Chapter nine

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Captain Jackson POV (I Think)

"We've been traveling to Athens for about three moons, which leaves about one more moon until we finally arrived. We've raided about three ships on our way and haven't encountered any monsters yet, which is very surprising since there are about one hundred demigods on the ship" I mused.

Suddenly everything seemed calm, almost too calm, like the calm before the storm. An island was up ahead, but I couldn't recall ever seeing an island there before. Even the maps didn't show it there, and an island couldn't just pop up in the middle of the ocean... well, it wasn't in the middle of the ocean, but still.

Not really thinking more of it. We continued onward although I was still weary of the quiet and mystery island.

Everyone was going about their business without worry or were taking naps below deck. Heck, some people were playing games like Pinochle, or dice.

Even with the peaceful, mood aboard I, still couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and as a demigod, you learn to trust your instincts.

"Hey, Ace" I called watching as Ace came racing up the steps to where I was standing at the wheel, holding the wheel, eyes moving every which way. It seems like he picked up on the too calm air too. "Can you escort everyone fifteen and younger to the hold, and the kids who can't fight".

"Aye, can do cap" He replied before leading a little more than half the crew to the hold, staying down there himself to help "tame" some of the younger kids. Before going down he asked Cas, a kid with brown hair and blue eyes, who was one of the few mortals that could see through the mist, on board, to lock the door from the outside so if stuff does go down no kiddies can get out and end up getting hurt...or worse.

After the door was locked I turned to see how many people were left. From what I could see there was about fifteen people not including me left eligible to fight. Everyone here was very skilled in their weapons if I remembered correctly.

As we get closer to the island I noticed there was ship wreckage everywhere, and it started to talk more effort to keep from crashing into anything.

There was one ship that looked oddly familiar. It looked like at one point it was fairly large, smaller than the Moon Dagger but larger than your typical fishermen's ship. The sails were black and there was a woman carved into the figurehead. The women had a slim face and pointy ears, her arms were extended outwards with her palms facing upward as if receiving a gift from the heavens. Her eyes were closed and long flower hair fell onto her face, she was beautiful, but it seemed as if she was a sign forever screaming at sailors to turn back. And it looked like some tried but soon sunk, blocking the path. The only way out of the eerie fog that seemed to surround the island was forward, because using my powers to push us backward was too risky.

"Hey, do you hear that, " Malachi asked?

"Yeah... It's...It's beautiful" Cas replied.

It looked as if everyone was going into a trance. They were swaying side to side as if listening to music. That's when it hit him... sirens. Percy didn't know why it didn't bother him... or why he couldn't even hear the music, but that wasn't important right now. What was important was saving his crew.

"Come on... Percy think. We need an idea," I yelled at myself, watching as the door to the hold started shaking, loud bangs emitting from behind it,

"Come on... Come on brain," I yelled again knocking on my head as I watched as everyone above deck climb up the rails, and prepared to jump.

All fifteen men lifted their foot up and started to take the last step.


This song. It was peaceful, but I still couldn't Alarm bells that were going off in the back of my head. All I could think about was the song and soon those alarm bells went silent.

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