Chapter Thirteen

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Percy POV

I woke up to the salty sea air and the fiery light of the sun in my eyes. It felt as if I just closed my eyes mere seconds ago. I desperately wanted to go back to the realm of Morpheus and doze for hours, but I couldn't. It felt as if I was missing... or forgetting something. I just couldn't grasp what It was.

As I sat up I felt a pain in my neck. It felt as if my head was trying to disconnect itself from my body, most likely from the position I fell asleep in. Rubbing the pain out, I mulled over the events of the previous day trying to figure out what I was missing.

First I talked to Leo... then went to the woods and found Nico and men talking about the "Underground". Whatever that is. Then Nico and I came back. Then people started to go to bed, and the Warmth came. I named him Auria... Auria... Auria!

He was the entity that apparently no mortal... or demigod has heard of since he is older than humankind. Or at least something like that. But who...what was he? Surely there is some document about him.

With that thought in mind, I maneuver my way down the fighting top and race to my quarters. Opening the door as quietly I could (as to not disturb the dog) and slipped in through the crack. I then make my way to the old oak bookshelf and pick up the first book I see and leaf through it before looking at the title. The title read Killing Mockingbirds. Where I had found this book, I have no clue.

I picked up book after dusty book trying to find anything even close to what Auria was like. Anything would work. I just needed something!

Then I came across the last book. It was my mother's journal, filled with her handwriting. The sharp peaks and gentle loops. The ink blotches, and if you smelled hard enough you could almost catch her scent. The smell of flowers, and comfort.

I had never read anything in this book. I just put it in a corner on my bookshelf, not wanting to go down that painful path. The path I still haven't come off of, but I needed answers. I needed to know If Auria was safe and could be trusted. I needed to know why... why he called me prince.

So I opened the dust covered, leather bound book and gingerly turned the old yellowed pages, filled with my mother's story until I stumbled across a passage in the middle of the book. It read;


I turned 19 today. It was fun, my mother and father were there, although they seemed worried. Now that I think about it everyone did. Although I can't put my finger on it.


Yesterday, the strangest thing happened. After I went up to bed everything seemed to go silent. Even the endless muffled shouting seemed almost non-existent. Then a warm feeling washed over the room, hugging me in a warm embrace. After just sitting there for awhile I heard a voice whisper to me. At first, it just said my name. Then after a while, we had a conversation. He kept referring to me as a princess, which did indeed make sense. But how could he possibly know that? That was a closely guarded secret only a few trusted souls knew, yet I didn't feel the least bit worried that he knew, and I still don't. He also said that he was a protector and that he would protect me. I don't know what he would protect me from, but I still don't seem to care. It's like... not all of the warm feeling vanished from last night when he left... I didn't even think this... everything that was happening was real. I thought this was just a dream until I woke up and saw at the foot of my bed a flower crown, made with cactus and its flowers.

The passage did little to answer my questions. Why was it not a surprise when she was called princesses. And why would he be a protector? What would he need to protect her from? And what was with the cactus crown? Wouldn't it hurt with all those thorns?

I scanned through the next few pages searching for clues on what happened next but the book ended abruptly the last thing that was left was a sketch of a cactus crown, that indeed looked like a crown nobility would wear, but there was something else at the bottom of the page. It was written in a different ink and seemed newer than all of the other words. The writing was also slightly different instead of sharp peaks and gentle loops there was soft peaks and slanted loops, it felt more... mature, and careful, as if it wanted to be found. There was only one sentence and it read;

Trust the Warmth my sunshine, for he will bring you home.

I have no idea what the could possibly mean. If I lose the ship he will bring me back? At least I know he can be trusted. If my mother said he can, then he can, right? Ugh, I thought I would get answers for at least most of my questions, but I ended up getting more confused than ever. Well, I'll find out what this all means sooner or later, but I still can't get rid of that small nagging in the back of my head, yearning for answers.

Just as I was about to sit down on my bed in utter defeat, there was a loud commotion outside. Did I hear shouting and... was that sword?

I raced out the door, nearly tripping over a cowering Mrs. O'leary on the way out, and find everyone clad in weapons, while Ace was ushering kids down into the hold. There were clusters of sailors and... some other foe fighting, while others were releasing arrow after arrow.

"Stop!" I exclaimed as loud as I could. The waves got bigger with my shout, and the water helped carry my cry until ever one had halted, even the silver clad foe.

"Peruse Jackson I and my fellow maidens are under orders to bring you to Olympus. If you do not come willingly I will use force" said an auburn hair girl around the age of thirteen.

"And who are you, If I may ask" I replied even more cautiously than before.

"I am Artemis goddess of the hunt, wilderness, the moon, childbirth, and many other things. Now, boy, will you come willingly?" The goddess Artemis questions with her bow drawn and pointed at me.

"No" I breathed before all hell broke lose.

(A\N) Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you guys are haveing an amazing vacation! How was the chapter? Oh and sorry, I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school, and trying to catch up from taking like two weeks off because sickness decided to plague me. Has anyone seen the teaser trailer for Cars three? It's crazy and now I can't wait till 2017, mostly for other things, though, like Sherlock season 4. Gahh! that's going to be crazy. Whelp I hope you liked it and all that jazz. Till next time! Peace!! XD

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