My Back Story

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Hi, my name is Gaea. And no, I'm not a primordial Greek goddess of the earth. I'm a Norse demigod. I don't know who my godly parent is, nor who my mortal parent was. I have long, jet black hair and grey eyes. If you looked closely, in the midst of the stormy grey you could see what appeared to be bright blue veins, but actually they were small bolts of electricity. And, before you ask, no, I cannot shoot people with lightning from my eyes, though that's a pretty cool idea.

As I said before, I don't know who my parents are. I was found on the doorsteps of an adoption agency. I was never adopted; I was deemed 'untouchable'. Not just because no one wanted me for some unknown reason, because let's face it, who wouldn't want this?

I was deemed untouchable because every time that someone that I didn't like touched me, I would shock them. Whoops. That led me to thinking that Thor was my godly parent, yet he denied it. But that was all a looooonnnggggg time ago.

This "adoption agency" that I'm speaking of wasn't actually called an adoption agency. It was more or less a home for those whose parents couldn't take care of them. That was roughly 300 years ago, exactly August 15th, 1821. I appeared as though I were a normal, miss-placed child, but that was until I turned twelve.

What a magical age, right? A lot can happen to someone at that age, just look at all of these other so called "heroes", though I would never consider myself one.

I was taken from my adoption agency and magically placed before the throne of Odin who sat with the other gods. They had to explain to me that one of my parents was a Norse god, in which case I almost fainted. They explained all of the things that anyone in this crazy universe deserved to know.

Throughout my 300 or so years, I encountered many people. For some reason, I was a "special case". Thor wasn't my dad, but I had powers of lightning. And not just lightning. I could control ice and fire, all of that wonderful stuff. And, before you ask, no, I'm not the Avatar. I kept the fact that I could control other things besides lightning to myself, so no one knows. Can you keep that secret for me? I'd really appreciate it.

To sum it all up for you, the gods were furious that I didn't know who my parents were. Well, sooorrryyyyy, it's not exactly my fault.

The gods tried everything to discover who my parents were. They looked into my past to see if I somehow had glimpses of my parents from when I was born. Nothing. They tried a maternity and paternity test, created by some pretty smart mortals might I add, and all that appeared on those test results was once again nothing. It was as if I was just created out of the earth, which the gods actually took into consideration, considering my name.

One day, my least favorite god, Loki, told the gods that he had a vision that said I knew of my parent's identities. I didn't, why would I try to waste their time? It was wasting my time as well!

Loki fabricated some sort of theory that I wanted to hasten Ragnarok, Doomsday, and by distracting the gods, I somehow did that? I don't know, it's very confusing. I still can't believe that the gods bought it. It was obviously false. I mean, seriously, who wants to hasten the end of life and civilization? How would I know the ending of Pretty Little Liars if life as we knew it just stopped?!

I'm not about to be left on another cliff hanger, no way, not again. That show gives me serious anxiety, but back to the point. The gods thought that I wouldn't tell them the identity of my parents out of pure obstinacy. Again, Loki with his silver tongue, always tricking those he spoke to. Odin and his council discussed my situation for years, in which I sat in a jail cell, bored out of my mind. I was thirteen at the time and I had just barely turned  fifteen when everything took a turn for the worse.

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