Chapter Seven

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Captain Jackson POV

It was a hellhound, but she seemed young judging by the fact she was just a little smaller than the tablet. She had deep gashes in her side, some you could even see parts of her ribs. Her fur was matted with blood and bullet holes and her body was littered with scars.

When I approached her she shrank back whimpering with a fearful look in her eye. That's when I noticed she had a silver collar that had a small black and silver sword with the words Mrs. O'leary carved into it.

This time, when I tried to get near her I put out my hand and sunk down to my knees. She looked at me with a weary eye before putting her large snout into my hand and letting me come closer. Now that I looked at her up close I noticed how underfed she was and how her ribs practically bulged out of her skin.

Even though I was rumored to be evil and heartless I wasn't and just seeing Mr. O'leary like this made my vision go red around the edges. Who can do this to a dog... well, a huge dog that was as dark as shadows with blood red eyes and long claws, but still.

I unchained her and started to pet her. At first she shrank away from my touch, still wary thinking I would hurt her, but after a while, she started to lean into my touch and slowly nodded off. I still stayed where I hoping to comfort her in her obvious restless sleep.

"Jack would you tell Ace to go ahead and execute the prisoners that had something to do with harming Mr. O'leary" I whispered loudly so he could hear me from where he was awkwardly standing at the entrance.

"Yes sir" He replied heading off to go tell Ace until a thought seemed to cross his mind and he halted before looking back at me. "Mrs. O'leary sir?"

"Yes the name was on her collar, and it's Percy not sir," I answered not looking up at him from where I sat with Mrs. O'leary practically in my lap.

I sat there for a while listening to the sound of feet and heads rolling on the deck above until I heard Ace come down the stairs and say in his usually joyful tone "Captain the prisoners have been killed as ordered."

I nodded before standing up with Mr. O'leary in my arms. When we got back to the deck I put Mrs. O'leary in my cabin with a bowl of food and water, then left to tell everyone to go to sleep.

When everyone left I went to the wheel and steered us away from the now on fire and sinking ship. As I used my powers make a current and propel us forward I thought of the events brought me to this amazing ship with all these unique people.

I remember everything from my mother's death to being abandoned when I need help the most from the one people that I should be able to trust, who my mother trusted.

"Maybe He lied to her, maybe He never loved her, because He sure never loved me," I thought to myself before falling into a memory.

I was little at the time around six really. I was in a back alley covered in my mother's blood, dirt, and tears. When a boy about sixteen with blond hair styled so that the hair in the back was shorter than the hair in the front, he had blue eyes and a jagged scar going down the right side of his face and across his eye.

"Hey, there bub are you alright," He asked in a soft voice approaching me.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine" I stuttered back hating that my voice sounded weak and that there was an underline of fear in my voice. Even back then I hated being weak.

The man kneeled next to me looking around as if my mom would just come round the corner with a relieved look in her eyes thanking the man for watching me, but when that didn't happen he looked at me with a hidden emotion in his eyes that I couldn't identify, before asking the dreaded question "Where's your parents bub?"

By now my tears had dried and my voice had stopped shaking "My mom is dead and my father minus well be dead too" I answered sadly at first when talking about my mom but then ended up growling when I spoke of my father.If he picked up on the anger towards my father he didn't mention it.

"Well bub my name is Luke... Luke castellan" he started putting his hand out for a shake.

"I'm Percy... Perseus jackson" I replied taking his hand. I don't know why I told him my full name, maybe it was because he was helping me or maybe it was because the look in his eyes was warm and caring under his cold mask.

"Well c'mon percy let's go get you cleaned up" Luke spoke before getting up and dusting of his pants, grabbing my hand and leading me to his house.

That's where I stayed for two years learning sword fighting with luke, discovering he was a demigod like me. He became my family and we lived in peace, but nothing good ever lasts. He ended up protecting me just like my mother from the same people, and like my mother he ended up dead with a stab wound in his stomach, leaving me alone once again.

(A\N) Nothing really happened in this chapter, but in the bright side we learned more about his past. Sorry about the late chapter I ran out of my creative juices. Which is just my way of saying I had a minor writers block. Also sorry uts a short chapter. Welp hope you like it and all that jazz!! Till next time!! XD

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