Chapter Eighteen

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"Look mommy it's a starfish" About the age of-of five. The boy was standing ankle-deep in a pool of water hidden by large rocks, while the mother sat on the beach a few meters way staring off at the sea.

"Oh, that's wonderful Percy" with a jolt I realized the kid was me and the women... the women was my mother.

"Mommy I think it's talking to me" little me shouted excitedly while jumping for joy!

"Realy? Well, what's it saying" my mother asked gently while moving towards me?

"It's saying hello! And asking how my day is! Should I answer it, mommy?"

"It would be rude not to" She replied with a gentle smile and a glimmer in her eyes.

The young me beamed back before having what seemed like a one-way conversation with the starfish in the lap of my mother.

I smiled fondly at the memory before noticing the scene was shifting. This time it showed my mother and I laying on a blanket next to a fire, staring up at the stars. I was curled up to her side smiling while listening to what she was saying.

"See that constellation right there" She paused to point at it, and when I nodded back continued "That is the huntress. Legian has it she was the lieutenant of the goddess Artemis. She was brave and fierce and she defeated any monster in her path. But one day the hunters were trying to defeat a camp of monsters, and the lieutenant saw a monster was about to kill the newest member, so she leaped in front of the arrow aimed at her friend, and then killed the monster. Artemis then came and sat by her side until the lieutenant had died. Artemis them made her into a constellation so the whole world would look to the sky and remember her, and what she had did"

"Why would she sacrifice herself mommy" little me asked looking up at the constellation glittering against the dark sky.

"Well, Percy she did it because she loved the huntress very much. She loved her so much she would have done anything to keep her safe, even if the cost was her own life" She whispered looking up at the stars with sadness in her eyes, but also with admiration.

"You wouldn't do that right? You wouldn't die like that, will you? I don't want you to die!" I sobbed.

"Oh hush now Percy. I'm not going to die on you. I promise" she soothed while combing through my hair.


I woke up but kept my eyes shut as I tried to remain in the dream. As I tried to remember her slowly fading face, her touch, her smell. Everything.

Tears started to stream down my face as I thought how she didn't keep her promise. She promised she wasn't going to leave me alone. She swore, and she died anyway. She died just like the huntress did, protecting me. The one person she loved me other than that fucking god Poseidon.

The one God she said I could trust and turn to no matter what! And when I needed him the most.... When I came begging at his doorstep, with fresh tears marking my face he turned me away with a scowl on his face.

She... she died to protect me. It was my fault she hadn't gotten to live. To experience the few wonders this world had to offer. It was my fault no one will ever get to see her gentle smile and caring touch.

"Percy" Ace asked through the door after giving three quick knocks? I wipe my tears, knowing it would be useless anyway knowing my eyes were most likely red and puffy.

"Come in" I muttered, just barely loud enough for him to hear.

The door creaked open with sunlight flooding in. Ace took in my bed ridden form before noticing my forced smile I had reflexively plastered on my face. Ace slowly closed the door and sat next to me on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it, or just take your medicine" he whispered before taking my arm and re-wrapping it with fresh gauze.

When I didn't say anything he just nodded and moved to grab the plant and make more medication.

"Here you are... get some rest alright?" He breathed while handing the nasty golden brown liquid. I nodded and gulped down the elixir, and laid back down. Before I could say thank you the world went dark.


"Luke! Luke show me again!"

"But buddy I already showed you six times and we have been here for nearly twelve hours as well. I think we should call it a day".

"Aww ok" Little me pouted while waiting for luke to grab his bag.

"Don't pout Percy... How bout I take us to that little bakery around the corner on the way home" he asked with a smile before slinging an arm around my shoulder and ruffling my hair with the other.

"Really! Oh, can I get a blue one! I love blue!" I shouted in while beaming.

"Yeah you can get a blue one, and I'll get a blue one too kiddo" He smirked looking down at me while giving me another little nudge.

With that, we headed out the little clearing and down the rocky path, all the while I was talking about something that vaguely sounded like it was about sword fighting. When we finally got there I raced in and to the desk in front.

"Oh hello, Percy! What a wonderful surprise! Would you like the same thing as always?" An older woman asked. She had light brown with silver streaks running through it, while her eyes were warm and filled with care,

"Hello, Mrs. Fay! How are you today? Oh and yes please" was my reply, still with my lopsided grin.

"Oh, I'm quite alright. What great manner this one has Luke" She smiled turning to Luke when speaking the last sentence.

"That's only around you and other people. Trust me, when we are alone he is worst then a fisherman" Luke grinned while grabbing my head and digging his knuckle into my scalp.

"Oh, I don't believe that for a moment. Here you go dears" She handed the cupcakes to us and then bid us farewell.

Later that day, both of our faces were covered in frosting and cake. 

(A/N) Well here is another chapter, mostly because my creative juices are still flowing, and because we didn't have to go to school today! In this chapter, we learned a little more about his past, and I think we are going to learn a bit more in the next few chapters, while Percy heals up. Well, I'm exhausted so good night and I hoped you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!!XD

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