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The five of us ran from Helheim into the World Tree. We sat upon a rather thick branch to catch our breaths.

I was soaking wet, but I couldn't risk drying myself in front of them. Even though Frey was my father, I didn't have healing powers. Healing powers would have been very useful right about now.

If Loki were here, I would kill him. I know that gods can't die, but I would find a way. Loki took everything from me. He took my life, my freedom, my family, and he even took a part of myself that I didn't know was there. I didn't know that there was a part of myself that was capable of having a family, of being loved as a daughter.

I didn't know what to do. Should I tell everyone or should I keep it a secret? I wasn't even supposed to be born. I was a mistake. I was a mix of two messed up worlds that shouldn't have combined in the way that it did.

"The silver tongue sliced at the base,
Her secret weapon to be the mace,
Orphaned young and secrets hidden,
Mortal body to be ridden,
Final battle to end the war,
Loki's wrath to end with a roar."

The prophecy ran through my head. The prophecy clearly stated that I was to kill Loki. My secret weapon was to be a large club with a metal head and spikes or a ceremonial staff, and with that weapon I was to kill Loki. Loki has a staff of his own, so I am guessing that this 'mace' is Loki's staff; I was to kill him with his own weapon. I was orphaned at birth and I had, and still am, keeping secrets.

'Mortal body to be ridden' could mean Loki's mortal body, or, now that I know of my identity, it could be mine. The final battle to end the war was undoubtedly to be the battle between Loki and me. And lastly, Loki's wrath was to end in a mighty roar.

"Where are we going next?" Annabeth asked. "Midgard, we have to get Magnus and then discover Samirah's location." I said.

"How are you and Hearthstone doing?" I asked Blitzen. "Much better now that we are free." He said to me with a delicate smile.

I signed to Hearthstone asking if he was alright, and he nodded his head. I smiled and said "We should start towards Midgard. It's a long journey."

They nodded and rose alongside me. We started our long journey to Midgard. "Percy and Annabeth told us of all that's happened during this quest, so we are all caught up." Blitzen said. I smirked and said "That's good."

"I'm sorry I had to break into your apartment." I said. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad that you did, actually." Blitzen said. "Why?" I asked. "If you hadn't, you wouldn't know of my location, or Magnus's, or a general location of Samirah." Blitzen said.

I nodded and we continued to walk in silence.

I don't know how to process my parents identities. Should I believe her? She swore by her troth...but then again, she is a god. She might not feel the pain of that promise. I am so confused, and I hate being confused. Did Astrape call me her daughter as an act? Is that even what she really looked like?

"Gaea?" Percy called. I shook myself back into reality and said "Yeah?"

"You were zoning out." Annabeth said. I paused briefly and then said "Oh, yeah, sorry."

"It's okay." Blitzen said. "Where is the entrance to Earth anyways?" Percy asked. "Maybe half an hours walk." I said.

He nodded and we continued to walk in silence. What was Magnus experiencing right now? What about Samirah? This inner turmoil inside me was too much to handle. I couldn't go on knowing that Magnus could be dead or is dying. Wait a minute — if Frey is my father, does that mean Magnus and I are brother and sister?

I have so many questions. Does Frey even know that he was supposed to have a child? How did my parents meet? Did they date or was it a one-night-stand sort of thing? I needed answers.

I tried to clear my mind, but sadly I could not. These questions with no foreseeable answer clogged my brain and would not allow me to think of anything else.

I looked ahead and saw the Midgard entrance. "There it is." I said.

When we approached it, we entered it. After the four of us entered into the portal, I closed it. "Percy, do you still have the keys?" I asked. Percy nodded and went to get the van from the woods.

"How are we planning to get to Greece?" Annabeth asked. "Well, do you think that your friend Piper would mind charmspeaking a pilot to fly us there for free?" I asked. Annabeth smirked and said "Not at all, I'll call her up." I nodded and she went on her way to use her monster-proof phone to call her friend.

Percy pulled up to Blitzen, Hearthstone, and me and the three of us hopped into the car. Annabeth walked back and sat next to Percy. "She's on her way with Jason and Leo." Annabeth said.

I nodded and asked "Did they want to come with us to Mount Olympus?"

"I think that we can use all of the help we can get." Percy said. "We'll have to explain all of the Norse stuff to them." Annabeth noted. "I suggest that the two of you attend to that task. Maybe it'll come easier to them if people from the Greek world explained it to them." I said.

Though, I am Greek, or at least I think that I am. I'm going to try not to think of that. All of my thoughts will be focused towards that of rescuing my friends, nothing else.

"Where will we meet up?" I asked. "They said that they could meet us at Logan Airport in two hours." Annabeth said.

"Okay, sounds good." I said. "What should we do until then?" They asked.

"I suggest that we go to Logan Airport and get something to eat." I said. They agreed and we were on our way.

We are coming, Magnus, just hold on for a little bit longer.

Heheheeeee this is gonna be goooodddd
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