Rescued With Minor Difficulties

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I was falling, and I was willing to use my powers, but I was too late. But I survived. Jason had flown up to me and caught me midair. He floated back to the ground and set me on some rocks. I took a deep breath and said "Thank you." He gave a short, breathy laugh and said "No problem."

Everyone gathered around me and asked what had happened. I took a deep breath, stood, and said "Captain was a Minotaur. I -" And I proceeded to explain what had happened. After a few moments pause, Piper asked "So, how are we doing this?"

"First off, Annabeth can't go up there." I said. "What? Why not?" Annabeth asked. "I had a dream that said that if your blood spills, well, things will go south." I said, continuing to take deep breaths as in to stabilize myself. "What do you mean?" Percy asked with worry. "Magnus is a Chase, he's a male, and a Norse demigod. Annabeth is a Chase, a female, and Greek demigod. The Chase family is a very special family, as I'm sure that you've heard. If Norse Chase blood and Greek Chase blood spill on Mount Olympus, well, your old friend will come back stronger than ever." I said.

"Gaea? You're talking about Gaea coming back?" Jason asked. I nodded solemnly. Who? Hearth signed. I signed in reply Greek goddess of earth, bad.

He seemed to understand, for he made a facial expression that expressed disgust. "You're joking. Please tell me that this is some type of sick joke." Leo said. I shook my head solemnly. "Someone needs to stay behind and watch her." I said as though she weren't here.

"Right here, thanks. I can take care of myself." Annabeth said courageously. "And I have no doubt in that, but I don't trust you to stay out of the way and stay safe. Based on my collective knowledge and careful observation of you, I solemnly predict that you'll attempt to march up to the top of the mountain and into cave in which Magnus is being held and, in an attempt to free him, cut his bonds and whilst we are fighting, run away together and into safety. If you do that, you'll get caught. Frost Giants are very smart creatures; they have keen eyes, and so do I. If you attempt something like that, I'll shoot you down, no questions asked. Is that understood?" I said in a sharp tone.

Annabeth stood there, dumbfounded and nodded sincerely. Her look of astonishment spread to the faces of the Greeks. Apparently, they hadn't seen her so utterly stumped.

"So, who wants to stay with her?" I asked. "I'll stay with her, along with Hearth." Blitz said. I nodded in appreciation and said "The rest of you, follow me."

Before I began my small hike, I turned to Blitzen and said "The world is in your hands more than ours." He nodded bravely and so, we began our hike.

After about twenty minutes of hiking, we stopped about three levels below the frost Giants. "Anyone know how to arch?" I asked. They all shook their heads and Percy mumbled "If only Frank were here."

"You don't mean Frank Zhang, son of Emily, do you?" I asked. "Actually, yeah, we do." Jason said. "How do you know him?" Leo asked.

"I babysat him when he was younger. What a small...universe." I said.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Percy asked a few moments later. I pondered the thought for a moment, and said "Percy, Piper, Leo, you guys take the three frost Giants that are above us. Jason, can you fly up to that tree?"

"Sure, but why?" Jason asked. "I have an idea." I said. He nodded, and then I said "Percy, Piper, Leo, don't fight until I say so." They nodded, and Jason took me by the waist and flew me up to the top of the tree that stood adjacent to the group.

We crouched upon the tree branches. "Okay, there are five frost Giants on the upper level barricading the entrance to the cave. No doubt they are expecting us, so Sigyn is waiting inside, guarding Magnus." I said. "Who?" Jason asked. "Loki's wife." I said. He nodded.

"Have you practiced your aim?" I asked. He hesitated, but then said "Not really."

"Okay, just make sure I don't fall." I said. "Why would you fall?" Jason asked. "Because I'm going to shoot down two of them, then you're going to fly me to the other three. You take one and then I take the others. It's going to take you longer to fight the frost Giant because you never have before. While you guys are taking care of that, I'll take Sigyn." I said.

"Sounds like a plan." He said. I took a deep breath and located the two frost Giants I planned to shoot down. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, opened them, and fired. The first frost giant disintegrated.

The one standing next to him looked around in astonishment. I then shot him down as well. "NOW!" I shouted. Jason speedily flew me towards the entrance to the cave. He unsheathed his sword and began to fight one of the frost Giants. The two tallest ones loomed over me, but I snapped both of my wrists and my throwing stars made their way towards their necks. They died instantly.

I unsheathed my sword and peered inside the cave for a mere second. I threw my sword and it struck Sigyn's left shoulder. She bellowed in pain and spun around. I tapped my gemstone and the sword flew back to me. She laughed and said "You missed."

"Nope." I said. And so, I ran forward. I sliced and jabbed and ducked and dodged attacks from Sigyn. She was a pretty talented swords-woman.

I spun in an attempt to stab her stomach, but as I spun, she kicked my side and I went flying. I landed next to Magnus.

"Stupid girl." She spat. "Gaea." Magnus whispered weakly. I looked up to him, into his eyes, and saw that even in his weakened state, he was the same man. I backed away slowly.

A drop of venom fell onto his stomach and he bellowed in pain, or rather as much as he could. "You see, you're useless." she said. I shook my head and said "I'm not, and you know for a fact that I'm not."

She shook her head and laughed. I stood behind Magnus's head. She stood to his left, sword drawn. I sheathed my sword and so she said "Giving up already?"

I shook my head with a slight smirk as I braces myself to grab the bowl of poison, and splashed it onto her. She bellowed in agony, and I slammed the bowl into her head.

Now, posion was getting onto my hands, but I didn't scream, for I knew that it was in no way comparable to Magnus's pain. I snapped my wrist and a throwing star made its way into my right palm. I sliced open the ropes that held his wrist and helped him sit up.

I then threw the throwing star into Sigyn's left eye and she cried in pain once again.

"Here, have some water." I said to Magnus. He gulped down the entire canteen and, once he finished, said "Thank you." I nodded and said "Anything for you."

He smiled in appreciation. I listened for more fighting, and heard none. And so, I helped Magnus stand, which was a more gargantuan task than I thought, and we made our way towards the door. "Annabeth and her friends are here." I said. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "There was no one else to turn t0." I said. He nodded, too weak to argue.

Just as we stepped out of the cave, a frost giant loomed tall above us with part of its face melted off. "Gaea." He sneered. I slowly and quietly put Magnus down on a rock.

"Random frost giant." I said. I looked behind him and saw the Greeks bundled up in a tight knot. In one swift motion, I unsheathed my sword, jumped, used his bent knee as a step-stool, and decapitated him. I did a three-sixty and landed on the ground on one knee. I sheathed my sword, turned to them, and said with a raised eyebrow "Really?"

Yayyyyy Magnus is safe!
Thanks so much!

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