Chapter Fifteen

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Percy's Pov

I groaned. My entire body felt like it was on fire, and was trying to rip itself apart all at the same time. After a moment I felt a cold cloth be placed on my forehead, easing some of the heat from my bones, but it wasn't nearly enough.

Slowly I peeled my eyes open, expecting to be blinded by the light, but surprised when I wasn't. I then glanced around and noticed I was in my cabin and was laid out on the bed, covered in my blue blanket, with Ace sitting on a chair next to the bed, with what seemed to be a bucket filled with water beside him.

As I moved my head to look at my old friend a splitting pain that started at my ear then quickly spread down like wildfire coursed through my body, causing to groan once again.

Although this seemed to catch Ace's attention because his head snapped up with a look of relief on his face before he started his rant. " Yeah, you shouldn't move much. You overused your powers, which might I add could kill you from the inside out. Then on top of that, you pick a fight with a fucking goddess. A goddess. An immortal being that has been alive for a millennium. Ring a bell? She got you pretty good too. You have three fractured ribs, two bruised ribs, a gash on your neck that almost hit your jugular vein. And because you're so stupid I'll tell you what that means! You could have drowned in your own blood! And on top of that, you have like four cuts on each of your limbs and a broken ankle. How you even lasted in that fight I will never know. And now you have a fever from overextending your powers. Gods you have to take better care of yourself! Do you know how worried I was! Not to mention the crew! We thought you went even going to last the night! Just..donot scare us like...please. I don't... I don't think I would... be able to t-take i-it." By the time he was done he was in tears, and choking on sobs.

Despite the pain, I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. Ace, best friend turned and cried into my shoulder, and it was in that moment I realized how hard it must be for him to be a doctor. Having to inform a love one of the others passing. Having to stay positive trying to reassure everyone that another would be alright, while they were dying on a cold hard slab. It was in that moment that I really appreciated all he had done for me and our friendship. I know I would die for him, and he would die for me too.

We sat there for a few minutes until he calmed down.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to cry like some weak child" Ace whispered not meeting my eyes.

"You know what someone once told me?"

He shook his head,

"They said people cry when they have been strong for too long, and I think they were right. You're a doctor, you know it's not good to keep your feelings bottled up. And a good cry every once and awhile is a good thing. It only proves that you have something dear to you that you don't ever want to lose. Crying isn't childish or weak. It takes guts to cry, and show that you harbor those feelings. The feeling of many things, happy, sadness, erm.."


"Yeah! It's a good thing, and you can't stay strong forever. Plus most of us on this ship grew up way too quick. If we were just regular mortals, you probably would be working at that old bakery you've always dreamt of with your family."

"Well, you seem like you've always been strong, even now your comforting me while you're all injured and sick," Ace mumbled looking at my chest, still refusing to make eye contact.

"I wasn't always strong. I used to wail over a scraped knee. I just had... to grow up quick. And I still cry even nowadays. Not often but when I do I can't be on the ship, just in case my emotions leak through my powers and cause damage with the sea. And I can't promise I won't be on Hades' doorstep again. I can't promise that when all I want and need to survive are you guys, my crew safe and sound. If I have to die, or walk through Tartarus itself to do it then I will. You guys are the only family I have left." A single lone tear fell dow my cheek as I lift his head making him look int my eyes. " I would do anything in and out of my power so you guys could live, not survive, but live. My dream is that everyone will be able to follow their dreams. To get married and have six kids if that is what they wished. That is my dream I want to see everyone happy and well. But to do that I have to choose the times I am strong and choose the time I can mourn and weep. I apologize that I had caused you so much grief, but the only thing I need is you guys out of harms way...out of the gods' reach. Do you understand that even if I promised I could never keep it, even if I tried? That is my fatal flaw after all."

He nodded. " Thank you".

"No, I should be the one to thank you. You have stayed with me through thick and thin. You have been by my side and have been a true friend I could count on. And plus if it wasn't for you I would have already been dead ages ago".

" I guess that's true" He nodded starting to see where I was going with this.

"You guess? Ace you just saved my life like what an hour ago-"

"Actually you've been out for the entire day since dawn and the sunset like an hour perhaps",

"Wait what! Is everyone alright? No one got hurt, did they? And what of the hunters, they didn't come after we did they?" I shot out in a panic.

"No they didn't come after us, from what I could tell so far, but I think we will be seeing them again real soon. I have a bad feeling too, like something bad is going to happen".

My mind flashed to my dream. Mr. I-Have-Manners-But-Aren't-Going-To-Use-Them said something about a guest. My only hope was that it eas no one from the crew, or someone that is very close to us.

(A/N) Happy New Year! Thank goodness too, if 2016 lasted any longer the world might have ended. Just kidding! I already love 2017 and it started (for me) like an hour ago. Gah Sherlock series 4 is starting up, Cars 3 is coming out, Beuty and the beast too. (right?) Oh and winter id going away, thank goodness for that! The storm cleared up today so I had to shovel like 15 inches, and my driveway is sorta large! Oh, you guys can't thank a fellow Death Note fan for this chapter. I have to remind you that if you pressure me, it actually make me want to do the thing and the chapter comes out sooner than a decade. Whelp I hoped you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!! XD

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