I Meet A Potential Sibling

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As I walked around camp, I discovered that something seemed familiar about it. I couldn't put my finger on it, which was pretty aggravating, but there's definitely something about this place that feels familiar.

I walked around the camp, receiving weird looks from the campers. I made my way to what looked to be an arena. I entered and found the straw dummies. I willed my sword to appear and I began to practice. About twenty minutes later, I heard someone enter behind me. He grabbed his own straw dummy and placed it next to mine. I paused for a moment, to see who it was. He was very tall with electric blue eyes and blonde hair. "Hey, I'm Jason. Are you new?" He asked.

I shook my head. He also radiated power. "I'm Gaea, and I promise I'm not a primordial goddess of the earth." I chuckled. He snickered and pulled out his Imperial gold sword. He looked to my sword and asked "Nice sword, where'd you get it?"

"Around." I stated simply. I sliced off the head of my dummy, twirled around and stabbed it through the heart with my wrist twisted in order to have the correct torque. "Nice move." He mumbled as he started sparing with his dummy.

"Who's your godly parent?" I asked him. "Zeus, you?" He said without taking his eyes off of his dummy. Jason, the lightning user. "So, being a son of Zeus, you can control lightning?" I asked. "Yeah-why didn't you answer my question?" He asked as he paused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I asked you who your godly parent was." He said. "Oh...well, I don't know." I said. "How old are you?" He asked. "Way older than I look. How about you?" I replied. "Seventeen." He said. I nodded and went back to work, only to be stopped again.

"Your eyes," Jason started. "They look like a storm cloud with lightning inside. Have you ever been able to control lightning or thunder?" He finished. "Lightning, but I'm not a Greek." I said. He raised his eyebrow as if asking me to continue. "There's a lot that you don't know about, Jason. Just trust me when I say I'm not a child of Zeus." I said.

He nodded and said with a sly smirk "Well, if you can control lightning, let's see it." I turned around to face him and asked "Really want me to do that?"

"Yeah, in fact I bet I can shoot it better than you." He chided. "Yeah? Let's make a deal." I said. "What type of deal?" He asked. "Well, I'm leaving tonight. In the mean time, you'll have to explain to me everything that one should know about the Greek world." I said. "And if I win, you have to tell me what I don't know about." He finished.

I nodded my head and said "Deal. Challenger first." He took a deep breath and asked "What's the target?'

I looked around and said "The exit sign above the door." He squinted to try to see it, but eventually had to pull out his grandpa-glasses, for which I laughed at him. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He mumbled.

Jason then proceeded to take a deep breath and aim his hand to the exit sign. He took another deep breath and shot a bolt of electricity towards the door. When the smoke cleared, I saw a mark maybe twenty feet above the exit sign. I stifled a giggle and said "Lemme show you how a pro does it."

I aimed my sword at the exit sign and effortlessly shot a small bolt of electricity towards the exit sign. When the smoke cleared, you could see the exit sign hanging limply from an electrical cord that attached it to the wall. "I believe that means that I win." I said with a smile. "You-how-wha-" Jason started. "Practice." I said. "I've built up my aim and precision over the years to be pretty good. All it takes is focus and time." I said.

"You tricked me." He said. "No I didn't." I replied. I continued with "I didn't know that you'd suck that bad." He huffed and put his dummy away. "Allow me to graciously give you a tour of Camp Half-Blood." He said sarcastically. "Why, I'd be honored!" I replied with even more sarcasm. I even slapped my hand to my heart.

As he showed me around, I began to truly familiarize myself with the place. The trees, the lake, the lava-wall, any activity that involved something related to nature, I loved.

It began to grow dark as I asked him "Where do you all eat? Is there a dining hall of some sort?"

"Yeah," he started. "I'll show you. It's just down here. We call it the Dining Pavilion." I snickered and said "Real original."

He smirked as we both made our way down to the dining hall. Waiting just outside the doors was Percy, Piper, and Annabeth.

Jason and I met up with them, and Percy asked "How did you two meet?"

And so, Jason explained. Annabeth's eyes widened as he asked "You can control lightning?"

"Yeah, but I still don't know who my godly parent is." I replied. The five of us made our way into the room and Percy and Annabeth steered me towards a table that was all by itself. Jason and Piper went over to a table filled to the brim with what I'm guessing is children of Aphrodite.

"I'll grab plates." Percy said. Annabeth nodded as he walked away. "He knows about all the Norse stuff, right?" I asked. "Well, now he does." She said with a small smirk.

"Oh...sorry." I replied. "It's fine, I wanted to tell him, but Magnus swore me to secrecy. Now I have a valid reason to tell him." She said. I nodded. "Are the two of you prepared to leave?" I asked. She nodded and said "Yeah, but the real problem is going to be getting out."

I smirked and said "You won't have to worry about that. Just meet me in front of the lake at midnight."

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I want to take a moment to say how truly sorry I am to hear about the shooting in Orlando the other day. I am praying for the lives that were lost and for everyone who has been affected, either physically or mentally, by the tragic event. My condolences and thoughts go out to you all.

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