Captured Hope

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I wish that I had never fallen asleep. I would rather have been awake for all of eternity than to have witnessed these horrid dreams, rather nightmares.

I saw Blitzen and Hearthstone, waiting helplessly in a cage. Hearth sat on the ground and stared absentmindedly across the hall, towards a small flicker of light, of hope.

Blitzen tried helplessly to pick the lock, but it seemed that he had tried before. Hearth banged his fist on the ground in order to make Blitzen turn around and ask "What?"

Hearth signed It's useless. "I know..." Blitzen said.

Blitzen wiped his hands on his pants and sat next to Hearth. I saw that Blitzen's hands were cut up from trying to pick the lock so many times. Hearth's arms looked as if someone had punched them repeatedly; they were bruised beyond belief. That was probably from where the frost Giants grabbed him.

The torches along the walls in the hallway lit up one after the other. Just as one lit up, a woman in a long, white cape walked past it. It was like one of those horror movies.

Hel is beautiful and young, or at least she appears that way. She wore a white cloak, shimmering like snowflakes flying around inside a snow storm. The right side of her body and face is — well, it's terrifying. Her skin is withered and she has a skeletal hand and leg with patches of blue ice covering her decayed flesh. Her lips were as thin as could be and they rested over her rotten teeth. She had a milky-white eye and strands of desiccated hair like black spiderwebs. She has a milky, zombie gaze, which I find quite unnerving.

Her cape was displayed behind her, flowing as she approached the cell doors. She held onto the metal bars and asked in a malicious tone "How is everyone doing?"

Hearth signed Don't listen to her, trouble. Blitzen nodded and said not a word.

Hel huffed and shook the cell. "Answer me!" She yelled. "Just fine." Blitzen said through gritted teeth. "Great." Hel said once again with an evil smile upon her face.

"Your little friend along with her companions are closing in on you, we must be prepared to lock you in here when she arrives." Hel said. "Who? Samirah?" Blitzen asked.

"No, my father has her captive." Hel said with a light smirk. Blitzen jumped up and grabbed Hel's hands, digging his nails into her saying "If any harm comes to her, I'll-"

Hel released her hands and cut Blitz off, saying "You'll kill me. I know, sadly though, that is impossible, for I am a god!"

After a brief pause, Blitzen asked "Who is coming for us?" Hel smiled broadly and said "Gaea, and boy, do we have a surprise for her."

Hel began to cackle, and as soon as she did, the dream faded.

I saw Samirah sitting upon a bed with her legs crossed. She faced a window and watched water cascade down the waterfall before her. A frost giant appeared and said "Loki demands your presence." Samirah weakly nodded and followed the giant.

She wobbled, and you could tell that she was weak. It appeared as though she were starved. Her legs and arms had bruises running along them. Her stomach was bound up tightly in bandages, as if she were stabbed through the gut.

The giant forced her to kneel before the main dining room chair. Atop it sat Loki in his human form.

"Daughter, how are you feeling?" Loki asked. Samirah was silent. Loki then demanded "Answer me!"

Samirah proceeded to spit a mixture of blood and saliva upon Loki's shoes. The frost giant forced Samirah to the ground, as if she were kissing it.

"You will respect me. You will not go on like your siblings have." Loki snarled. "What siblings?" Samirah asked weakly.

Loki smirked and silently laughed. He continued on saying "Your friend is on her way to save you and the others."

"Gaea?" Samirah asked. The giant pulled her upwards so that Loki could see her face. A glimmer of hope sparked in Samirah's eyes. "The prophecy states that you will fall by her hand, father." Samirah smirked.

"Not if she dies before reaching me." Loki smiled widely. Samirah's glimmer of hope was replaced by a look of regret, as if she regretted having hope.

The dream faded, and I saw him. Magnus was bound to a rock inside a cave with nothing but trousers on. The snake venom fell onto his torso. He bellowed in pain. "Is anyone there?! Please! Help me!" He begged.

Another drop landed on his cheek. He screamed and writhed in pain. Tears strode down his face. Sweat glistened his skin.

"Gaea, help me, please." He prayed. "You're my only hope, he took everyone else." He finished.

I was his only hope. He knew no one else was coming. Sigyn walked into the cave. "Hush, boy." She said. "Help me, how can you approve of this?!" Magnus begged.

"He is my husband, whatever he says, goes." Sigyn said. Magnus sighed and said "There isn't anything that you can or will do?"

She shook her head and said "Nothing but wait."

Magnus seemed to look at me. It was as if he could see me. "Where are we anyways?" He asked Sigyn.

"We are in a cave, dumb boy." Sigyn said tiredly. "But, where is this cave?" Magnus urged on.

"Midgard." She said. "Just tell me where in Midgard, it won't do me much good while I'm trapped anyways." Magnus said.

"Fine." Sigyn said. She continued after taking a deep breath, saying "We are in Mount Olympus. The cave at the very top, where legends claimed that the gods lived."

My eyes widened and I gasped. Another drop of venom landed in Magnus's eye and he screamed in pain.

My dream faded, and I shot upwards. I looked around myself and saw that I was still in Smed's house.

I had to save them. They needed me. We have one week until the full moon rises and the Fenris Wolf will be released, and in the meantime, we have to travel to Helheim and Mount Olympus. Not to mention the fact that we have to find out where Samirah was being hidden and save her.

We need to start moving, and we need to start moving now.

Ily alllll
Merry xmas eve !!

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