Answered Prayers

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As we walked through the halls of the Palace of Hel, I looked for the one that I saw in my dream.

Suddenly, as though magically appearing before me, I saw a door that undoubtedly lead to the throne room. I looked to my left and saw the hallway. "That's it; are you ready?" I asked.

"Always ready for a good fight." Percy said conclusively. "Meet you back here in twenty." Annabeth said. I nodded and watched as they walked down the hallway.

I looked to the throne room and simply kicked the door down. Splinters of wood flew in all directions. I took three large steps forward, knowing that I was walking into a trap.

Hel sat upon her throne of icicles and skulls. Her hood covered her face and gave her a mysterious look. Her aura generated an immense surge of power that circulated my body and made me feel as if I were in a tornado — with the feeling of not being able to breathe. I stood my ground, though. I held my facade of superiority, of strength.

Hel stood from her throne and threw the hood off of her head to show me her terrifying face with its cryptic facade. I held my face in a construction of a determined and strong entity.

In one quick movement, a dagger was thrown at me. I ducked just in time as to not die, but not fast enough to relieve myself of a long scar running across my forehead. I turned around to see the dagger with my blood on it on the floor. It has a skull at the top of its handle and the blade itself curved as that of a scythe. The dagger was able to turn in on itself to shrink it's size. The sterling silver blade had a bronze, feathery-design as its handle. If I had to say so, it was a beautiful piece of craftsmenship.

I turned to face Hel and saw her smug expression. "Hel." I said defiantly. "Gaea." She said in a similar tone. "I know why you are here; I knew that you were coming." Hel said. I nodded, showing that I knew all of these as well as her knowledge of them. "So why did you still come?" She asked. I shrugged and said "I've been told that my stubborn curiosity will get me killed one day — maybe it's today."

Hel smirked and said "So, you had a dream?" I nodded. "And you want to know the surprise?" She asked again. I nodded once again. "Since your birth, my father and I worked together to cause turbulence amongst the gods in preparation for Ragnarok." Hel said. "So, what do I have to do with it?" I asked.

"I'm glad that you asked." Hel said with a smile. "Your parents were forbidden to be together. It was simply unheard of. You obviously had other necessities than that of Midgard's existence. My father and I simply...took matters into our own hands. We plucked your mother from the Earth and have kept her here since as my prisoner. She wasn't missed; I'll bet you that no one even knew of her existence. She was a handmaiden after all." Hel concluded.

"Loki knew who my parents were." I stated. Hel nodded with a smile "And so he set my torture up to keep me distracted from discovering the truth." I said. Hel nodded once again; she was getting eager to see me reach the conclusion — or rather the question that she was waiting for me to ask.

"Where is she?" I asked. Hel smiled broadly, showing her soft, worn out teeth alongside the healthy ones. "Follow me." Hel said.

I prepared myself for what was to come, whether it was actually my mother or a fight.

But what if it was my mother? What would be so terrible about her existence that made Hel and Loki hide her for almost 300 years?!

Wait a moment — how was she alive if she were taken 300 years ago? Was she made immortal? I had so many questions, and it would be a new level of cruel to learn that Hel and Loki had lied.

We reached a room with large, jet black double-doors. Hel placed her bony fingers into the lock and turned it.

Inside was a tube, rather a container, that stood from the ceiling to the ground and was filled to the brim with water.

Inside was a woman with long, black hair and startling grey eyes where bolts of electricity swarmed inside. She looked just like me, though she was pale as could be. I took a deep breath and said a word that I never thought I would. "Mom?" I asked.

The woman banged her fists against the glass in an attempt to warn me of the dangers of being here. Bolts of electricity shocked the water. This was my mother. She was dying, drowning slowly to her death.

"Who is she?" I asked Hel. "Your mother." Hel said with an evil smile. "What's her name?" I asked. "Astrape." Hel said. I raised my eyebrow and so Hel continued by saying "Greek goddess of lightning."

I took a deep breath and held my eyes wide open, not wanting to miss a second of encompassing my mother's being. She was alive, but she was dying. She was a goddess — she was a Greek goddess.

"What-what was so bad about her and my father being together?" I asked. "A Greek goddess and a Norse god cannot be together, it simply goes against the laws of the cosmos." Hel said.

"My father's a Norse god?" I asked. Hel smiled wickedly and said "Yes, actually, it's Frey."

I snapped my head in her direction and asked "What?" Hel laughed at my shocked expression and said "How else do you expect that you had powers over fire and ice? Though, I'm not supposed to know that."

I was too shocked to speak. My parents were both gods. But, why should I believe a word that Hel says? "Why should I believe you?" I asked.

"Because it's the truth, I swear it by my troth." Hel said. Considering she didn't start writhing in pain, I knew that she spoke truthfully. "Does that mean that I'm a goddess?" I asked.

"It means that you were immortal before Thor granted it to you. Actually, it was Loki who put that rather stupid idea in his head. How else would your immortality be explained if not by it being granted upon you by a god?" Hel said. I don't even know how to process this.

So, I decided not to. I snapped my wrist and threw a throwing star at the glass cylinder. Water came crashing down upon the two of us. Once all of the water finished pouring from the container, I crawled to my mother.

My mother...I couldn't believe it. "Are you alright?" I asked. Astrape nodded and said "Thank you, daughter."

I smiled lightly, but it quickly vanished, for I knew that she was too weak to fight. I said "Can you make it home from here? Maybe flash out or something? You can't fight like this."

Astrape nodded and said "You've always been strong. After all of this blows over, we should catch up." I nodded and said "Go; be safe."

"Same to you, darling." Astrape said. She kissed my forehead with a mother's  loving touch that I never thought that I would get to feel. And then, she vanished in a bright flash of light.

I stood and lifted the water that surrounded me, weighing about a ton, and held it over Hel's head. "If I am the daughter of Astrape and Frey, how do I have powers over water?" I asked.

"Ran blessed you. She felt bad that you didn't have a parent." Hel said weakly. In my rage of frustration, I let loose the gallons of water upon Hel's head. I ran out of the room and closed the door.

I burst through the throne room doors to see Annabeth, Percy, Blitzen, and Hearthstone standing before me. "What happened in there?" Percy asked. 

"No time; let's move!" I said simply as I ran from the Palace of Hel with my friends right behind me.

I finally have the answers that I have always wanted, but now I'm not sure if I actually wanted them.

(Btw the picture that I attached to the chapter is what Hel's dagger looked like)
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