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"How is it your fault?" Piper asked.

"We were captured, so that must be how they got the idea to brand all three of us." Jason said. "They wanted to tell a story, one that could easily be uncovered, but with a really bad outcome." Leo finished.

"That's ridiculous. None of this is your fault. If anything, it's mine for bringing you all. I put you all in danger, and I'm sorry." I said as I looked around the room.

No one argued, and so I rose from my seat and headed for the deck. Before I entered the deck platform, I saw Magnus holding Samirah in a tight embrace. She must be really scared, because she doesn't cry.

But, who wouldn't be scared? She was cursed by her own father to die at his hands. What kind of father would do that?

That is, unless it wasn't her father.

The silver tongue sliced at the base,
Her secret weapon to be the mace, Orphaned young and secrets hidden,
Mortal body to be ridden,
Final battle to end the war,
Loki's wrath to end with a roar.

What if the prophecy states that Samirah is the one to kill Loki? What if that was her curse?

What if the lines of the prophecy were connected in couplets — that is, every two lines? The rhyming pattern is displayed in couplets, so why not the meaning?! That could mean that Samirah has to kill her own father!

But, the third and fourth lines speak of me and a mortal body being destroyed. What if it is my body that gets destroyed? What if I die in the battle?

What if Samirah's curse is that she kills me?

The last two lines state that the final battle will end with Loki being defeated. It could also speak of something else. It says that Loki's wrath is to end with a roar. What if by wrath it doesn't mean merely his anger, but what or who he is angry toward? That could mean that I die and Loki wins.

Jason had the web of Wyrd, Leo had a spirit ship, and Samirah had the Nidstang all embroidered on their bodies. Samirah was undoubtedly cursed, but what if Jason's web of Wyrd has to do with his own destiny? What if he did something in the past or will do something that will affect his future?

And what if the spirit ship on Leo is meant for him? What if he dies? But then again, why would he want a Viking funeral? Unless, that is, he doesn't want a Viking funeral, but a funeral nonetheless. Also, he can bend fire, so the fire on the ship could be relating to him.

All of these signs are giving me a headache. Instead of going to comfort Samirah and Magnus, I headed to my own room to rest on the things that I had uncovered.

I'm going to die. Everyone else will live, besides Leo, that is.

Or what if Leo has the spirit ship on his arm so that when I die, he lights the ship aflame?

I don't know that for certain, but it could very well happen. I have to set my mind straight.

The good news is that, two out of the three ways, Loki dies.

I sat upon my bed and put my hands behind my head. I sighed and closed my eyes. I had almost forgotten about my curse.

Her face appeared before my eyes and formed a sneer. But, this time, instead of disappearing, she started to cackle.

After her fit of convulsion, she smiled again and said "I see that this paranoia is treating you well, hmm?"

"Go away." I demanded. "Paranoia can cause you to conjure up wonderful things. I see that you were paranoid before, and so this curse has unleashed all of your inner demons." The arai smiled.

"Shut up." I demanded again, growing angry. She began to fade away.

A swirling pool of tortured souls appeared before me. They screamed out for me. "GAEA! GAEA, HELP ME!" They all called.

I wanted to help, I did, but how? They are all dead. I took a step forward, but the rocks beneath my feet began to crumble. I was standing on a cliff.

I saw my friends. "Gaea, you promised." Magnus called, stretching out a fragile hand. "How could you?" Samirah whispered while crying tears of blood.

"Traitor." Percy said with a look of hatred upon his face. "Murderer!" Annabeth shouted as she pointed a bony finger at me.

"We trusted you." Jason whispered while wrinkles spread across his facade. "We counted on you." Piper whispered as her hair began to fall off, strand by strand until she was bald.

Leo screamed as he engulfed himself into a ball of fire.

"I thought that we had a bond." Frank wheezed as his throat spouted blood like a fountain. "How dare you." Hazel scorned as her limbs began to dismember.

Reyna screamed as she clawed her way upwards "I thought that you were brave!" And she was followed by Thalia, who screamed "What kind of leader does this!?"

"We accepted you." Blitzen spat as he began to melt like ice cream on a sunny day. "And you betrayed us." Hearthstone signed as he was pulled into the abyss whilst letting out a strangled cry that couldn't be deciphered.

"This is your future." Said an infamous god who stood behind me. "Loki." I sneered as I turned around. "What is this?" I asked.

"Your future." He confirmed. "Why are they calling me a murderer and a traitor? Why?" I asked.

"One must lose a battle to win the war." He smiled wickedly. "No one is dying. Not on my watch." I sneered at him.

"Think, child." He said. Then, it came to me. The only one who didn't speak was Leo. Leo was engulfed in flames and was embroidered with the spirit ship. "I will not kill Leo." I said. "Then, I shall win." He smiled.

"How so?" I asked. "It will be revealed in due time." He smiled.

"We don't have time." I said snarkily.

Loki then said in a cryptic tone "And that is the beauty in it."

Ohh?? What??
Guess that you'll have to keep reading to find out!

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