Chapter Ten

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Captain Jackson POV


And that's where it hit me. Imperial ship. Celestial bronze weapons. It was the ship we raided not even seven moons ago.


Whatever is happening with the mortals has to be tied with my dreams, cause there is a storm brewing and when the storm finally hits there will only be carnage in its wake.

"...ercy...Percy" A voice shouted!

"Huh" was my dumb response as my thoughts continued to race, trying to piece together this damn puzzle even if I didn't have all the pieces.

"You zoned out for a second. Are you alright" Leo questioned?

"Oh yeah. I'm alright"

"You know something don't you" He accused.

"Well that ship that stole your weapons, we just raided that ship seven moons ago and I've been having these... dreams. Some are about the gods and some are with this man. I don't know who the man is, but he feels ancient and very very powerful... Maybe even more powerful than the gods." Leo just listened as I spoke, nodding with this look in his eyes, like all the little gears in his mind were spinning, taking in all the information and trying to produce an answer.

"What are the dreams like, or more importantly what is happening in the dreams" was his only response.

"Well the first dream was of the gods. They were talking about something big happening and about having to find demigods to help fight in the upcoming war I think. And there was something about a prophecy somewhere in there. Then another one had a man in it. It kinda seemed like he could see me, because he talked to me and said "until he meet again" or something like that at least. I've also have been having more dreams about my past...but almost seems as if something is looking for something in them. I...I can't explain it" I recall.

Leo nodded before he spoke, "I think there is going to be another war and a lot of innocent demigods and mortals are going to get caught in the crossfire. I think this war is either going to kill us all or it's going to change us forever."

The room started to become suffocating, like the walls were collapsing in on them, just that conformed thought changed everything. Percy needed air, needed to figure out what in the world will become of the future.

"I...I need some air" he mumbled before walking out of that too small shop.

Percy walked past the small market, pass some old taverns, and into the nearby woods.

Percy's mind was filled with questions. Too many questions and not enough answers.

"Who was the man in my dreams, because the information seemed more vital now than it did when I first had the damn dream. hmm, it's funny how during the present things didn't seem nearly as important as they do when it's gone". Percy's thoughts were suddenly cut off by a scream and a sickening crunch.

Percy by instinct ran towards the screaming, not paying attention to the tree branches that ripped at his clothes and face. Nor did he pay attention to the burning in his lungs as he pushed his legs to the limit. The one thing he did pay attention to was keeping his breathes even and his ears open.

Finally after seemed like ages Percy burst into a worn dirt road that looked as if it hadn't been use in a long while. Percy quickly hid himself in the bushes, breathes as even as possible.

There, a wagon with bars and two men in all black gripped a young abnormally skinny boy with midnight black hair and pale skin. He had dark brown eyes with bags underneath them, as if he hadn't had sleep in weeks.

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