GranG...Feeling The Love!

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I looked to her with a blank expression. I would have to tell them at some point, and GranG knows this, so why would she make such a deal? "Why?" I asked. "Because I wish to help you in any way that I can." GranG said.  "Can I still call you GranG?" I asked. "Of course." She replied happily. "So, GranG, what's the catch?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"What do I really have to do to get your help?" I asked. "Well, if I am to help you, I would need your quest-mates to not despise me." She said. I scoffed and sheathed my sword, saying "That's practically impossible."

"Practically." She replied with a smirk and a know-it-all facade. "I can tell them my secret, but I can't make them like you. Also, two of the seven aren't even here." I said. "Hmm." GranG mused. "Then I guess that we have come to a stalemate." She said. "I didn't want it to come to this, but I guess it has to." She said. I raised my brow and reached for my bracelet.

GranG dug her nails into my wrist, bending it at an odd angle. I gasped in pain, not expecting her to be as strong as she was. I heard the crack in my wrist, coincidentally being my right wrist, which is the arm that I use to fight with my sword. "Agh!" I yelped. "You will do what I say, whether you like it or not!" GranG bellowed. Vines flew around the store, knocking down racks and manikins. They flew around me and tightened, locking me in place with my arms by my side. I squirmed around, attempting to free myself, but to no luck. "Free yourself, child!" GranG bellowed.

I was furious, to say the least. I thought of this woman as my mother, as my caretaker. I watched as she transformed into her true form. Her eyes glowed a lime-green. Her hair transformed into vines, flying around aimlessly. Her skin peeled off, only to reveal a mound of mud that was shaped as a woman. She wore a dress made of grass, rocks, and flowers. The vines surrounding me tightened so much that I could barely breathe. "Gaea, you are named after me, the strongest woman to ever live! Start acting like it!" GranG screamed.

Her eyes held a chaotic look. Her nails that were made of thorns found their way to my face, holding my head in place while digging into my scalp. I took as deep a breath as possible before closing my eyes and screaming as loud as possible. The vines exploded and GranG was sent flying backwards. She landed with a yelp on top of a pile of racks and manikins. "I am strong!" I yelled at her.

As the winds died down, she let out a chuckle and said "I know that you are. That's why I have made this proposition for you." She then said in a harsh tone "Do it." GranG then melted into a pile of mud, and the door where Blitzen entered from reappeared. I heard him scream "Gaea! Help! Are you okay?!" I rushed to the door, saw that it was locked, and yelled "Back up!" He did so, and then I kicked down the door.

"What happened?" I asked him. "There was no one back here; once I got inside, the door slammed behind me and I've been banging on the door ever since. What happened out here?" He said. "Nothing important." I said sternly. Blitzen didn't seem to notice my cautionary tone, for he held my broken wrist, saw my bruised arms, legs, and neck, and looked at my bloody face. He then harshly said "Obviously something did happen."

"I-I'll tell you later, okay? Can we just get out of here?" I asked. He understood, nodded, and we proceeded out of the store with Blitzen holding a bag of Magnus's free clothes. We got back to the mountain base to see everyone staring at the sky. I followed their gaze and watched as the Argo II landed about ten yards away. Magnus looked over to us and waved with a vibrant smile. I waved back with my good hand. As we got closer, he rushed up to us with everyone else hot on his tail and asked "What the Hel happened?!" He delicately held my face, my blood staining his hands. He looked down to see my wrist bent at a dangerous angle. "Let's get you on the ship." He said defiantly.

He took the bag of clothes from Blitzen and rushed on board and, after Leo showed him the bathroom, ran inside and changed his clothes. After we all boarded the ship, Leo took off and headed the ship for Africa to visit Victoria Falls. We all sat at the dining table and waited for Magnus to exit the bathroom. A moment later, he did, wearing his new dark green t-shirt, blue jean-shorts, black sneakers, and grey zip-up hoody. "Thank you, everyone. I don't know how long I would have made it if you guys hadn't come at the time that you did." We all nodded and said you're welcomes and whatnots.

"But," Magnus started, "Samirah is still missing. What are we going to do when we find her?" He asked. While he was in the bathroom, Piper and Annabeth retrieved medical supplies from the infirmary and brought them to the table. Piper looked me in the eyes and mouthed 1, 2, 3! I sucked in sharply in pain as she snapped my wrist back in place. I dug my nails into my other hand to prevent myself from screaming. "Good?" Annabeth asked. I nodded quickly as they began to wrap my wrist in bandages and wipe away the blood on my face. They gave me ambrosia and nectar to help speed up the healing process.

"Gaea, any ideas?" Magnus asked. I took a breath and said "We won't know their lengths of security or even if Loki is going to be there. So, I say let's wing it." They all chuckled, but Magnus stopped abruptly. "What happened in there?" He asked. I took a deep breath and said "You all may want to sit down for this one."

It's getting hot in here (so hot)


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