Chapter Seventeen

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"Ahh Perseus, I see your back once again. Oh, I almost forgot I'm introducing you to my second most favorite guest.


A scream sounded throughout the darkness. The scream was filled to the brim with pain and torment.

"Ahh, how I love that noise" Mr. No-Name almost giggled!

The scream died down only leaving heavy breathing and the occasional drip of what I could only assume was blood.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave me and my crew alone, not to mention that person?"

"Oh Perseus, Perseus," he tisked, " I'm doing this because it's fun. Do I really need more of an answer... wait there's more to this answer but, it's classified. As on why bother you? Well I find it intriguing you are such an interesting pawn of the gods you so hate"

"I am not their pawn, nor will I or my crew ever be" I belted to the darkness!

"Oh hush now Perseus. I wasn't finished talking. Anyway, as I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted. This is my guest, she is such a lovely girly. Her name is Alma. I do believe you have met".

With a click of his fingers, a light flashed on revealing a bleeding, bruised girl in torn black clothes. Her long greasy black hair was matted with blood and dangled in her haggard face. After a moment I realized that this was the same person that had tried to assassinate me on the Moon Dagger that night when I was receiving supplies from Pete.

"Why is she here," I asked very curious now?

"Well, I thought I would do you a favor. After all, I would think getting these dreams night after night would be a nauseous. Although I am quite curious on who wanted you dead, so much so that they would hire six of the best-trained assassins in the world. Did you know that she was part of an elite team that in the world of assassins? They were claimed to be the best of the best"

"Rewind a moment... you're not the one who sent them? I was starting to assume you were the one who did that" I sighed.

" I am hurt you would assume that. Does it look like I'm the type that would try to kill you? As for who wanted you dead, I have no clue! She hasn't said a word yet"

Very interesting I would think. On a second thought, he could be just saying this, but it doesn't make sense. What would his motive be? And really does he look like he would try to kill me he says! Heh... well, I haven't seen him personally... But still, he sounds like it! Gosh, I'm getting sidetracked again!

"How can I be sure you're not just saying this? And did you try to just ask her before you went to torture her?"

"Did I ask her! Um... no, I didn't think of that..." He murmured.

Ihg these people are so stupid! I mean I know you're trying to be all evil and stuff but, come on! Use your damn head... and is he really even it out with this line of work?

" Looks like our time is up Perseus. I'll be waiting for your next visit" Mr. He-Who-Does-Not-Have-A-Name suddenly purred creepily. 

I bolted upright. When I looked around I noticed I was in my cabin once more. Light was shining through the cracks in the door and blood splatters covered the floor, most likely from when I was carried in her. The bucket Ave was using was still on its side and it looked like all the water was locked up, probably from the giant god that was still sleeping lazily in the corner.

I slowly sat up wincing at the pain that coursed through my abdomen. Slowly I Pulled my soft azure blanket off my body and swung my legs off the side of the bed. I suddenly felt lightheaded and my vision turned black at the edges, due to losing my breath. After a few minutes of pained breathing, before It was back.

Grabbing on to the bed post I hauled myself up onto my feet, leaning all of my weight onto my right leg and the post itself, trying my best to not damage the crisp gauze. Slices of pain continued to course through my body as I slowly tried to turn my head to take a quick look around for something to help keep my balance.

Luckily I found just what I was looking for. Bad news it was across the room and behind Mrs. O'leary. I took a step with my left foot, before hissing and realizing I had a broken ankle. So I opted for a new strategy. I sat back down on my bed then slowly scooted myself to the bottom. Five feet into my journey and man did I feel awful, but I'll be damned before I give up.

I stood and once again shifted my weight to my right, I then stretched my body to grab ahold of the chair that was conveniently placed nearby, and tugged the rest of my body over. Two more feet until victory. A victory I'll be worshiped for! With that thought in mind, I leaped forward like a gracefully like a knight in full armor. As I landed I forgot about my ankle again and fell onto Mrs. O'leary who was watching me trying to achieve greatness.

After a moment Mrs. O'leary gave me a loot that told me she would be my battle stallion. She then let me ride on her back, but instead of racing to the sticks she walked out the door, that I swore was close moments before... It must have been magic. Mrs.O'leary is a wizard battle stallion! They must be rare!

"Captain what the hell are you doing out here" my loyal follower shrieked.

I looked at the sun that was in the front of the huge floaty thing... The battle turtle! Yes, that's the word for it. Then all the sudden a male was in front of my vision, whose name was a card in that one game with cards.

"Percy what are you doing out here! I thought I had ordered you to stay in bed for the week" the moving card hissed.

"Ahh Yes! But I choose not to follow such a request since I am the Princesses in these blue lands!"

"Fucking hell now he is hallucinating, and he reopened his cuts" Card face murmured to himself.

Wait......where are the other cards.

Sir Cards-a-lot was now escorting me back into my chambers muttering about how stupid some kid name Perry was and other things about health plants. He soon laid me on this really comfy bed with a blue blanket covering me. Then he turned away fiddling with Mr. Plant and some water.

"Here drink this it should help with the pain and the fever" he spoke softly with annoyance in his eyes.

"I shall drink this for immortality!" I replied before drinking the whole thing filled with a nasty brownish liquid.

I looked around the room a few more times before my eyes started to get heavy, so heavy I couldn't keep them open and slipped away...

(A/N) Ok guys as promised the next chapter. This started out like it was going to be important to the plot and then the next thing I know, it became more of a filler chapter. Oh and Um... Just in case anyone is wondering Card Face, exedra was Ace. So I hoped you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!! XD

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