Branded Messages

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Everyone smiled lightly and nodded their heads. Percy held my hand tightly and said "That's what we do for family."

I smiled lightly at him. "Jason," I started. He knelt before me as I sat upwards with Annabeth's help. "How are you?" I concluded with a worried look.

"I'm fine. What happened to you?" He asked. I looked over at Piper and Hazel. They nodded lightly. "I had to kill an arai while rescuing Leo." I said.

"Leo was taken, too?" He asked and shot Leo a worried look. I nodded lightly and said "My curse is that every time I close my eyes, I see her smile, I hear her screeches, I hear the screeches of innocents, the ripping of skin, the unsheathing of swords. I feel every curse that she's inflicted, and I feel the pain of every monster that I kill."

He looked at me with worry. "How is that one curse?" He asked. "Maybe it's just herself as a curse, like she wants me to feel what she and her kind have felt." I said.

He was silent. "Every night I watch and feel as my friends from a long time ago tear me limb from limb and they have a look of bloodlust that is just so terrifying that I can't even begin to describe it." I said.

He was silent again, and simply held my hand in an attempt of sympathy. "But we can't keep focusing on me. We need to keep going." I said.

Jason helped me stand up and I said "We need to get to Lyngvi as fast as possible."

"Well, we need to get to Boston." Magnus said. "Where specifically?" Leo asked as he made his way to the control room. "Long Warf." Samirah said.

He nodded and plugged in the coordinates. Soon enough, we were on our way.

"How many days do we have left?" Jason asked as he drank some nectar. "Two after today." I said. The sun was beginning to set.

"I've been reading up on Norse mythology since we got here." Reyna started. "I read that some fire giant named Surt is supposed to cut the bonds. Does that mean that he'll be there too?" She finished.

Magnus's head fell as he said "Yeah, I've had my fair share of fights with him. In fact, he's the one who killed me."

"What do you mean?" Thalia asked. And so, he explained his story to the group, about how Samirah was a Valkyrie and how he was actually dead.

Once he finished, Leo said "Well...on that awesome note, lets go have some lunch."

We all filed downstairs to the dining table and sat around it. The fourteen of us made quite the group. We were divided equally, with seven boys and seven girls.

"Jason, what happened while you were there?" Annabeth asked. I looked over to him to see that he was holding onto Piper's hand with an iron grip.

Something terrible must have happened. "I-I saw all of you die, different ways different times." He said. "I'm not gonna let any of those happen." He finished determinedly.

He let go of Piper's hand and showed us his right shoulder, it had a traditional Norse symbol on it. It looked like this:

 It looked like this:

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