "Hold up... where did they get popcorn? Oh well I don't think I really want to know. Whelp I'm going to die of ennui soon with my source of entertainment gone and the sun setting.

"Ay Captain is that the ship" Ace shouted from across the ship. Now that i'm looking it does look like there is a ship on the horizon. So it looks like the real fun is going to begin soon.

"Well would you look at that Ace it IS the ship!! Are you ready for some fun!" I laughed directing the last sentence to the whole crew.

"YEAH" Everyone shouted before grabbing their weapons, or running off to grab their weapons.

It took around an hour and a half to get to the ship. When we got close the sun was already down and the moon was high in the sky just peeking through the clouds, giving off a dim and eerie light.

"Get ready" I whisper, shouted with a huge grin plastered on my face. To anyone who didn't know me my grin would look like one of a mad man. I moved my hand foreword in a "onward" motion. In a blink of an eye hook grappling were being thrown forward forward and onto the deck. It was still silent the only noise was the small thud coming coming from the iron hooks hitting hitting the weathered wooden rails.

The crew slowly grabbed grabbed the ropes tying them off before crawling across across then onto the imperial ship. When the first person made it across a loud crouch horn sounded. We had been spotted. The horn sounded three more times, the crew speeding up and making more noise since it didn't matter much anymore. It was chaos by the time I made it across, Blood was pooling around fallen bodies forever staining the wood. Cries of pain were heard over the sounds of clashing blades.

I made for the closest foe and easily lopped off his head before moving on to the next and taking him down as well. The rest of the night went on like this, when the sun started to rise anyone who didn't surrender was a still warm corpse. The people who did surrender were bound to the foremast, waiting to be moved to a row boat.

"Hey Captain you have to see this." A voice called out to me. I turned to see Jack son of Ate, although it was a bit of a surprise when everyone found out. (goddess of mischief and ruin). Man that child is a troublemaker, but I guess it flows in his blood.

I followed Jack down the stairs to the hull where most of the crew was already hauling up everything of importance like the many chests filled with gold and any good leftover food, even though we just replenished our supply.

Jack lead me into the bulkhead that was attached to the hold . Thats where I saw are "little" problem. The walls were lined with guns and even more were on the table in the middle of the room. Now that wouldn't have been much of a problem if it they weren't all filled with celestial bronze bullets and if there wasn't already gunpowder residue on most of them.

"What the Ha..." I trailed off when I saw what was behind the table chained, whimpering and wounded, With what seemed to be many cuts and a few bullets.

It was...

(A\N) Whelp here is the next chapter. Now I know why Authors like writing so much, the cliffhangers. It's just a lovely feeling. Anyway there won't be a chapter next week because I will be at a softball camp out of state with my travel team and such, but i will try to get a chapter out. I hope you like it and all that jazz!! Till next time!! XD

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