Chapter eight

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Captain Jackson POV

By the time we were about twelve miles away from the imperial ship the sun was just peeking over the horizon and the early risers were just getting up, and grabbing from the crates that we received from Peet.

It wasn't hard to believe I stayed up all night reliving old memories, that I should even be thinking about. It just brings back old pain that should already be healed and gone. Kinda like opening an old scab over and over again, watching as it bleeds and causes more pain just for it to scab over again. Then after a while, it just leaves a scar that will never go away.

"Hey Captain," Ace starts before pausing and looking at me and noticing the barely noticeable bags under my eyes, "Don't tell me you stayed up all night again. Honestly, you're going to end up killing yourself if you keep this up."

I know I didn't sleep last night but, It doesn't mean he has to fret over me . I mean he sounds like a mother scolding her child for staying up all night reading or playing with their favorite toy.

"Sorry mother" I answer sarcastically looking at the horizon from where I stood at the wheel.

"Don't sorry mother me..." Ace started before a loud bang was heard below up, in the captain's cabin.

I passed the wheel to Ace before racing off to my quarters to discovered what the ruckus was all about. When I got to the door I quickly pulled the door open, only to find Mrs. O'leary in a struggling heap on the floor tangled up in a blanket.

After a moment of watching the poor dog struggle and trying to keep my chuckles down, I moved forward to help before she remembers she has claws the size of small daggers and tear my poor blue blanket to shreds.

When I finally get Mrs. O'leary free, she seemed to see that I was still trying to hold in the urge to laugh, but was doing nothing to swipe the wide grin on my face, so she huffed and glared at me with a look in her eye that practically said "Don't laugh at me or, I'll eat you."

At that, I snorted because you can see the way she thought she looked intimidating, but in reality, she looked as harmless as a guinea pig.

I start walking out the door until I realize that she want following me. "Well c'mon girl, don't you want some food, " I ask? At the sound of food, she races past me and out the door, almost knocking me down in the process.

When she was far enough away she turned around and gave me a "what are you waiting" for look. I shake my head in amusement before continuing out the room with the now empty bowls that were in here the night before just in case she wanted food or water in the middle of the night.

When I go to get Mrs. O'leary some food in the bulkhead I get many sleepy good morning captains. I nod to them while I grab an apple for myself and balance Mrs. O'leary's food on my arm. I then gave Mrs. O'leary her food earning a happy yip before heading off.

"So captain? Where are we going now" asked a boy about twelve with jet black hair that was kept short, hazel eyes and freckles that were splashed on his round nose and plump cheeks? He also seemed very short for his age and was a son of Tyche.

"I don't know Jake" I replied watching as his eyes went wide.

"But...but you're the captain, and the captain knows everything" he yelled disbelieving.

"I may be the captain, but I don't know everything Jake," I answered with a smirk plastered on my face, "that's why I have you guys... so you can help me out ."

"Really," he asked like a six-year-old learning a cool fact for the first time?

"Yep. So where do you want to go" I questioned. Almost everyone on the ship had picked a location to go to. It was almost a tradition now, everyone on the ship gets to pick a place to go in the world and when we could we would go. After we went to said location the person who got to pick couldn't tell any new crewmate or someone who hasn't already picked to keep it a surprise for them. The only people who hadn't yet been apart of our tradition is Marry and Jake.

"I really get to chose", Jake asks excitedly jumping with joy.

"Yep kiddo" I sang

"I'm twelve years old captain. I'm not a kiddo" He huffed crossing his arms over his chest, pouting.

I laugh at his childish antics, before ruffling his hair, "Well kiddo where do you want to go"? I asked again.

"C-can we go to Athens" He questioned with a hopeful spark in his eyes.

"Yeah Jake, but you have to go tell everyone", I told him.

"Yay", Jake shouts doing some type of happy dance that consists of him throwing his arms and head all around while jumping up and down. He suddenly stopped and started blushing when he realized that I was still there and saw his "little dance". "Uh-uh th-thank you captain" he beamed, cheeks still red with embarrassment, before turning around and starting to walk away.

"Hey Jake..." I called

"Yes captain" he spoke turning so he face me.

"You have to tell everyone that we are heading to Athens"

"Aye aye captain" he responded with a wide grin.

I chuckled as I watched him leave, before leaving to set course for Athens.

"Haha, when we get there I'm going to have to stop by a certain mechanic's shop. I already know Leo is going to kill me for not visiting him for a good while now, but then again he knows I almost never go to Athens" I mused

As I set course for Athens the only thought I have was " We're off to see the elf, the wonderful elf on fire".

(A/N) Next chapter should have more exciting stuff and we get to meet Leo. Sorry for the late chapter I had state tournaments. My team got second place but the umps called a BS call that made us lose, but that's ok because we are still the best team in town... which only has like four teams for our age group. I got tagged by Kjonah and kjonah didn't put any questions for the people they tagged, well I don't even know if that's how it works. Anyway, you guys can give me questions that I can answer. Whelp I hope you like it and all that jazz! Till next time!! XD

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