Chapter five

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Captain Jackson's POV

After the attack, Peet helped clean up the five bodies by throwing them overboard with a drachma in each of their hands so they could have passage into the Underworld. One of the bodies were disposed of I cleaned the deck of blood with my powers of the sea and a little soap. Surprisingly nobody woke up by all of the rackets.

Peet being finished with transporting the supplies (AKA prolonging going home to his murderous wife) left leaving me to sleep. I walked across the deck to the captains. As i laid down i welcomed the realm of Hypnos with open arms wishing for no dreams.

I'm so lucky I didn't have any dreams...not.

Third Person POV

Percy stood in the throne room on olympus. All the gods are were silent and pale as if they just got very, very bad news. There was no noise, nothing. Athena wasn't yelling at Prosidion. Apollo wasn't teasing Artemis while she threatened to realise an arrow and hit his man-hood. Not even Zeus said anything. Hades was in the shadows paler than normal. And the hearth seemed not as warm and inviting.

There was nothing, until Athena spoke in a small voice "And you're sure this information is correct. I mean positive and it's not just a theroy.

It was quiet for a moment until Artemis spoke " Yes sister. The monsters the hunt and I have killed were talking about it. Also less demigods have been returning to either camps, also from what I could see monsters have been traveling in groups.

Athena nodded gravely looking down at the ground, thinking of ever outcome of this news. She seemed to get paler and paler until she looked almost like a ghost.

Everyone seemed to wait for a good outcome. They seemed to wait for some good news, holding their breaths, looking for a light in the dark hour, but nothing came. Nothing, but they couldn't lose their faith, for when you lose your faith you lose hope and, then you are truly doomed. Even if only one person has faith then their is hope and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, at the end of the darkness.

Athena seemed like she had no ideas. No way out, but then one voice spoke up "Father...If we get the demigods to help in this battle and search the world for help we could still win. If...if we just prepare we can fight, fight for the world, and if we fail at least we went down with a fight and not cowering on Olympus. We must fight! The demigods would fight anyway, but if we join then there will be hope and we can raise above the darkness, and rule better. Learn from our mistakes. There is still hope, and a chance to will, however small".

Apollo's speech lifted everyone's spirit. The gods started to flash away and come back with news of old friends, old allies, and creatures so old they were almost forgotten about. The gods regained allies and made new ones going far and wide so they could fight. Fight the creature that threatened not only their friends and families, but the world. The gods were determined to protect the world they ruled over. A second later Apollo flashed in once again.

"Father, council I have a prophecy from Delphi" Apollo quaked. He seemed like he didn't want to say it. Apollo took a deep breath and started " A broken hero shall join the fight, To save or destroy all light, The final war shall begin, To rid the world of all sins, But if the light shall fail then all hope shall turn tail, and darkness shall descend to make a bitter end.

Then the scene changed. I was standing in total darkness, but it wasn't the type of darkness that was comfortable and that consoles me, it was the type of darkness that reeked of evil and I felt exposed. I heard a beet almost like a heartbeat.

"M-master the g-gods have found out a-about your plans" A voice quaked

"Good" a voice boomed, his voice seemed to echo around the darkness. His voice was dark and seemed anchit sending shivers down a normal man's spine, but Percy was no normal man.

It seems we have a guest" His voice belted. He seemed to give a pointed look, or something to the man because the next thing i heard was footsteps fleeing the scene. "Hello Perseus Jackson or should I call you Sea Wolf?"

"Percy is fine" I replied no emotion in my voice. His voice seemed to come from everywhere but nowhere all at once.

"Ohkay Perseus till the next time we meet" His voice seemed right in front of him now and the darkness seemed to grab out at him. The darkness wrapped around his neck and... the scene faded.

Captain Jackson's POV

With a gasp I woke up. My cabin was dark, but still inviting and warm, nothing like in my dream. Pushing my dream to the back of my mind I got up and got dressed. Walking out onto the deck i saw that the sun was just coming up and that surprisingly I wasn't the only one awake. It seemed Marry was an early riser too.

"Good morning Marry" I muttered. She jumped when she heard me.

"Oh good morning Captain, I didn't see you there" Merry rushed out.

"So are you going to stay with us or do you want to go to the camp or hunters" I asked since she was a greek and not I romen, plus it would be a little problem uniting the two groups, that would involve swords and blood, lots and lots of blood. Maybe even some torture.

"No Captain i'm going to stay here. It seems far more interesting than any type of camp" She replied, with just a barely noticeable blush.

"Oh? Do you find my ship, or the ship life interesting? Or perhaps a certain son of Apollo interesting" I teased. Her blush brightened till it represented something like a tomato.

"N-no the s-ship li-fe is in-tresting" she stuttered still blushing.

"It's alright you don't need to lie. I won't tell him" I responded to ease her worrying.

She let out a sigh of relief "Thank you Captain" She said still sounding relived.

"I mean only if he doesn't bother me. I might just slip if he does" I sang highly amused.

"Wa-wait Cap-" she started.

"Oh look breakfast is starting bye" I interrupted before running off.

I swiped an apple off the table with a piece of bread then ran off to hide from a very murderous child of Demeter. I ended up hiding behind the wheel munching on my apple and thinking. I only just started to think when I got interrupted from my thoughts (like always and by the same person every single time might I add).

"Ay Captain why are you hiding here" Ace questioned.

"No reason, tell me when breakfast is over" I told Ace. He nodded and walked away, leaving me to think about my dream.

"Was it real? Of Course it's real, no demigod dream wasn't at one point" I thought. "What did the prophecy mean, It couldn't be me, could it. I had my fair share of prophecies but this didn't seem like it was mine. Who was that voice, or more importantly what was that voice. All these questions but no answers. The fates love to ruin my life. First it was my mother then it was-"

"Ay Captain breakfast is over" Ace shouted interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Ohkay get the crew ready, were going on a raid" I commanded, my voice filled with authority.

" Aye-aye Captain" Ace beamed before racing off.

Standing up I used my powers to untie and retie the knots. The sails started to fill with wind and the ship jolted foreword. The Moon Dagger was soon out of the harbor and into open waters off to the ship we were going to raid before it could get to the harbor and stock up on supplies. According to Peet the ship was coming from the west and was due to be here in about six days. Which gave us about two days until arrival due to the fact that I was a child of Poseidon if I liked it or not.

(A\N) Well here is the next chapter, on time might I add (so now you can't kill me) Oh and you will find out about some of Percy's past soon. I would be lying if I said I didn't like dangling information right over your heads, Welp I hope you like it and all the jazz! Till next time!! XD

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