The Avatar's Secret

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I thought of the most popular waterfalls in Midgard. Niagara Falls, located in Canada, and Victoria Falls located off the coast of Africa are the two most popular. There is also the Seven Sisters waterfall in Norway, being the 39th tallest waterfall in the world.

I think that those are a good start.

After Jason landed at the base of the mountain beside me, the nine of us spoke together of where we ought to find Samirah and Loki. "Where should we even start?" Magnus asked as he ate some of the Greek ambrosia and nectar.

He looked healthier already. I was so happy that we found him alive. If he died....well, I don't know what I would have done.

"Well, Niagara Falls could always be a possibility. We could also check Victoria Falls in Africa, and the Seven Sisters waterfall in Norway." I said. They nodded and Blitz said "How are we getting everywhere?"

"While we were up on Mount No-Thanks, I operated the Argo II to meet us here. It should be here soon, it's maybe an hour away." Leo said.

Hearth then signed What's the Argo II? And so, I asked the frizzy-haired Latino. Before he could give his sarcastic, long winded answer, Jason said "The ship we used to navigate to Greece during the quest of the seven."

I nodded and Hearth did as well. "How are you feeling, Magnus?" I asked as I sat next to him on the rocks.

"Better, much better. Does anyone have  pants or shoes or a shirt?" He asked. I then said "It's a good thing that the Argo II isn't here yet, then. Let's go shopping."

"Oh gods, you expect me to go out like this?" He said.

"Fine, you wait here. Who wants to go shopping with me?" I asked. Blitzen volunteered, which I was not surprised about. "Someone needs to help them through Greece, they can't speak Greek so they'll be confused." Jason said.

"Antithétos, boró na milíso pollés glósses." I said in reply. "Huh?" Blitzen asked. "On the contrary, I can speak many languages." I said in English.

"Oh, okay then." Jason said, dumbfounded. Percy smirked slightly. "If someone else wants to come, by all means, do." I said. No one volunteered, so I looked to Blitzen and said "Let's go then."

And so, we started off. Near the base of Mount Olympus was a shopping center, much to our luck. We walked into the first store we saw, called "Mytikas Boutique". Mytikas is the tallest point on Mount Olympus, and so that was where Magnus was held, coincidentally.

After browsing through the store for a half an hour or so, Blitzen and I went to the cashier, who was the only person working in the store at the moment — at least that we knew of. Blitzen and I were the only people shopping. We had a new shirt, pants, underwear, socks, and sneakers for Magnus.

"Hello, my name is G, did you find everything that you were looking for?" She asked kindly with a strong Greek accent. "Yes, thank you." I replied.

There was a crash heard from the back room. "Are you alright back there?" She called. "Someone help!" He called.

Blitzen started before I did. G held my arm, and just as soon as Blitzen entered the back room, the door vanished. "What's going on?" I asked harshly. I made my sword appear, and small bolts of electricity cackled around me.

"I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me." She stated calmly. Her voice held a tone that I recognized. The musing tone and lightheartedness behind it was a voice that I recognized, but from where?

"Oh my gods....GranG?" I asked. GranG was the woman who found me on the doorsteps of the adoption agency almost 300 years ago. She cared for me until the day that I was taken away. She was the only one who took favor upon me, and the only woman there that I liked.

"Yes, though I like using a different name." She said. "What?" I asked with a facade of confusion. "Gaea." She mused with a light smile.

"But, I'm Gaea?" I asked. "Who do you think named you?" She said. "Are you the Gaea?" I asked. She nodded. "How are you here, I thought that you were dead?" I asked.

"Check your finger, honey." She asked. I looked down to my fingers, and to my horror, my right index finger had what looked to be a paper cut on it.

"Schist." I mumbled under my breath. "If you hurt anyone -"I started with a fierce tone and look, but she cut me off, saying "Why would I hurt you? I love you." She said kindly, though she looked hurt. "Aren't you supposed to be evil?" I asked her, completely disregarding her expression of love.

"It was my destiny to hate the seven, not you. You were a pleasant surprise." She said. "Have you been watching me, all these years?" I asked her. "Yes, and I am very happy to see you all grown up." She answered with a look of delicate pleasure upon her face.

"Why were you working in that adoption place?" I asked. "I went through a time where my curiosity about humans grew too big to contain, and so I became one myself." She said. "Where is Blitzen?" I asked. "Perfectly fine. I just wanted to chat." She said.

I nodded slightly, and said "If you've been watching me, do you know of my powers?"

She responded saying "Yes, and I've concealed your use of other powers from the Norse gods."

"Thank you." I said. "Not a problem." She said. "How do I have powers over everything?" I asked.

"As I said before, I love you. I blessed you at two years old with control over my domain, which technically includes wind." She said. "So, I have powers over lightning, fire, ice, water, earth, and wind? Are you sure that I'm not the avatar?" I asked.

She chuckled and said "Yes, though I've always loved your sense of humor."

"You will need to use those powers against Loki when the time comes." Gaea said. "I know. It's just- I've always had to keep them a secret, so it's weird having it be out there." I said.

"I know, and thats why I'm offering you a deal." She said. I raised an eyebrow and so, she continued, saying "I will aid you in your battle against Loki, if you tell your friends your secret."

Yes I made Gaea (primordial goddess) good and nice ok shoot me

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