Plane Rides

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We arrived at Logan Airport about a half an hour later. We slipped inside and went to a restaurant. Coincidentally, it was Burger King. As we ate our food, I counted how many days we had left to finish this quest. After tonight, we had six days. Six days to find and save Magnus and Samirah.

If I am able to control things made of the earth, how is that possible with my parents being who they are? I understand that I am able to control water because Ran blessed me, but how am I able to control products made of the earth like food or metal? Was I blessed by Gaea, the Greek goddess? Demeter? I guess that I'll find out someday.

"Hello? Earth to Gaea?" Blitzen said. I shook myself out of my thoughts and said "Sorry, I'm just kinda tired."

"That's okay." Percy said. "What were you guys talking about?" I asked. "Annabeth just said that they would be here soon." Blitzen said.

"Sounds good." I said. What's wrong? Hearthstone signed. I shook my head at him as if saying nothing. Blitzen raised an eyebrow, but dismissed the topic.

"There they are." Annabeth said. The five of us stood and walked towards the Greeks. I walked up to the three of them and after saying our formal hello's, I said "Leo, I don't think that we've met. I'm Gaea."

"Hi." Leo said sheepishly. "How is Calypso doing?" Annabeth asked. "She's good, tired from traveling to see Atlas, but she's all good." Leo said. "So, Piper, see any planes you would like?" I asked her. She smiled sheepishly and said "How's that one?"

"Looks good to me, now we just have to find the pilot." Jason said. "Let's board the plane first." I said. And so, we headed for the plane. The eight of us walked up to the front desk and Piper kindly asked  who was flying the plane that we chose. "Captain Lionel." She said. "And where can we find him?" Piper asked.

"He is on the plane preparing the flight." she said. "Thank you." Piper said. And so, we headed towards the plane. We walked on the plane and Piper into the pilots room. A minute later, she walked out and said "Prepare for takeoff." I smirked lightly at her. I then put my bag in a carry-on-cubby and sat down in a window seat.

I had powers over wind as well, but how? Is wind part of 'earthly powers'? I am so confused! Wait, didn't I promise to not think of this? That all of my thoughts were to be devoted to this quest, and saving Magnus and Samirah? I am so selfish!

I put my feet on the chair next to me and rested my head on the window. I turned my head so that I could watch the plane rise into the air. I saw Percy and Annabeth sitting together as well as Jason and Piper. Blitz and Hearth sat together and whispered silently. Leo was sitting alone and tinkering with some parts.

Leo seemed nice; Calypso must be one lucky girl. I thought that this was an appropriate moment to rest, and so I did. I closed my eyes and I drifted into a deep sleep.

I dreamt of Magnus. I watched him have poison drip onto him. I watched him struggle for a breath of fresh air. I watched Loki's wife, Sigyn, prepare some sort of drink for Magnus. He kept his eyes closed and he seemed — dare I say it — relaxed. I looked closer at him and saw that his bones were peaking through his skin, that his skin was an awful pale color, and his face, oh gods his face, it was as if all life had been sucked out of him.

Burn marks were embroidered all over his chest from where venom had dropped. His eye in which one drop of poison had landed in my latest dream had morphed into a brownish-greenish-grey color. Where the whites of his eyes should have been was red — blood red. His face had burn marks on it as well. I needed to hurry. He didn't have much longer.

He wasn't a god; he couldn't self heal in that weakened state. Sure, he was a son of Frey, but he isn't immortal and his energy runs out. Sigyn walked over to him and lifted his head as much as possible. He took a sip from her concoction and took a deep breath.

"Why me?" He asked her with his jaw clenched and teeth grit, as though they were glued together. "It isn't you who he wants, though, he does hate you." Sigyn said. "So, when he took me, why did he say that I pissed him off? That I was getting punished for angering him?" Magnus asked with his nostrils flared at the thought of Loki.

"That's part of it, but most of it is because Gaea — well, I can't say. But let's just say that she wasn't supposed to be born." Sigyn said. Magnus held a look of confusion on his face, but not for long, for a drop of poison dripped onto his back. He recoiled and withheld a scream of distress.

"What — what part of it am I? How am I involved in Loki's big plan?" Magnus asked. "Your uncle, Randolph is it?" She started. He nodded weakly as he laid back down. "His family wasn't killed. Loki is keeping them captive." She said.

Magnus leapt forwards as much as he could. "WHAT?!" He asked. Sigyn nodded and said "Loki wanted someone close to the Chase family to be of use to him, so your uncle is unwillingly working for Loki."

"But, why?" Magnus asked. "Loki knows that your family is mixed with Greek and Norse blood. That's a rare commodity. Your blood is sacred, more so than you know. Let's just say that if your cousin, Annabeth, comes to Mount Olympus and her blood spills... Well, since yours is already spilt, you two will awaken a force greater than all of us." Sigyn said.

"Who?" Magnus asked. "Annabeth and her friends already saved the world from her once, I don't think that they would be too happy doing it again." Sigyn said. "Wait — are you saying that we can wake up Gaea? I thought that she was too weak to wake up now?" Magnus said.

"Your blood is immensely powerful. It could wake up Chaos, never mind Gaea." Sigyn said. "Why would Annabeth's blood be spilt if she's just gonna come up and grab me?" Magnus asked.

"Oh, honey, you didn't think that I would let you go without a fight, did you?" Sigyn asked. She stood and walked outside of the cave. She walked up to a sharpening station and began to sharpen a blade that lay next to it. Five frost Giants guarded the door and three more stood guard on the level below them.

If Norse and Greek blood was what it would take to wake up an immortal being, would that mean that if my blood spilt, I would wake her up? Or is it just the fact that they are from the Chase family?

How the Hel am I supposed to explain this to everyone?

VOTE comment and all the rest plz
Sorry that I have been MIA for so long! I had 3 AP exams and last night was my prom! I'll try to be more active now!

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