We Give Asgard A Visit

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As we approached Boston, I told Percy to go to the duck-crossing statue. Once we got there, I had him park the van in the woods and take the keys with us. "This way." I said. As we walked to the statues, I said "I have to sort of present you to the gods. I have to tell them of your story and explain that you're worthy to join me on this quest."

"Why is it such a big deal?" Percy asked. I stopped and turned to face them. "Loki has Magnus and his friends captured. Magnus is in possession of the sharpest sword known to anyone, the Sword of Summer, or as it likes to be called, Jack." I said.

"So?" Percy asked. "So, that is the only sword capable of cutting through the rope that is keeping the Fenris Wolf bound. Once the Fenris Wolf roams free, Ragnarok will start. The island that the wolf is kept on is only accessible once every month, and that day is coming up. So, if we fail on this quest, we'll bring on the end of the worlds." I said.

"Well when you put it like that it sounds hard." Percy said. I sighed as we continued walking towards the ducklings. I sliced through the air and the portal appeared. "The tree is constantly shaking and moving. The winds are strong. If you fall off of the branches, you will end up in Ginnungagap, which is basically eternal nothingness." They took deep breaths and followed me onto the tree.

"A huge squirrel is constantly running up and down the branches which is why the branches are always moving. If we encounter the squirrel, then we better start running. We just have to stay quiet and on task, and it shouldn't be a problem." I said.

They nodded and followed me with their swords drawn. I had my sword in hand as well.

After about two hours of walking, I found the entrance to Asgard. I had Percy and Annabeth halt as I turned to face them. "Sheath your weapons. If we even enter the world of the gods with our weapons unsheathed it is considered disrespectful. Basically, just follow my lead and you should be alright. Let me do all of the talking and only speak when spoken to." I said.

They nodded and followed me as I entered the realm of the gods. As we walked to the grand hall, Annabeth marveled at all of the amazing architecture. "Quite spectacular, isn't it?" I asked.

I didn't know all of the names for everything, but I knew a true piece of art when I saw one. We stood before the palace doors. I took a deep breath and knocked nine times in the same rhythm. The nine knocks are to symbolize the nine worlds, and the order in which they are knocked symbolizes that each world is of equal power.

The doors opened before me. Annabeth and Percy stood side by side behind me. "Remember what I said." I reminded them.

I strode forward towards the long table in which the gods sat. "Hello, Gaea. I see you've found two others who are willing to find Magnus' captor." Odin said.

"Why do you say it like that? Magnus even told her in a dream that it is Loki who has captured them. We must restrain him. Loki has gone virtually unpunished for too long. He has taken his own daughter kidnap!" Frey yelled. He slammed his fist on the table. "Odin, you know that Magnus is important to all nine worlds. Do not belittle this quest to find him." He finished.

"I understand your concern for your son's wellbeing. Back to the topic at hand, Gaea, who are your teammates?" Odin asked.

I motioned towards Annabeth as I said "This is Annabeth Chase. She is Magnus's cousin. No one knows how much anger there is for the harm of a loved one, especially in her case. Her mother is Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. She has traveled far and wide and has completed many quests that saved Midgard's existence. She is a fearsome fighter who needs no more than a drakon bone dagger to beat her enemies. She uses her wits to her advantage. She knows how to use her wisdom to outsmart her enemies. Since we are dealing with Loki, I cannot think of anyone better to contradict his silver tongue."

The gods nodded, and Frey asked "What of the boy?"

"This," I started "is Percy Jackson. The son of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, who has also saved Midgard a number of times in his short lifespan. He is a hero, alongside Annabeth. He joined her on all of his quests. They saved the world together. They traveled through Tartarus together. They are the strongest Midgardian demigods that you will ever find. He can control water and is an amazing swordsman."

They were silent, and so I continued. "As soon as I met them, I felt their aura of power. Do not tell me that you cannot feel it, because that would be the biggest lie that you have all yet to tell."

"Why are you telling us this?" Freya asked as she eyed Percy with desire. I walked to the table, placed my hands on it, and leaned upon them. I looked her deep in the eyes and said "I want this quest to not require us to travel through the World Tree without Odin's permission."

Odin then said "Well, I'm certainly sold. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, you have my permission to travel the Nine Worlds alongside Gaea for the sole purpose of this quest. Anyone object?" He asked. No one dared to object.

"I guess it's settled." Odin said. I gave him a light smile and nodded. I faced Frey and said "I will find your son and make Loki pay, I swear it by my troth."

I took a deep breath and turned to face Percy and Annabeth. "Let's get going. I think I know where to start looking."

So that's that
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