Chapter twenty-eight

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"Percy I'm bored," The whiny voice of Ace came from the ground he was laying on.

"Hi, bored I'm Percy," Percy puffed out still continuing to steer the ship because let's be honest, the Captain was bored too.

"Peeeeerrrrcy" Ace called again, this time nudging the captain's leg with his foot.

Percy sighed keeping his eyes on the open ocean again. "Don't you have a girlfriend you can bother?"

"Yeah but she's scary when I annoy her. She could kill a man and no one would know," Ace sighed dreamily.

"I have killed a man and no one knew," Percy grumbled.

"Yeah but that's different, you would never kill me. You love me!" Ace chirped with a smile on his face, looking up at the sky.

"Are you sure though?"

Ace hummed an affirmative.

"You know what you could do?" Percy asked.


"You could go downstairs and count all the food we have so we can see what we need to restock when we get to Athens," Percy already knew what they needed but, at this point, he would do just about anything to make Ace leave him alone.

"Naww that's too boring, and didn't you do that last night, when you thought everyone had gone to sleep?" Ace asked, picking at some invisible lint on his shirt.

"Nope," Percy lied, speaking it too quickly to be remotely considered true by even a five year old.

"I see."

"Why don't you go down into the hole and play cards with someone?"

"I don't want to" Ace sighed.

It was silent for a few moments. Nothing but the calm waves and the brilliant blue sky. Peaceful even, until IT spoke again. "I'm booorrred".

"I swear to all the gods above I'm going to kill you," Percy growled annoyed.

It was silent again and Percy took that as a sign of victory. With a sigh of relief, he soaked in the sun that Apollo was giving in abundance, feeling fully relaxed.

"Percy," Ace called.

"Yes," Percy replied.

"I'm Bored"

"That's it!" Percy yelled wiping away from the wheel and using his powers to keep on course. "I'm going to kill you, very slowly and then feed your remains to miss O'Leary".

Ace having already been on his feet when Percy whipped around, bolted laughing. The chase was on. Percy race after the laughing first mate.

They quickly round the mast when Percy stopped. They were at a standstill. Ace faked left Percy followed. Ace fake right Percy stood still. Ace fake left before attempting to sprint right, but instead, he slipped on a puddle of water that he could have sworn wasn't there before. When he looked up and saw Percy's grin and his suspicions were just confirmed even more.

"You cheated" Ace wined crossing his arms and pouting like a five-year-old.

"Did not. You just happened to slip on some water. I did nothing," Percy spoke grinning and telling an obvious like.

Suddenly Ace grinned up at Percy. Suddenly cautious Percy took a step back, crossing his arms and getting in a ready position.

Ace grinned even more before commanding, "Get him".

Suddenly twenty little gremlins attacked from various positions on the deck. Percy screeched as he went down, the children laughing creepily as he did so. Percy laughed as he tried to fight back but couldn't. He was pinned. Two children sitting on every appendage.

Ace then approached with a bucket grinning. Perry struggled more before water was suddenly poured on him. He looked up grinning at Ace perfectly dry.

"You do remember that water is my element right?" Percy asked rather amused.

Ace pouted," I forgot".

Percy grinned before using his powers and lifting all the water that was meant for him and making it fly in and hit all of his captors in their faces.

Numerous screams were heard as Percy escaped.

By the time the kids turned to find the escapee Percy was already twenty feet away.

"Get him!"

Percy held his hands out slowly backing away from the murderous probably man-eating children. "Now, now we can talk about this...." the children still approached as Percy backed up, "guys... you don't have to do this. Guys? Family?" Percy back hit the wall that his cabin was connected to.

Looking around frantically he saw that he was surrounded. Then he looked up to see if he could escape that way. He could not.

Percy suddenly gasped looking at some random point in the open ocean, "look a whale!"

The kids, Ace included gasped before darting to the railing.

"Where is it?" one of them asked.

"He lied," another said angrily.

"I thought he couldn't lie very goodly," the smallest one said.

"well apparently he can"

The kids turned around in search of the captain, but he vanished.

Percy gave a breathy laugh from where he watched their search from the fighting top. Far from reach.

"Looks like you got yourself into some trouble" a voice laughed from behind him.

Percy screamed before turning around and seeing the source.

"Nico you can't do that. You about scared the life out of me" Percy complained with a hand on his chest. "Wait you're not going to turn me in right?"

"Hmmm" Nico spoke rubbing his chin in thought.

"Before you do anything just know that I love you very much, and you shouldn't do that to your big bro"

"Well I was going to leave you be but now I'll just have to tell them." Nico sighed shaking his head in mock disappointment before leaning over the fighting top. "Guys he's up here!"

The heads below suddenly turned upwards looking at the horrified captain.

"He's too far" one of the kids wined before sitting on the deck.

"Agreed. Who wants to play cards?" Ace asked.

A chorus of cheers came from all around before they all sit in a circle on the deck and began to play Go Fish.

(A\N) Alright, this was a short chapter but it was the only way I could make it move on to the next part. So the next chapter that's already half finished should be out soon. I think this was a fun kinda fluffy and happy chapter. That might change very soon , but who knows, certainly not I. ANyway I hoped you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!! XD

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