Firey Contemplations

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Leo shot flame ball after flame ball at me. I ducked and covered, preparing for the shift from defense to offense. I took a deep breath, and shot two balls of fire at Leo, to which he ducked in surprise.

I ran to the other side of the ship and gave myself a running start. I leapt off of the ship and levitated myself over the water with my fire-manipulation.

"How are you doing that?" Leo asked. "Just try it." I called back. I was shooting a stream of fire from both of my feet, and so it was keeping me afloat.

He followed my lead and leapt off of the ship. He began to levitate. "THIS IS AMAZING!!" He shouted with glee. I laughed and went back to the ship. I leant against the railing and watched him do flips and turns with a broad smile upon his face. I heard a beeping noise, and so I headed for the control room.

We have eight hours. We should be there in two. I looked at the control panel and saw that the stop-lever was removed. Someone is here. I unsheathed my sword and looked around. I headed outside to call Leo back, and he came back onto the ship. I quickly pressed the alarm and waited patiently for the others to join me on deck.

"What's wrong?" Thalia asked. "The stop lever was removed." I stated.

"WHAT?!" Annabeth and Leo said at the same time. They rushed into the control room and began to panic. Percy unsheathed his sword, and the others followed suit. "So, someone is on the ship?" He asked. I nodded and said "Let's spread out and check every room."

Everyone separated into pairs besides Annabeth and Leo — they were trying to figure out how to fix it. Piper and Jason, Frank and Hazel, Thalia and Reyna, Blitzen and Hearth, Magnus and Samirah, and Percy and me all went our separate ways.

Percy and I approached the basement door. He nodded, and I opened the door as quietly as I could. We inched inside very discretely. I heard the sound of someone — or perhaps, something — chomping on something.

Percy and I ducked behind a wooden crate. We both peeked over the crate to see what it was. It appeared to be a man, a fully grown man. How did someone hijack the ship if they weren't supernatural? I turned back around to face Percy. I shrugged as in asking 'What do we do?' He shrugged in reply as in saying 'I have no idea.' I simply stood up.

He followed my lead. I approached the man and tapped his shoulder. He turned around to reveal that he was eating the stop lever. "Who are you?" I asked. "You know." He said in a female voice. "Show your true self." Percy said. He smiled and stood. He transformed into a pile of mud, a very familiar one. I grunted in disgust and frustration. I turned to face Percy, and he held his eyes closed in an attempt to control his frustration.

She smiled wickedly and shot a stream of wind to slam the door shut. She smiled wickedly, and said "Hello Perseus, Gaea."

"Gaea." Percy and I sneered simultaneously. "What do you want?" I asked. "I told you what I wanted." She said. "Why are you going out of your way to try to get them to forgive you? And who's side are you even on?" I asked. "I am on your side." She said. "It doesn't seem like it. You've been sending monsters after all of us in an attempt to kill us." I said.

"Well, you see, by sending the monsters, I both got you to reveal your secret and created a bond between the crew. You're welcome." She said. "We didn't say thank you." Percy said through gritted teeth. Gaea seemed hurt, and so she proceeded to say "You irritate me to levels even the gods cannot comprehend." He smirked and said "The feeling is mutual."

There was a pause, and Percy said "You know we could kill you right now. With Gaea and I working together, her powers and mine, we could take you down without an issue." Gaea laughed and said "I would like to see you try."

I sheathed my sword and split her being into two with my earthly powers. Percy held a minuscule smirk. Gaea became nothing more than a pile of dirt. I set them on fire and watched them burn. I rushed forward to grab the stop lever, and I handed it to Percy. "Go give it to them; they'll need it."  I said. He nodded and headed upstairs.

I watched as the last of her being disintegrated, and then I made my way upstairs. I knew that that wasn't the last of her. Everyone seemed at ease, and so, we gathered in the dining hall. "We have about seven hours until we arrive on Lyngvi, and then, we begin the battle. Is everyone ready?" Magnus asked. We all nodded. "Do you think that Gaea would be at the battle? She managed to get on the ship, who is to say that she won't appear?"  I asked. Frank started "Well, if she does —"

"Then we kill her." Piper finished with steely determination glittering in her kaleidoscope eyes. "We've done it before." Hazel confirmed. "Well, I think that that's a good plan." Samirah said. "We should all get some rest, lay low for five or so hours." Jason said. "Good idea." Blitzen said. And so, we all departed. I made my way to my room, and I sat on my bed with my legs crossed. A knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I said.

Samirah, Reyna, Thalia, Piper, Hazel, and Annabeth walked in and closed the door. I sat up straight and asked "What's going on?" They all sat around me on my bed. Annabeth looked to me and said "We know that you say that you're okay, but we need you to be honest. Are you truly alright?"

"We need you to be honest, because if, in the middle of the battle, you have another collapse, and we can't get to you in time —" Piper started, and her statement was concluded by Samirah "You're toast."

"But, I'm immortal." I defended. "You don't know if you are immortal like me, or like the gods, and we don't want to have anything that could lead us to believe that you can die." Thalia said. "We need to make sure that you are safe. You are the only one with as much experience, knowledge, power, and strength that can get us through this." Reyna said.

"So, that's why we are here. Are you going to be able to fight this forever, or do we need to find a solution?" Samirah said. "I've been blessed by Hestia, I could try some things to provide a temporary fix, but only if you need it. I'd rather do it to be safe than not do it at all." Hazel said. "So, what's your answer?" Piper asked.

After a few moments, I responded with "Do it."

Ooohhh let's see what happens...
Thank you!

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