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Just when I thought our lives couldn't get any more difficult, Hábrók has to come along. Perfect, just perfect!

But enough complaining, I have to sort through my thoughts. What Loki showed me states that I have to kill Leo or leave him behind. Maybe I have to leave him behind on Lyngvi, or in Hel.

"It seems that everything that ends in -rok is bad." Leo mumbled. I smirked and said "You've got a good point."

The silver tongue sliced at the base,
Her secret weapon to be the mace,
Orphaned young and secrets hidden,
Mortal body to be ridden,
Final battle to end the war,
Loki's wrath to end with a roar.

The lines of the prophecy rang through my head again. Why did I ever think that Loki would die based on the fourth line? Mortal body. He doesn't have a mortal body, but I do. I'm going to die. I'm also going to have to leave Leo behind somewhere. I won't kill him, no way in Hel.

Leo lowered the ship into the water because we were now over the ocean. He said it would be faster this way, and I hope that he is correct. "Who wants first watch?" Percy asked. "I'll take it." I said. "You sure?" Frank asked. "Yeah, why not?" I said in reply. "You've been taking a watch every night this whole trip, you sure you don't need your sleep?" Annabeth asked. "I'm fine, really." I said with a small smile.

"Who wants second?" I asked. "I'll take it." Thalia said. I nodded and said "Well, goodnight everyone. Remember, forty eight hours from now we will be on Lyngvi." They nodded and made their way downstairs. Thalia stayed behind for a moment. "Gaea." she started. "Yes?" I asked.

"You have powers over lightning, right?" She asked. "Yeah, you do, too, correct?" I asked in return. "Yes, but I there like a trick to having good aim with it?" She asked. I smiled lightly and said "Well, I see that you use bows and arrows, so you already must have good aim. Controlling lightning isn't any different; it just comes from you, with no other weapon. Lightning is as deadly and as simple as archery. Just, imagine that you're shooting an arrow as you shoot lightning."

She nodded and said "Thanks for the advice." I nodded and said "No problem." After another moments silence, she said "I can see that you've grown close with everyone."

"Not everyone." I said as I looked into her electric blue eyes. She smirked and said "Then, I guess that we better get to work." I smiled and asked "Okay, what do you mean?"

"Tell me about yourself." She said. "Well, I'm almost 300 years old, I'm a Norse and Greek demigod, or rather, immortal. I was raised, unbeknownst to me, by Gaea, the primordial goddess of the earth, and was given her name. I was blessed by the Norse goddess Ran of the sea, as well as Gaea. And...well, that's about it." I said. "There must be more to you than that." She said. "What more could there be that's worth knowing?" I asked. "Tell me about your life." Thalia said. I paused and said "I don't talk much about it."

"You should change that." She said. "Why?" I asked. "You seem interesting." She said with a small smile. Before I could say anything in reply, Leo emerged from the control room with a look of panic on his face. "Leo? What's wrong?" I asked. "Rear side of the ship, wake up everyone." He said. "The alarm?" Thalia asked. "Don't want them knowing we are here." He said with his eyes wide. "You look like you just saw a ghost." I said.

He looked at me with a frantic look. "You just saw a ghost." I concluded. He nodded and we all made our way downstairs. I knocked on everyone's door. Soon, we all met in the hallway and Leo described what he saw. "A woman was sitting on top of what looked like another woman, but with a snake from the waist down." He said. "Lamia." Reyna said. "What's so bad about her?" Magnus asked.

"Lamia was once the queen of Libya, was seduced by Zeus, and when Hera found out, she transformed Lamia into a serpentine monster that hunts and devours other people's children. Before being transformed into a monster that can, according to some versions of the myth, remove her eyes and put them back in again at will, she was beautiful." Annabeth explained.

"And what of the ghost on top of her?" Blitzen asked. A female screeched in the distance, saying "Makhates!"

"Philinnion." Hazel said. "Who's that?" Samirah asked. "She was an unwed maiden who died prematurely and returned from the dead to consort with some guy named Makhates. When her mother discovered that she was back, Philinnion collapsed back into death and was burned by the townsfolk beyond the town boundaries in Macedonia." Annabeth said.

"How do we defeat a ghost and Lamia?" Hearth signed and I translated. "No idea." Percy said. "Where are the Greek scums?!" The other woman, whom I am presuming is the Lamia, called out. "Let's go." Jason said as he made his way upstairs.

"We have a good mix here, now, don't we?" The Lamia sneered. "Greeks, Romans, and Norse demigods as well as some other things that I can't decipher. This should be a good treat." She smiled.

"Forget about Makhates, there are so many more handsome men just on this ship alone." Philinnion smiled as she stepped onto the ship. The Lamia crossed her arms and leaned on the ship to watch the show. "How about this, I pick a man to keep, and you can eat the rest?" Philinnion asked the Lamia. "Sounds like a deal." She smirked wickedly. The Lamia sniffed the air and said "Oh boy, do I have a treat. We have an immortal on this ship. A Norse and Greek, both parents are gods."

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Philinnion asked. We all began to unsheath our weapons. The Lamia smiled at me and said "It is the one with the stormy eyes and jet black hair. You look just like your mother, daughter of Astrape." I clenched my jaw as Philinnion made her way over to me. "Lamia, dear, do you want to start with her, or save her for last?"

"Bring her to me." The Lamia smiled. Philinnion grasped my wrist with such force that I felt as though I were in shackles. My wrists began to burn from her touch. I tried to grab onto the wall behind me, but to no avail. I was shoved to the ground before the Lamia; our noses were practically touching.

"Hello." She smiled with razor sharp teeth, stained with blood. I tried to stand, but was shoved back down by Philinnion. She clasped my hair in her hand and forced me to look at her. I stared deeply into her eyes, and her into mine. I saw her watch as her children were murdered before her by the goddess Hera, and I felt her rip her own eyes out.

I felt blood drip down my face as tears. "You have a gift, child, many gifts." The Lamia sneered. "How could you see that?" She asked again. "I-I don't know." I said in reply.  "Liars always taste the best." She sneered wickedly.

I flared my nostrils at Philinnion's burning touch upon my scalp. "So, I shall save you for last, so you can watch, as I did, the deaths of your loved ones." The Lamia smiled cynically.

Oh schist
Stuffs gonna go downnn

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