Perfection? No Way.

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After a dreamless, monster-less, peaceful night of sleep, I woke to the sound of two fists banging on the door. "Ye-yeah I'm up, I'm up." I said groggily. "Breakfast, hurry up." Blitzen said in a tone that showed he hadn't had much sleep. I got up and prepared myself for the day, possibly my last day on earth. But I can't think that way; I'll drive myself mad.

I entered the Mess Hall and saw everyone already eating. They were having a lovely conversation until I walked in. They all instantly quieted themselves. "What's up?" I asked. "We just — are you — how are you?" Percy asked. "Good. Awake." I said with a small smile. "Did you sleep?" Magnus asked with a slight glimmer of hope. I nodded and said "I can fight it." He, along with everyone else, held a small smile.

"That's great news." Samirah said with a wide smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes."What about all of you?" I asked skeptically. "We — well, I had a good night's sleep." Leo said as his eyes fell upon the daughter of Pluto. "What'd you see, Hazel?" I asked as I ate a slice of warm toast and sat between Magnus and Jason. "Death." She stated simply. She then continued with "Everyone here was dead, besides you."

I raised an eyebrow, urging her to continue. "I saw us all become sucked into and melted into a river of souls. A man was talking to you, Gaea. He said it was all your fault." She said. Everyone stared at me skeptically. "I know what you're talking about, but I want to clarify that the reason I didn't tell you all before was because I thought it was just another hallucination." I said.

"And?" Frank asked. "Who is the man and why is it your fault?" Jason continued. I then explained my version of it. "So, I have to be left behind or be killed by you?" Leo asked. I nodded and said "Yeah...that's what's supposed to happen, but not on my watch." Leo seemed wary, which is understandable. "I won't leave you behind, Leo. And I won't kill you, either." I said determinedly.

"Anyways," Magnus started after a few minutes. "How far are we from Long Warf?" He finished.  "Twelve to fourteen hours." Leo concluded. "So, we'll have about half a day of spare time. What should we do?" Percy asked.

"Well, we could always take it easy and rest." Annabeth said. "Or?" Piper encouraged. "We could go swimming in the middle of the Atlantic." Annabeth finished with a smile. Everyone looked to me for approval. I smirked and said "Let's do it." Leo ran upstairs to stop the ship, and everyone else went to change into swimsuits. Once we all were ready to swim, we all met on the deck. Leo emerged from the control room and said "I have to make a small repair, but I should be done in twenty minutes or so." We nodded and he went to the engine room.

"Well, let's go!" Magnus said as he cannon balled into the water. The rest of the group followed his lead besides Blitzen, Hearth, and me. I faced them and saw that they were still in their clothes. "Why aren't you two swimming with us?" I asked. Hearth signed Not in the mood. I sighed and said "Okay, if you really don't want to." I walked to the back of the deck. "Come on, Gaea! Water's great!" Frank called. "Blitzen, Hearth, are you two, like, a couple?" I asked. "Why — why are you asking that?" Blitzen asked. "I saw you two last night, after Philinnion and the Lamia, just talking. There seemed to be some chemistry." I said.

"Well..." Blitzen started. "Yeah. Yeah, we are, but don't tell anyone." He finished. I smiled broadly and said "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Yeah, yeah, just get in the water." Blitzen mumbled. "I'm always here if you need to talk or anything." I said. He nodded and motioned for me to jump. I ran to the water and propelled myself into the air. I did a flip and landed feet first into the water. I opened my eyes underwater and saw fish of all kinds. I saw sharks swimming peacefully around us. I even saw merpeople who didn't seem bothered.

I swam to the surface. Everyone was smiling and laughing together, as though we were a family. The wind was blowing at an almost perfect breeze; the water was a perfect temperature. Everything was perfect, too perfect, dare I say. I quietly ducked my head underwater and started to swim for the bottom. I propelled myself forward, down into the watery abyss.

My hands were about to touch the bottom, but suddenly they were tied together. My feet were tied together as well. Something grabbed my waist and forced me to connect with the bottom of the ocean. It felt like my waist was being held by some type of chain. I tried to wiggle myself free, but to no avail.

I looked around for whatever was holding me here, but I couldn't see anything. Was it merpeople? Sure enough, a hideous looking merman swam to me with a wretched smile upon his face. I tried to kick him, but once again, to no avail. He swam to me, close enough for our noses to be touching. He put his hand over my mouth and nose, where my air bubble was, and was about to rip it away. I shook my head and searched for an escape. I looked up and saw nothing but darkness.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Just as the merman ripped away my oxygen supplies, he exploded into golden dust. Just as I was about to pass out, or die, I saw Percy replace my air bubble. I didn't see or know what happened next, because at that point, I was halfway dead. I was emerged in total darkness, and I was probably going to die.

what's gonna happen?!?
Idk, guess you'll have to read to find out.

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