Chapter Twenty-two

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"Poseidon, how was your conversation with Perseus?" Zeus inquired from his ivory marble throne.

Poseidon shook with anger before speaking, " My son has refused to join our cause. When I tried to apprehend and bring him in he resisted and got away".

"He got away? Wasn't he in the middle of the ocean? The one place where you power is strongest? Ha, so much for being the great god of the sea that every sailor fears" Athena sassed.

"He needs to be killed. He is too strong, and in the wrong hands, he will kill us all" Posideion ragged.

"Now now Uncle lets not be too hot-headed. Trying to kill him will only turn him against us, and as of yet, he is still neutral. Not to mention he doesn't seem to care for war. All he cares about is his crew", Apollo reasoned.

"Then we should just capture his crew and use them against him. It's logical, and it will ensure he doesn't betray us. We can also make him swear an oath" Athena suggested.

"Yes but there are ways around an oath, and one can only leash a wild beast for so long before they break free or turn".

"Then we wait for him to resurface, and join the fight on his own. He has friends that are loyal to us." Zeus declared.

"Yes, that would be the wisest course of action" Athena agreed.

"Then this meeting is dismissed."


"Dammit!" A voice cried panting, "there's too many of them. We need back up".

"I know Zang! Everyone Retreat behind the barrier" Another voice shouted over the chaos. "Carry the wounded to the tents and get them patched up!"

"Centurions meet in the command tent in ten" Praetor Frank Zang ordered. Everyone moved, working as quickly as they could.

Once everyone was in the large tent and around the table littered with maps and papers they began.

"We're out of time. The Amazons aren't going to make it here for another 2 days. We have close to 50 dead and nearly 78 injured" Hank reported.

"Reyna we need to evacuate and head somewhere. We cant stay here. It's certain death if we do" Dakota stated.

"We cant were surrounded, about three or four legs out a camp of monsters are awaiting orders to attack from the back" Frank growled in frustration.

It was silent. Everyone thinking, trying to get themselves out of the situation.

"Wait, we still might have a chance" heads whipped up in curiosity.

"what are you talking about"?

"The Sea Wolf. He is a beast on the battlefield. Monster quiver before him. He turns any beast before him into dust. He-"

"Yeah Renya that would help, if he wasn't just a make-believe pirate old men tell around campfires and kingdoms pretended were real" Larry spoke.

"Reyna as much as I'd like to believe it we need a real option, and now not a good time for myths" Frank spoke.

"Don't you see were out of options and out of time. What we need is a myth, a- a monster of our own" Renya argued.

"Even if we go with your ridiculous plan how are we ever going to convince him to join us and get here before everyone is slaughtered"

"Not to mention we don't even have a way to contact him"

"Oh, don't worry about that, I have the rest under controlled. Meeting dismissed!" Reyna orders with a smirk, but that soon vanished when she realized, she really didn't know how she was going to get Percy to willingly join a battle, no a war that has nothing to do with him. To put his crew into harm's way, when that could easily be avoided.

Putting her doubts aside she picked up one of the golden drachmas that Percy had given her so long ago and threw into the rainbow that was cast from a little crystal.

Taking a deep breath she spoke, "Fleecy do me a solid and show me, Percy Jackson, aboard the Moon Dagger".

The image shifted and showed Percy and his crew around a large table somewhere in the hold laughing and yelling, recounting stories and past adventures while eating a big feast. Half of the crew had rosy cheeks, from what could only be an effect of the beer that occasionally spilled over the mugs in their hands.

Suddenly racked with guilt, at the thought of breaking up this family. Of how some of these smiling faces would be gone forever, because of her decision she spoke, "Percy, can I talk to you?".

Percy turned around with a lopsided grin that seemed to get larger upon seeing who was calling for him. "Reyna! How are you? Where are you? What's your rank? You know back in the day I was in the 5th Court, they even wanted me as Praeter, but I declined. Oh, have you met Argentum and Aurum yet? Those dogs were such sweethea-"

"Percy, are you drunk?" Reyna asks incredibly.

"Wha~ No. I'm not drunk, I'm just... buzzed. Haha like a bee. Zzzz. Its, It's okay I'm a god, a demigod. It'll fade soon"

"This is the man that will save us all?" Reyna muttered to herself.

"Did you say somethin' ", Percy asked?

"Nope", Reyna said almost too quickly, "Percy I need to talk to you, it's important. People's lives are on the line".

Percy face darkened and he seemed to sober up immediately, "I'll call you back in a second". He spoke before swiping through the image.

A few moments later an image shimmered to life. Percy stood in the Captain's cabin now, looking more serious then he's he's ever looked before.

"What's the situation," he asked quietly?

"There's an army of monsters, just outside the barrier. We've fought them off multiple times but they just keep coming. Kill one three replace them. The Amazons are coming but they don't get here for another two days and were not going to last that long" Reyna reported.

"How many casualties"?

"50 dead. 78 injured and in need of medical attention."

“How long will the barriers hold, better yet how long you be able to last on your own?”

“The barrier itself is on its last legs. We have 3 hours at the most. We also have 200 people that can still fight, but once the barrier is down the city will be under attack. There are still a bunch of children and pregnant mothers still within, we tried to evacuate, but only a small population had escaped. They took 20 of our best soldiers with them.”

“Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can.” Percy replied with an air of finality.

(A\N) Hey guys... Its been a while hehe. I Just want to thank anyone who has stayed and continue to watch for the next update. I'm very sorry for such a long wait. I have no excuse. At one point I didn't have the will, nor time to continue writing, I even hated the thought of writing for a little while.  Then I read some of the comments and I re-read the story and felt that familiar rush you get when you create something amazing. Once again sorry for not updating a long while, and thanks for all the love and support. I hope to see ya'll very soon. So I hoped you liked it an all that Jazz! Till next time!!XD

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