Steps Forward

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Philinnion threw me across the deck and I slammed my head on the railing that leads downstairs. Philinnion walked around the deck and inspected all of the guys. She started with Frank. "Buff, kind, gentle, brave, and handsome, but your life could end with my touch." She said.

"The stories never said anything about you having a fiery touch." Hazel said as she walked before Jason. She grabbed Hazel by the neck and held her in the air. "Does this feel fiery enough for you?!" She struggled for air as Philinnion threw her down.

She looked at Jason, who's eyes shone bright with worry. "Protective, strong, kind, but bossy." Philinnion observed. Next, she walked to Percy. I rose from my spot and felt the back of my head. Sure enough, I was bleeding. "Beautiful, strong, loyal, brave, tall, I don't see any flaws, well, besides your fatal flaw. I could smell it a mile away, darling." Philinnion smiled at him. He clenched his jaw at her and stared daggers at her.

Next, she went to Magnus. "Beautiful hair, beautiful face, not as strong, but equally as brave. And, if I'm not mistaken, you are already dead!" Philinnion practically cheered. Magnus didn't say a word, but managed an exaggerated gulp. "Fine, be obstinate." She sneered. "Lamia, which should I pick? The Poseidon scum or the dead Norse?" She asked.

"That is a tricky one." The Lamia said as she stroked her disfigured face. "Here, let me have a closer look." The Lamia said. She took out her left eyeball as though it were a toy she had removed from a toy-chest and tossed it to the ghost.

I could see Annabeth's internal rage from here, her face was practically twitching. Apparently, so could Philinnion. "Do these two mean something to you?" She asked. Annabeth stayed quiet. "The Norse and her are related." The Lamia said. "They are the Chase's." She concluded.  "And what of the Poseidon boy?" Philinnion asked. "They are in love." The Lamia smirked. "This should be fun, then." Philinnion smiled wickedly. "I'll let her decide." Philinnion said with an evil smile. "Never." Annabeth said with a clenched jaw. No one knew what to do; I didn't know what to do. Thalia's finger tips sparked to life.

She was going to try to kill one of them. Thalia was closest to the Lamia. She leapt over the railing and grabbed the Lamia by her hair. She clutched the back of the monster's neck and sent a massive wave of electric shocks through her body. The Lamia screamed as she disintegrated. Thalia's grip was beginning to loosen, and she was beginning to get lightheaded.

Just as the Lamia disintegrated into golden dust, Thalia passed out, and fell into the water. Percy dove into the water and retrieved the unconscious daughter of Zeus. "You wretched children!" Philinnion shouted. "You can't kill me, I'm a ghost!" She screeched. "Sure we can." Piper said as she threw her dagger into the eye of the ghost. She bellowed in rage and removed the dagger. As she made her way over to Piper to extract her revenge, she began to disintegrate. She disintegrated from the feet up, oddly enough. Before her arms could disintegrate, she threw Piper's dagger back at her. Philinnion disintegrated, and her remains were carried off by the wind.

Sadly, the dagger made its way into Piper's abdomen. "AGH!" She shouted as she collapsed to her knees. "Piper!" Jason said as he knelt beside her and helped her lay on her back. Annabeth and Samirah made their way downstairs to grab medical supplies. Meanwhile, Frank attempted CPR on Thalia, who is still unconscious. Percy was trying to dry himself and Thalia off. This is a disaster. I made my way forward to help Frank.

"Let me." I said as I knelt next at Thalia's left arm. I placed my hands over her mouth and willed water to escape her lungs. Frank checked her pulse and said "She's all good."

I nodded and sat against the wall. I watched as Annabeth pulled the dagger from Piper's stomach and Magnus began to heal her. She clenched onto Jason's hand and attempted not to scream when Annabeth removed the dagger. What resulted was a strangled cry. As Magnus did what he could to heal her, Jason fed her some ambrosia and nectar. Reyna made her way next to me with some nectar and said "Here, have some."

"Thanks." I said as I took a big gulp of it. Samirah gave a small piece of ambrosia to Hazel, and was thanked with a small head nod. We had grown together well. We seemed as though we were a team. Hearth and Blitzen talked on the other side of the deck. I managed to see what they were saying — one of the many perks of sign language.

Blitzen said something along the lines of I don't know, can we? Hearthstone replied with I think that we don't have much of a choice anymore. Blitzen then said When all of this is done, I say we hide out for a long time.

Hearth smiled lightly and said I agree. Then, they held hands for a short moment. Are they — do they — a couple? If so, I would be so happy for them! I guess I'll have to ask them sooner or later.

Once everyone recuperated, they said their goodnight's and headed back to bed. "Who wants to take over Thalia's shift?" I asked before everyone left. My head rang; I needed rest. "I'll take it." Frank said. I nodded and said "Goodnight, then."

I made my way to my room and closed the door quietly behind me. I watched as all of my past friends turned towards me and smiled their wicked smiles. They inched in for the kill, but I simply closed my eyes for what felt like an eternity. I was in total darkness for the first time in so long, and I was finally at peace.

I stood amongst the serenity and tranquility with a small smile upon my face. My smile broadened when I opened my eyes and saw nothing abnormal before me. I could sleep. I can rest without seeing these images. I have to remember that they aren't real. I was making progress; I was taking steps forward, towards the light. What is real is what's important, and I am real.

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