Chapter Twenty-five

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The night was cold and dark. The moon was hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds. The wind howled, leaving everyone uneasy and on edge, making it feel as if someone stood nearby watching.

The Moon Dagger was silently approaching a merchant ship, the pirates aboard readying their weapons for a fight they had for so long craved but denied of. The Sea wold stood at the wheel with his cloak from a large wolf, that was rumored to be werewolf skin.

Suddenly a cry of alarm sounded across the water. A boy with surprisingly well eyesight had spotted the approaching pirates and called out to the sleeping men aboard in warning. The boat sprang to life, men mostly in their night clothes clutching swords ran out of the sleeping quarters to defend their merchandise.

The pirates practically foamed at the mouth hungry for their battle. With a nod from the captain, Ace signaled to the rest of the crew to attack. Silently the crew pounced proving that the name they were gifted was still fitting.

Swords clashing and cries of pain could be heard from the small battle. Blood was spilled, although none of the blood came from the Sea Wolf's bloodthirsty crew. After another minute the Sea Wolf himself climbed aboard and attacked the helpless men.

"Men tie up the prisoners when you're finished with your fun," Percy commanded with a grin, before wiping the blood of Riptide and heading down it the haul to see what spoils they had scored themselves.

Walking down into the room Percy spotted something he thought he wouldn't find on a mortal vessel. There, all around the room stood hundreds of celestial bronze swords, and Imperial gold-tipped arrows, glowing faintly with power.

"Whats this?" Nico asked holding up a chunk of a pitch black metal.

"How did they get their hands on this?" Percy murmured while walking forward, before answering Nico's question " That is stygian Iron, a metal even rarer than celestial bronze and imperial Gold combine. Its the metal of the underworld. They say that it can kill just about anything, from ghost to mortals. It's almost impossible to find in the mortal world and in the godly world for that matter."

"Wow that's really cool," Nico whispered running his hands along the cold metal. It seemed to call to him. One underworldly thing to another.

"How would you like your own sword? One that is customized to fit your hand," Percy asked staring at a memorized Nico, still running his hands along the metal.

"Can I?" Nico looked almost surprised at the offer.

"Yes. We're going to go back to Leo's shop anyway to restock on arrows and such. I'll just convince him to make you a sword. And you look like that metal was made for you," Percy replied before turning and walking back onto deck ready to finally get some answers.

"Ace, can you load up everything, while I talk to these lovely people," Percy spoke to Ace before continuing forward to their temporary prisoners.

Looking at them all he saw middle-aged men sitting in fear. A little way down he noticed a small boy sitting and glaring in defiance. Then he noticed a man, that looked to be wearing finner clothes than the rest. This man had dark brown, almost black hair and refused to lift his head.

"Bring that one to me and free the boy, get some food in him. He could be one of us," Percy ordered.

A man stepped forward to execute the demand, as a woman took the boy to the awaiting ship, talking to him in a low voice, no doubt trying to find out what his godly parent was, or if he even had one.

Percy stalked into the captain's cabin with a hand on the man's bound hands. Once inside Percy thew the man to the ground, watching with slight pain as the man tumbled to the ground.

"Now. I want to know where you got the weapons", Percy demanded, in a voice that could strike fear into even the gods.

The man hesitated, eyes darting around the room before he opened his mouth to speak.

"And before you lie, or try to escape, I suggest you don't," Percy spoke in warning.

"Do you know who I am?' The man cried in outrage.

"Do YOU know who I am? I am Captain Jackson. Captain of the Moon Dagger, and awarded with the name "The Sea Wolf" for my achievements in battle," Percy boomed, even when his side had once again started to ache.

The man trembled before whimpering, "I-I don't k-know whe-re they g-g-got the w-weapons. I-I".

"I thought I told you not to lie to me Mr..." Percy trailed off, waving his hand in a way for the man to get the hint, and give up his name.

" Henry and I didn't lie to you," He growled in anger lean forward like a dog would before it attacked.

"Fine you left me with no choice," Percy sighed in exasperation before walking over to the desk at the far end of the room and grabbing a letter opener that was conveniently placed on top. Percy walked back over twisting the object in his hand.

"Now you can tell me now or tell me later after I work it out of you. Your choice, just know normally I don't give people so many chances".

Henry stayed silent, glaring up at Percy in defiance. Percy steeled himself before crouching down to look Henry in the eye. The man stared back anger swirling in his blue eyes, but behind that anger held fear.

Percy grabbed the man's bound hands before placing the letter opener at the base of Henry's pointer finger. A second later a piercing scream could be heard from Henry followed by a thump and the finger fell to the ground.

Percy paused looked up at the panting man, waiting for him to open his mouth and reveal his secrets. Henry stayed silent once more, pain filling his eyes and nearly replacing the anger.

Percy took the letter opener and grabbed the mans bare ring finger and repeated his previous action. A scream sounded again and a monster deep down within Percy reveled in it.

Henry stayed silent again. Percy sighed before grabbing the man's ear and placing the letter opener at the base.

"Wait... wait... please. I'll tell you anything. Just stop please." Henry moaned, as Percy released him and wiped the blood of the letter-opener, using Henry's expensive shirt as a rag.

Percy then rolled his wrist holding the letter opener with a blank face, demanding answers.

"We were employed by a man wearing completely black to head out to some coronets and steal everything inside and kill anyone that stood in our way. The coronets took us toa volcano with a blacksmith inside it. We killed all the Cyclops and stole the loot. We were on our way back to Athens where the man said he'd find us, and we'd be paid a hefty sum". Henry panted out frantically shaking.

Percy watched Henry, seeing the truth in his words before leaving the cabin.

"Captain," Ace called out before running up to the blood-covered man. "According to the boy and the crew that man, Henry has killed and has Raped many girls before. And we have found out that most of the crew were held captive and were forced to do Henry's bidding as slaves".

Percy growled before speaking, "Release the crew and get them to the rowboats. Tell them to head north, land is only twenty miles out. Then burn the ship."

"Aye Aye Captain," Ace saluted before running off.

"Captain the weapons have been loaded aboard we are ready when you are", A voice called out.

Percy nodded before shouting, "Men when finished with your orders aboard the ship. Were heading to Athens".

Once everyone was aboard Percy walked to the wheel and steered them away, heading east. The boat they raided in flames and if you listened closely you could hear the screams of an evildoer.

(A\N) Alright here's the next chapter. Sorry, its late a stuffs but I had a softball trip to Washington and Oregon and then we had to finish moving into our new house. Then as most know schools starting again. *Cries* Anyway we saw a darker Percy in this chapter, that we will probably see more as we continue on. Anyway the next chapter will probably have some of Reyna and the Amazons in it and Percy still healing and getting scolded, but then again I don't know where this next chapter will take me so... lets just hope. Alright well, I hope you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!! XD

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