Chapter 30

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"Ahh Perseus, you're back I was begining to miss your pretty little face." A voice echoed around the dark cavern.

So he was with this rude fuck back in the dark ass cavern... "I don't have the patience to deal with this. What do you want?" I all about growled clenching my fist.

"Is that really the way you talk to an old friend?", It asked.

"Oh please, I talk to my friends in a worse manner. And generally I know my friends' names. Seeing as I don't know your's I can hardly say we are friends.

"I see your point." It mused, "Anyway I have a surprise for you. You remember that assassin that tried to kill you?"

"You mean the one that tried to kill me like months ago? I thought you would have killed her by now." I was begining to get a headache. I should be awake right now anyway. I have stuff I need to get done, and I am kind of on a scheduall, but it would seem as it the Fates don't particually care. Actually they are probably laghing at me right now.

"The very same. Anyway I have came up with a new torture... although I think its going to kill her but I should draw out some information. She is awfully tight lipped even after her very long visit here" If it had a body he would probually be rubbing his chin. To be honest it was kinda creepy just talking to the darkness. "Here I'll show you her".

Suddenly there were screams echoing around the caveren as a light flicked ahead. After a moment I realised the light was a flame, illuminating a girl bound to a metal table. Ontop of her sat a glass case of rats, trying desperately to escape the heat from the flames, some even resorting to digging through Alma to reach cooler air.

"Now tell me who sent you to kill my dearest friend and I'll stop the pain." The voice boomed, making Alma jump in fright.

"I-I'll... I do-n't Knoow! He- Ahh. He did-n't give a n-name!" She panted between screames arching her back.

"Surely you know something."

"I- He c-came in ligh-tning!"

"He came in a flash of lighting." Percy muttered under his breath. What had he done to Zeus lately that would warrent such treatment?

"Y-yes. And h-e seemed nerv-vous to-oo" she cried out between her sobs and screams.

That doesn't sound like Zeus. Zeus is never anything but cocky and confident, if not a bit dramatic. And by a bit I mean alot. He could totally be the god of bad dramatics. If he were to ever make a play, it would be terrible and no doubt he would play every role.

"Anything else you wish to add?" He asked bringing me out of my highly intelligent thoughts.

"No-o I sw-ear! That's ev-reything I Kn-now!"

"Thank you for your cooperation sweet cheeks!" It thanked, " Any way Perseus It seemes you need to go, I wish you could stay longer but I'm on a tight scheduall and I have things I need to do today. So Bye by-".
"Percy! Percy wake up! Its morning! My sword is ready." A very load voice shouted as the sourse jumped up and down on the bed, like a kid on festival day.

With a groan Percy rolled over, shoving his head beneath a pillow, already knowing that it was going to be a very long day. A second later a body was thrown over Percy's side, making the demigod gunt with the unexpected force.

"Shhhh", Percy hissed rolling over and wraping his arms aroung the pale boy, who thought he could wake up The Great, Percy- The SeaWolf -Jackson and get away with it. "Its sleep time".

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