Eerie Realizations

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"Where are we headed?" Percy asked. "Nidavellir. I'm going to see if anyone saw Blitzen before he went missing." I said.

They nodded and followed me. "I have a question." I asked a little while later.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked. "Why do you trust me to lead you through here?" I asked. "Considering your age, you must know your way around. Also, you know, considering your age, you must know who to trust and why. We figured, if you can trust us, we can trust you. Anyways, if Magnus is in trouble and someone offers to help, I sort of have to trust them." Annabeth answered.

I smirked and laughed saying "Thanks."

"Why did you know to trust us?" Percy asked. I paused and said "Magnus wouldn't have talked about you if he didn't trust you, or, if need be, refer to you as a safety contact."

They nodded, and so I continued saying "Also, when I arrived to Camp Half-Blood, I-well, I don't know exactly. It confused me. I felt as though I had been there before, but I couldn't have been because I was born in Britain and have never traveled to New York before."

They nodded and Annabeth said "I'm sure that you'll figure it out." I smiled in appreciation.

I looked ahead and saw that the entrance to Nidavellir was about half a football-field away. "In Nidavellir, everything has a name. You have to appreciate the person who made the cup you drink from and the chair you sit in. Cups, chairs, even plates sometimes have names. You have to respect them." I said. They nodded, and so I continued by saying "When you introduce yourself, you have to say your mother's name. It is a very matriarchal society. So, for example, Annabeth will have to say that she is Annabeth, daughter of Athena." I said.

Percy then said "And I will say that I am Percy, son of Sally?" I nodded. Percy then asked "What do you say?"

I paused and then said "I say that I simply am."

That seemed to keep him quiet. Everyone in Nidavellir, whether they admitted it or not, hated that I didn't know any of my parents. Some said it to my face, some said it to one another as I passed by, and some just said it behind my back.

But, I didn't care. As I said before, I simply am.

We entered Nidavellir and they looked around. "This looks like South Boston." Annabeth said as we walked around.

I nodded my head and, just as I was about to respond, an elf appeared before me. The elf said "Hey Gaea! Long time no see! How's the sword working out for you?" He asked. It was Smed, the blacksmith. He wasn't just any ordinary blacksmith, he was the best blacksmith in all of Nidavellir. And that's saying something.

"Who are your friends?" Smed asked. I motioned for Annabeth and Percy to introduce themselves. "I'm Percy, son of Sally." He said. Annabeth proceeded to say "I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena."

"Nice to meet you!" Smed said. Though he was burly, huge, and had a rough voice, he was the nicest man you could meet here.

"What are you looking for?" He asked. "When was the last time you saw Blitzen?" I asked him.

"A week or so ago," he started. "He was picking up some supplies for his market in Newbury Street. We had a drink together and, since it was late, he stayed in his apartment for the night. Haven't seen him since." Smed concluded.

"Thank you." I said. Percy and Annabeth followed me away. "Where to now?" Annabeth asked.

"Blitzen's apartment." I said. "What for?" Percy asked. "To look for clues." I said.

"Either of you investigate a crime scene before?" I asked. They shook their heads and so I said "Well, there's a first time for everything."

As we approached Blitzen's apartment building, Annabeth asked "How exactly do you plan on getting in?"

"You two distract the doorman while I pick the lock." I stated simply. "How should we do that?" Percy asked.

"You're both smart, I'm sure that you can figure it out." I said with a small smirk.

"How will we know when you are done?" Annabeth asked. "Just listen for anything out of the ordinary." I said.

I opened the door and slipped silently behind a large fern. Percy and Annabeth approached the desk while whispering to one another. They engaged in conversation with the doorman.

While he was occupied, I rushed up the stairs as silently as possible. When I reached his door, I held my hand over it. I concentrated on the locking mechanism, the metal that held it in place. I unlocked the locks in a matter of two minutes. I jumped up and down three times and made sure that it made a noise.

Two minutes later, Percy and Annabeth made their way up the stairs. "Done?" Annabeth asked. I nodded slightly, opened the apartment, and gasped.

The apartment was a mess. Papers were scattered about, glass shards stuck in the walls, furniture was overturned, and blood was smeared across the wall.

"Oh my gods." Annabeth said. I walked into the center of the room and turned around. On the kitchen counter, there was a message written in blood.

"What does that say?" Percy asked as him and Annabeth followed me.

"Forlate denne tåpelige søken og krype sammen til vrede Loki." I read. "And what does that mean?" Percy asked. "Abandon this foolish quest and cower to the wrath of Loki." I said in a serious tone with my eyebrows crinkled.

The room was filled with an empty silence. The type of silence in which you realize many things, normally of a terrific nature. We have made an enemy of a god, and this certain god has our friends captive alongside the ability to start the end of life as we knew it.

This dark silence evaded my mind for a moment. I felt dizzy. I rested upon the counter where the message was displayed. "You okay?" Annabeth asked. "Yeah-yeah I'm-" I started, but before I could finish, I realized something.

This blood was fresh. It wasn't an old message, it was new. Someone was following us. Annabeth and I seemed to reach the same conclusion, for we shared a look of mixed emotions, of fear and determination.

Percy realized this slightly after. We unsheathed our swords. "Come out!" I bellowed.

And out he came. From the closet door, out came the devil, the menacing, the terrifying, the horrific man whom we feared to meet.

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