Chapter 31

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Why are we here Ares?”, a voice growled  from the left side of the room, “I swear if this is another thing about how we should go out and attack the monsters, I will personally kill you”.

What was happening? Where am I? Why cant I move?

“Actually, Im here to tell you the greatest news, and show you that I am beter then even you the great man hating Artims”,  I felt myself being picked up and moved to what was probably the center of the room.

“What did you do to him!” A male voice shouted, as footsteps came closer. It was soon followed by a warm hand, that grazed up and down my body, knitting some of the skin togeather and cooling the painful burns.

Burns? Burns… explosion. Bomb… there was a bomb…

“I caught him, didnt I Apollo? Thats better then what you’ve been doing” Ares barked as athump sounded from something wooden.

Apollo? Olympus…. I'm on Olympus…

Apollo didn't respond, but moved to place my head in his lap, “Percy, are you awake?” I tried to nod, but when it didn't move I tried to move my hand. He must have saw it twitch because he said. “Good. Dont move I have to fix your rib and anckle” I tried to flinch away and open my eyes, but I couldn't move without feeling as if my skin was about to tear open.

“Ares you could have killed him! And father said to stop the hunt. He would have came to us at one point anyway!” Another female voice yelled in outrage.

Like hell I would have come back to this hell hole. What a bunch of assholes.

“You did a good job Ares, now the nausesce is back within our grasps” A deeper voice laughed. A voice I could recognize anywhere… “I'll send you the pament we discussed nephew”

Still a dick I see…. Good to know things haven't changed much since Dim… let's not think about that.

“Posiden, you did this? How could you! He is your son! Look at him. He is nearly on deaths door!” The same woman spoke again.

Oh if you think this is on deaths door you have another thing coming lady…

“Silence Athena, it isn't any of your buissness, with what I do with my child”

Athena? Aww she cares about me… Wait. His what now? What a fucking dick! I'm no child of his!

I clenched my fist wanting to punch that thing in the fucking face. If only I could fucking move!

“Shhh Percy, dont move. You have some really bad burns” Apollo whisper comfertly, as he shifts me to my back. “Alright, this is going to hurt” Apollo spoke with a strain in his voice as he place his hand on my chest. A second later there was a sickening snap, as my rib shifted into place.

Fuck that hurt… Why is it always me? Cant I get a break…. Everything hurts… it hurts… hurts...

“Alright were almost done. Im just going to use my powers to heal up your burns and keep them from scaring. Now this is going to hurt like a bitch, as I have to accelerate your cell growth, while removing all the dead cell layers.” I moved my hand closer towards him, desperate for any comfort I could get. “Its alright buddy I got you” Apollo spoke softly into my ear while taking my hand and giving a gental squeeze. His other hand went to my forehead and began to glow slightly.

At first my body felt itchy… then it felt like millions of tiny knives and needles were slowly entering my skin and ripping skin off. Then I felt like I was on fire… every fiber of my being hurt. I was slowly burning alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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