Chapter Two

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Captain Jackson POV

I woke up more refreshed than normal. Although one thing surprised me. I didn't have any dreams which rarely ever happens.

As I ponder over the cause of this rare occasion I climb down from the fighting top and strut over to the Fo'c'sle and lean up against the rail.

It was quiet and no one was awake yet. Not surprising seance I normally wake up at an "ungodly hour" as my first mate Ace, so kindly put it.

"Looks like you are in need of some company" Reyna observers in a less raspy voice than the one she used yesterday.

"I guess I could use some company" I responded not looking over my shoulder.

She approaches on near-silent feet and takes up a spot next to me. It was quiet for a while, both of us watching the sunrise at the horizon and vibrant colors filling the sky.

Finally, I decided to break the silence "So umm... are you liking the weather".

The minute that sentience left my mouth I regretted it. I mean I'm am one of the most notorious pirates in the seven seas and that's the best I could come up with?

"That was a horrible attempt to strike up a conversation," she says with a hint of a smile on her lips.

"It sounded better in my head" I mumbled with a slight frown still ranting in my head.

She huffed a laugh, her lips displaying a full grin at this.

A few more minutes of silence follows this until she says "My sister and I would like to go to Camp Jupiter. Well, at least I do. She wants to go join the Amazons"

Any trace of happiness leaves my face at this but, I put on a fake smile and nod like I always do.

Before she could say anything else it was time for breakfast. Out of everyone Reyna and Hylla ate the most. It must have been because they were held captive by Blackbeard.

Breakfast soon ended and I took up my place at the wheel humming quietly to myself. It was one of the most famous pirate songs around, although it doesn't really have a name. It was one of those songs that seemed to just come into being without a real source... In the end, my mother was the one who taught me it before I could even walk.

After a while, a beautiful voice that could rival any siren joined in singing the words. My mother's voice.

We're off to the seas and his men
Us pirating thieves to find us some gold
Some may stay and some may leave
But the adventure is just as old

One may die as a million may trie
Because gold ain't always good
Best to leave 'em treasures alone
Before you see horrors that shake you to your bone

Beware, young man, the things that bleed
and in the shadows lurk
please, young man, beware
and never lay eyes on its evil smirk

We're off to the seas
us pirating thieves to find us some gold
some may stay and some may leave
but the adventure is just as old

By the last verse, she was gone. Vanished into the wind. Like she was never there in the first place.

It's not like I would be surprised if it was truly her. It's not like it hasn't happened before.

Captain JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon