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We have twelve hours until we are supposed to be at Lyngvi. At this point, we will be there in six.

I changed into the clothes that I would probably die in and made my way to the Dining Hall. Coincidentally, everyone else was already there. "What's up?" I asked as I took my seat. "We are just trying to make up some type of plan." Annabeth said. "Did you sleep well?" Magnus asked. I nodded.

"What've you come up with?" I asked. Annabeth pushed the map before me. I could tell that Magnus had drawn it.

Annabeth started "Percy, Jason, Piper, and I have decided that we should go in straight on. They wouldn't expect us. Then, you, Samirah, and Magnus would sneak around the back and steal the sword. Hazel and Leo would come from the left, Hearth and Blitzen from the right. Frank would fly in as a dragon. Thalia and Reyna would come in behind Percy, Piper, Jason, and I. Once Magnus gets his sword, he is going to try to sneak up on Surt. While that happens, you and Samirah will take on Loki. I'm guessing that they'll have an army of some sort, so the rest of us will take that."

"Sounds good; only one problem, though." I said. "What's that?" Percy asked. "Who is going to tame Fenris?" I asked.

"Shoot." Samirah said. "Maybe Hearth can do that spell again? The rune of Tyr? That seemed to work the last time." I said. Hearth nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so Hearth and Blitzen take on Fenris, Magnus takes on Surt, Samirah and I take on Loki, and the rest of you take on the army?" I concluded.

"Yup." Piper said. "Sounds like a plan." Frank said.

"Though, Thalia and Reyna should probably take the right side and Blitzen and Hearth come with us to keep the Fenris wolf calm and distracted while it starts." I said.

"Okay." Reyna said.

"Magnus told me exactly where to go on Long Warf." Leo said after a minutes pause. I nodded. "Until then, I'm going to need your help." I looked up at Percy.

"Me?" He asked. I nodded, rose, and asked him to follow me. He did, and so did the entire crew.

"The island is surrounded by water, obviously. Water is my least developed power, and I think that we are going to need it." I said. "So?" He asked. "Teach me." I asked.

Everyone began to retreat, not wanting to be here for the water battle. I realized at this point that we were back in the water. "Like, spar? With water?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay, I mean, I don't want to hurt you." He said.

"If one of us gets hurt, Magnus can heal us." I said. He nodded and said "Get ready."

I held my arms out as to brace myself for the impact. "Actually, I think we should warm up first." He said. I nodded and asked "What do you suggest?"

"Pass the water around with me." He said. I nodded, and so he lifted a blurb of water that was as big as he was. He delicately passed it to me. I took control and passed it back.

This went on for five minutes, and then, he added more water. Now, it was as big as the two of us combined. After a few more minutes of that, he started to manipulate the water into the shape of a trident.

"I'm going to throw it at you. Catch it, and throw it back." He instructed. I nodded and braced myself for the throw. He set himself up to throw it as if he were a pitcher throwing a fast ball.

I caught it, and threw it back at him. He threw it directly at my head this time, and so I caught it and did the same to him. He morphed the trident into a spear, and threw it at me.

After a few moments of tossing it back and forth, I morphed it into a sword. Next, he made arrows that he threw at me and I managed to catch each of them.

I changed these arrows into throwing stars. He caught them, and sent them back into the ocean.

"Now, are you ready to spar?" He asked. I nodded and said "Bring it on." with a mischievous smile.

He created a swirling vortex of water above his head and morphed it into two swords that continued to spin. I took water and created a spear.

Percy charged towards me and I to him. We both ducked, rolled, jabbed, sliced, and stabbed at each other for what felt like half an hour.

We both took a step back and put our weapons back into the ocean. "And you say that this is your least developed ability?" Percy asked with a lopsided smile. I smiled in return and said "I'll take that as a compliment." He then said "You should."

Before I could respond, Leo walked upstairs. "You said you have power over fire, right?" He asked. I smiled and said "Yup."

"Any good?" He asked. "Eh, I could be better." I said. "Same here." Leo said.

Percy then said "I'm gonna go take a shower. You two have fun."

I smirked and said "Bring it on, Valdez." Leo snickered and said "Let's do this."

And, with that, we both lit ourselves on fire.

Shorter chapter but hey I think it's cute

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