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I remember screaming. I remember crying. I remember the howling wind. I remember the ghosts. I remember what lurks in the dark. So now, I am thankful that the sun has risen. My eyes had been shut the whole time. I opened my eyes to find that I was still sitting against my door, and that my back was stiff. My room appeared to be in order — as if nothing had happened — which confused me utterly.

What of the wind and the ghosts? Was I really imagining that?

A knock rang loud and clear directly behind my head as I rose from my space on the ground and leaned on the door for support, for my legs were weak. "Breakfast in five." Percy called. "'Kay." I responded groggily. I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I saw the scratch marks. I lifted my shirt so I could see my torso, and I saw a huge scar that looked to be old, as if I had gotten it years ago and it had healed over. My shirt was bloody.

I hobbled to the bathroom, and I wondered as to why my legs ached so badly. I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I looked at my legs and saw bruises on them as well as on my arms. I had burn marks on my wrists and ankles from where the ghosts had held me. How would I explain this to the others? I'll have to hide it.

After I finished my ten minute shower and changed into fresh clothes, I braced myself to walk down the hallway. I slipped into the infirmary first to take some ambrosia and nectar to help me hide the scars that were embroidered into every fiber of my being. I took a deep breath and reentered the hallway. I made my way over to the dining room and sat down in between Piper and Magnus.

"Sleep okay?" Magnus asked. I shrugged as I had a piece of toast with butter. I closed my eyes again and I saw her wicked smile, the smile that started my seemingly never ending nightmare. I reopened my eyes and intended to keep them that way. "How long until we reach Niagara?" Percy asked Leo. He had a pile of blue pancakes sitting before him.

Leo took a bite of his omelet and said "We should be there by noon, so maybe three hours." Everyone nodded. "Should a small group go in again?" Frank asked.

"I'm going." Piper said. "Me too." Magnus said. "Gaea?" He asked. "Sure." I responded. I was exhausted. I felt as though I didn't sleep, which I'm guessing I didn't. I don't even know anymore.

"We leave as soon as we land." I said. I finished my piece of toast and rose from my seat. I had to clutch onto the back of the seat so hard that my knuckles turned white. Nobody seems to notice my queasiness. I made my way back to my room and into my bathroom. I threw up into the toilet.

I couldn't stop throwing up for gods know how long. I saw blood exiting my mouth, and so I swallowed what I could. I looked at the clock in the bathroom. It was 10:00. I was throwing up for almost an hour. I basically crawled over to my bed and managed to prop myself up. I sat on the bed and stared out the window. The sun was out and I could see birds flying in an orderly fashion. Everything seemed peaceful.

I looked into my full length mirror and saw the scratch marks on my neck cleared up and were now nonexistent. I lay my head upon my pillow and closed my eyes. I heard the screaming, I felt the claws, and I saw the ghosts. I was never scared of ghosts, but these ghosts weren't just any ghosts. They were all of the friends and people I was lucky enough to call family over my 300 years. They made me vulnerable, and so I would leave without saying goodbye. I never liked goodbyes. They were so melancholy.

I watched as all of my once thought of friends surrounded me and attempted to rip me apart, limb by limb. I screamed and cried and felt as though I had died. I didn't deserve this! I can't live like this, I just can't. If this is what it's like every time that I close my eyes, then how am I supposed to sleep? I guess I won't, not unless I can learn to live with this wretched curse.

A knock rang through my ear drums. "Who is it?" I asked. "Annabeth." She replied. "Come in." I said. I sat in an Indian position on my bed as she entered the room, closed the door, and sat on my bed with her legs dangling off the sides. "Are you alright?" She asked me in a serious tone. "Yeah." I replied as confidently as possible. "Are you sure? Because the arai-" she started, but I cut her off saying "I'm fine, really. There's nothing to worry about."

"If you're sure..." She started. "I'm sure." I said. She nodded and rose. "I just... I like you; you've grown on me." Annabeth noted. I gave her a small smile and said "Same to you." She returned the smile and walked to the door. "By the way, you're going to be leaving in like ten minutes." She said. I nodded and she left my room. I rose and grabbed my leather jacket. I made my way up the stairs without falling, which is always a good sign. We met on the deck and said our goodbyes. The three of us started to walk around the designated pathways for tourists.

"Should we check behind the waterfall again?" Magnus asked. "Sure." I said. We hiked down to the waterfall entrance. I made a small part in the water as Magnus and Piper entered. I leapt down and hid behind a large rock, once again. I peaked my head around and saw her. It was Samirah. Why wasn't she in the house? Where is the house? If she's here, then isn't Frangers Falls here too?

"Samirah." Magnus called from behind the rock. She turned to face us and then quickly snapped her head forward. We saw ten frost giants standing guard facing the waterfall. Oh boy.

Happy New Year!
Here's my resolution: finish this book!!

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