Chapter 11

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Percy POV

Nico Di Angelo, I've heard that name before. It was rumored that he was a son of Hades but know one could ever prove it. Oh yes, I've heard of their downfall from an escaped farmer.

He told me in a gruff voice if I recall correctly, "These men stormed up to the palace and killed everyone there. I had a sister who worked there as a maid, mercy on her soul."

I had then asked a few questions like; how many men were there and What did the men look like... did they have godly swords?

"I didn't get to look at what they looked like because I was trying to get my family to safety but there were maybe a little over twenty" his eyes then flashed with grief and pain. I knew then that his family didn't get out alive and I left him in the tavern.

"Prince Nico huh? Well if we're going to get all formal I'm Captain Jackson the Sea Wolf at your service" I spoke with a bow, trying to ease a conversation out of the younger, heartbroken boy.

"Th-the Sea Wolf? But you're supposed to be-"

"Big? Scary? Maybe even riddled with scars everywhere, even on my beautiful face"

"Well yeah that's what I was told and that's what all the wanted posters say" Nico replied looking curious.

"I know the posters totally fail at capturing all this" I exclaimed making a weird pose, watching as Nico's eyes lit up with amusement and the corner of his mouth twitched upward, showing he was not yet broken and willing to put of a fight.

"Well, Nico why don't I show you the Moon Dagger and then if you don't believe that I just so happen to be the famous Captain Jackson you can leave to do whatever you want, but if you do believe that I am the captain you have to go to one of the camps for demigods to learn to protect yourself. Deal?" I bargained.

I just realized how much I use the word "Well". Well, I'm going to have to try to change that. What am I even thinking? Ugh, pay attention, Percy!

"Hmm deal" He answered simply, not seeming to notice I lost my thoughts for a moment.

I put my hand out for him to grab and hauled him up... but you could hardly say that I hauled him up because he was uncomfortably light. I'll have to make him eat some so he will get some meat on his bones.

The walk was in comfortable silence with birds chirping happily in the trees along with a few squirrels that were jumping from tree to tree to collect nuts. For some odd reason, I could have sworn there was a blue squirrel chasing a brown one that was being hunted down by a pinkish brown one... probably just my eyes playing tricks on me.

It took awhile to make it back into to town because we were about a league out. Probably why no one heard the screams unless they just couldn't care less about someone else's pain. Selfish pricks.

From town, we quickly make it over to the docks. Along the way, I became lost in thought letting my personal position system (PPS for short) kick in.

Hopefully, Nico would believe me so I could win this silly bet. Although I don't really know why I made this bet in the first place. Maybe it was because of the way he smiled even when he was in a dark place and it kinda reminded me of how I was after my mother's death... Lost and unable to find my way. Umm... anyway let's not be all depressing Percy and get back to the ship. There, the docks. I looked over to my right to see Nico nervously looking around as if something was going to pop out and get him. I quickly steered him towards the docks with a hand on his shoulder trying to reassure him that nothing could, or would get him while I was around. His shoulders seemed to relax a little and hunch only a fraction forward.

"Where is your ship anyway" Nico questioned in a whisper?

"Right there" I replied indicating to the ship on the end of the docking station.

His breath seemed to get caught in his throat and his eyes flashed an emotion that I could quite place. After a pause he took off into a sprint towards the ship, transforming into a child.

"Your ship is amazing! It's almost like the Argo," he started to mumble" which has power 185 cannon power. Not very good compared Zeus's lightning bolt that has 600 damage but then there is Hades who has 4000 attack power unless is attacked first in which case he would ha~"

"Nico," I said trying to stop his rambling about... I don't know... gods and power? What are you talking about"?

"Oh umm...Mythomagic". Awe his face is all red. How adorable is that?

"Hmm do tell what's this thing called a Mythomagic" I was slightly curious, but you know what they say curiosity almost kills the Percy.

"It's a card game... you know. And...and they make figurines. I almost have all of them, I'm only missing one" he replied with that happiness only a few could have, although a bit shy or maybe flustered at first.

"Hmm... I don't think I have ever played... or even heard of that game before" I say before I start to rake my brain. Going through ever card game I've ever played. Although it doesn't sound familiar something at the back of my brain seems to remember it or at least think it's important somehow.

"Ercy? Percy" a voice shouted!

"Damn did it again... Sorry, you were saying"?

"...Well, I wasn't saying anything, but I was going to say that we're here. And what did you do again.. If I may ask that is" he responded a bit sassy.

"Spaced out..," he looked confused for a moment before I clarified,"That's what I did again".


"Well, Nico, what do you think of my ship, heh and do you believe me," I asked although, by the was there was a glint in his eye and his breath seemed to catch I know he believed me.

"I think if I came aboard I will truly know" Nico stated matter of fact, but I'm pretty sure he was trying to make an excuse to get on the ship, without having me know. Like a game of chess, per say, even if he already had permission.

"Well go on kid climb aboard" That seems to be all he needed to hear before he broke into a sprint up the gangway and onto the ship, with me following much slower after.

Nico seemed to turn into a kid, with his eyes light with happiness and wonder. He raced across the deck bumping into people at times as he touched the mainmast, foremast, and the shrouds, all the while rambling on and about each thing. Saying the words too fast for anyone within hearing distance to understand what he was saying.

After a moment Nico released that I wasn't with him and he was rambling to nothing but thin air. He looked around for a moment before spotting me. With rose color cheeks, he dropped his head and briskly walked over to where I was casually leaning against the rail, watching him from the corner of my eye, all the while watching the two lovebirds, Ace and Marry talking on the fo'c'sle.

When Nico finally made it over to where I was I asked, "Belief me know"?

"Fine fine. I do"

I grinned. "Well, kiddo welcome aboard. You can decide whether you want to stay or go to one of the camps, but in the meantime, you can hang around".

I could already tell that we were going to become close, while he was here. I've always wanted a little brother.

(A/N) Well sorry for the late chapter... again. Hope you guys had an awesome Halloween., I know I did. Anyone watched the new Walking Dead episodes... well let's just say you better hope you didn't. I mean I'm not even In the show all that much and... Anyway, I have been writing future chapters and I think things are going to start picking up really soon. Love you guys! Whelp I hope you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!!XD

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