Chapter Twenty-seven

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Reyna bowed before the Amazon Queen decked out in full imperial gold armor, with a crown sitting elegantly upon her head.

"You may rise Praetor Reyna." The queen spoke clearly, power radiating off her in waves as the some hundred women stood behind their queen, ready to lay their lives down should someone harm their queen. They truly looked like some divine saviors, all in shining golden armor with the sun rising at their backs.

Reyna rose slowly from her bow, followed quickly by Hazle and Thalia the only two that decided to tag along to further ensure the safety of their leader and friend.

The two powers stared down at each other, daring the other to submit before suddenly the queen broke out into a grin and opened her arms. Reyna didn't hesitate, ignoring the confused look from her companions and the warning glares from the queen's bodyguards.

Embracing the queen Reyna spoke voice full of relief and joy, "Hylla I've missed you. How have you been?"

Hylla only puffed out a laugh, squeezing her sister tighter not caring on how improper it looked. "I'm doing wonderfully. I landed my self quite a gig and it seems like you have too little sister. Ha, look at us, both the leaders of our own people."

Suddenly Reyna straightened from the hug and put on a blank face, as Hallya did the same.

"I'm relieved you were able to make it. If we received another attack we would have surely been wiped out. These are very dire and desperate times, with your arrival some of my worries have been eased." Reyna paused for a second before adding on, " Ah yes. This is Thalia Grace Luitenit of the hunters of Artemis".

Thalia stepped forward before bowing and simply saying, "Its a pleasure to meet you, your majesty".

"And this is Hazel Levesque Centurion of the Fifth Cohort." Hazle bowed before Reyna continued. "Unfortunately my fellow Praetor couldn't make your acquaintance at this time due to him currently investigated the western border"

Hylla nodded before waving a hand to an auburn-haired nymph to her right. " This is Kenzie my second in command and one of my generals. This," She waved she gestured to a girl with black, almost purple hair," is Lulu. Another one of my generals and my third."

Both girls took a step foreword hand extended for Reyna to shake. After Reyna shook the two generals hands she retreated a step before speaking, "Now if you'd follow me to our current command post".

Reyna started walking away with the three ladies following her when she suddenly stopped and turned back," Milady your army can set up camp if they'd like and if you can spare a few medics it would be greatly appreciated."

"Very well," Queen Hylla replied before turning to the armored women wielding spears and bows some even leading horses. "Set up camp. Five medics help the Roman's wounded and set up a perimeter."

The women bowed their heads before clashing their spears and bows on their shields or chest before replying in perfect unison, "Yes milady". They soon disappeared setting off to complete their orders.

Reyna, although impressed didn't show it. She turned once more leading the small group to the large purple tent. She then held the flap open for her new companions and allies.

"Praetor Reyna" Hylla started, watching as Reyna made her way to the top of the table, "I wish to know what the current status of your army is, and I wish to know of the monsters current movements". It wasn't a question it was a demand.

"Ahh, yes. Our numbers have greatly dropped since the first attack. At the beginning of the week, we had roughly three hundred and fifty soldiers. Now we have fifty, thirty-five of which are injured, and we have roughly two-hundred missing, all have been assumed dead." Reyna sighed, scrubbing at her face before lifting a couple of papers from the table. " As for the monsters. They seem to attack at random times throughout the day, but never at night. And despite having us nearly surrounded the have only attacked from the East. They've also attacked us daily." Reyna sighed once more, her eyebrows creasing in confusion, " Termus had informed us yesterday after the monsters were scared off, that he felt the western side of the border was weakened, so Praetor Frank Zhang went out to investigate earlier this morning. He should be back soon."

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