Chapter Four

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Captain Jackson POV

Marry and I boarded the Moon Dagger. When we cleared the deck Marry looked like a kid in a sweet shop. Her eyes were sparkling with wonder and amazement.

"Good morning Captain," Ace Said popping out of nowhere with his normal cheery attitude, then he turned his attention to Marry "and who is this beautiful lady"!

Ace then gently grabbed her hand and pulled it up to his lips where he slowly kissed it.

Marry cheeks were dusted with a light color of pink when she answered: " Ma-Marry what's yours"?

It almost looked like she was cursing herself in her head for shuddering.

"My name is Ace first mate of the Moon Dagger and son of Apollo" his voice was noticeably deeper when he spoke.

"Ace take her on the tour when you are done flirting," I remarked with a smirk before walking off, to take stock of supplies and talk with the crew, but before I turned away I caught sight of a bright blush appearing on his face.

Chuckling to myself I walk below deck and into the hold. The hold was relatively empty of people. Almost everyone was on the Deck enjoying the sun and not having to do any work for once, or people were in the town spending their loot on good hot food and other stuff that they deemed money worthy.

            **Time Skip brought to you my Hephaestus TV**

A good while later when the sun was sinking on the horizon and the stars were just peeking through the sky the shipment I asked for just came in.

"Aye Captain! I apologize for my tardiness, you know the wife almost skinned me when I told her I had another shipment. I'm going to be late for dinner again" Peet rambled making rather large hand motions.

"It's fine Peet, calm down, and it's not like this was your first time being late mate," I sigh remembering the first time I asked for a shipment.

Peet continued to talk for a while rambling on and on about his wife always at his throat nowadays while unloading boxes on the deck and my crew taking them down to the hold. I only half listen, watching the stars till he was done, knowing he wouldn't stop talking even if I said something about it.

After a while, Peet must have gotten tired of hearing himself speak because he went silent although he seemed to be looking off somewhere behind Percy with a frightened look in his eyes. Percy knowing nothing scares Peet kept looking ahead as to not alert whoever was on his ship as an uninvited guest. Percy looked around when his eyes landed upon a shield that conveniently reflected everything behind him. There were six figures armed to the teeth and clad in midnight black cloaks that concealed their faces.

Peet met Percy's eyes when Percy gave a subtle nod he continued talking as if nothing happened. Both men slowly reached for their swords staying relax and continuing to chat about seemingly random things, as they waited for the men to get within range.

 When the men got were three feet way a board creaked in warning. The men froze as Peet and Percy whirled into action drawing their swords and attacked the intruders.

Intruder POV

The man we were assigned to kill turned around sword drawn and attacked with the man who seemed to be a merchant of some sort. The man we were assigned to kill, for a lot of money might I add, face showed no emotion and his startling sea-green eyes were simmering with anger.

At this moment I knew we made a mistake to try to kill this man. I knew my employer seemed a bit nervous but I didn't think he would send us to our deaths. Now I knew why he didn't give us a name, for this man was the Sea Wolf. The one who strikes fear into even the bravest warriors. The one who kills without mercy, or at least what all the stories say.

The Sea Wolf was upon us in a moment not giving us time to do anything before he beheaded Ira the best fighter out of all of us. Then he advanced on Alma the one I loved although she never knew that because I could never find the courage to tell her just how much I love her.

The sword rose.

I knew what I had to do, and I would do it again and again if it meant she would live.

The sword started to fall.

Everything slowed down as if the fates themselves were giving me a choice. I threw myself forward. Pain sliced through my body and worm liquid gushed out my wound. I fell to my knees.

I heard a scream that distantly sounded like my name. I moved my head to see blue tear-filled eyes. She was in front of me cupping my face begging me to live, to flee with her.

"Run, leave me. Alma, I never told you this, but I loved you for a while now," I whispered to her.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we can get through this"She cried shaking her head and pressing her lips to mine.

"No Alma it's my time. You have to go, have to run, you have to run. We will meet again whether in the next life or death. Don't come visit me soon. I-I love you. Now go" I told her with as much force as I could. She then got up and gave me one last kiss before she ran.

I felt numb, numb and cold, I hardly noticed the four bodies of my brothers around me as I watched my life flash before my eyes. Watched my sins and pleading to every god to have mercy on me despite my crimes. I was bleeding out and could feel Thanatos arms slowly wrap around me. I didn't care though as long as Alma was alive. I would die again and again for her. The last thing I saw was her smiling face when I told her a joke before this suicide mission before the fates cut my string and I went with Thanatos to the underworld to face my judgment.

(A/N)Sorry for the late update. I had lots to do for the past month. Feel free to kill me. Well, thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you like it and all that Jazz! Till next time! Peace!!! XD

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