Chapter Twenty-six

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Reyna POV

"Praetor Reyna, Doctor Coleman asked for me to give you a report on your wounded," The voice of the headstrong lieutenant called before the canvas entrance was pushed aside and the silver-clad girl entered.

"Very well," Reyna answered before gesturing Thalia to continue.

"According to Doctor Coleman, there is current seventy-eight injured, fifteen of those in critical condition and fifty dead so far. Oh, and she said that out of the seventy-eight injured only thirty-five can fight without, and I quote, bleeding out like a pig in a slaughterhouse," Thalia snorts at the last bit, clearly not used to doctors having such morbid senses of humor.

"Thank you for your report. You are dismissed," Reyna replied before turning to her paperwork and writing what was just said. Later that day she would have someone come and identified the dead so they could receive a proper funeral.

When Reyna didn't hear the canvas door flap open again she looked up seeing a nervous Thalia fiddling with her fingers, looking nervous to say something. A second later she opened her mouth before deciding against it and turning away about to leave.

Before she reached the exit the canvas flap was once again thrown open as a man decked out in armor and a sword at the hip raced in painting, before gasping out, "Praetor Reyna, they've returned but a few were injured including Centurion Grace".

"Thank you. I'll be there shortly. You are dismissed, return to your previous activities," Reyna spoke before turning to her papers once more.

"He's injured? We must see if he's okay! Why are you still sitting there, he could be dying!" Thalia shouting while waving her arms in disapproval.

"Lieutenant he's perfectly fine. If he was dead or on the way to it then that man would have said so, but seeing as that is not the case, the worse we should expect of the Centurion would be a concussion," Reyna spoke calmly, having learned from experience, "But I suppose you're right I still have to debrief him and such. You're welcomed to come along as long as you don't speak until I'm done. Do you understand?"

"Yes I understand," Thalia spoke only half paying attention, as her attention was currently elsewhere.

The two walked in silence to the medical tent and entered before immediately spotting the blonde Centurion.

"Praetor Reyna. I was wondering when you would come to find me," Jason giggled out before turning to Thalia," And who might you be? I'm Jason Grace son of Jupiter and Centurion of the fifth cohort".

"I'm Thalia Grace Luitentit of the hunters of Artemis," Thalia spoke hesitantly, wondering how her brother might react.

Jason only giggled again before saying," Wow we have the same last name. What are the odds? Have you ever seen a blueberry bush? I haven't, but I love blueberries. Some of the berries look like blueberries but they aren't, and they're poisonous, like snakes. I don't like snakes".

"Praetor Reyna," a somewhat shy and hesitant voice spoke. Reyna turned towards the voice spotting a small Carmel colored girl with bushy brown hair and hazel colored eyes.

"Yes," Reyna replied curtly.

"Well I was on the mission with Jason and I was his second in command so I can tell you whatever you need to know. Also, the doctors here put Jason under some type of drug with a really long scientific name that I have forgotten but he's going to be out of it for a little while."

"Very well. I was going to have Jason debrief me on what happened while you were away but I'll just let you do that instead. What's your name and years of service".

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