Chapter One

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November 16 2018 was the day World War Three began. No one knows who started it, just that it bought both destruction and death. There were no allies or any countries helping one another. Everybody just defended themselves. They boarded their homelands up and killed trespassers that came to close to their territories. The war was so brutal that it started to slowly destroy the earth. The morning skies that once was a beautiful bright blue, were now fogged over because of all the toxic fuels and nuclear weapons that were used. The beautiful night stars was blocked by soot.  The trees dying because no sun light was available to sustain it. The air itself was dangerous to breathe. Oceans that was once full of life became vast waters of pollution. The land all but died, making farming impossible. When the land died, a famine surfaced.

The famine soon spread worldwide. Starvation was the true collapse of civilization.It was like a deadly virus. Not one country was able to escape it. No longer were people killing for power or to defend themselves,but for food. Animals were hunted almost to the point of extinction. Friends became enemies, betraying each another for scraps of food or clean water to drink. Survival of the fittest became the mantra. Animalistic behavior replaced logic and good sense in humans. Humankind had devolved into the cave men we once were.  Forty eight years this carnage ruled our world...Until a group of men called The Watchers emerged from the ashes like a phoenix that would light our way.

The watchers were men who grew tired of all the devastation that happened everyday, so The Halo project was formed. Male babies hand picked from birth, and raised to be the perfect weapons. Trained in an facility in the middle of nowhere on a inland no knew the location of. They had no childhood. All they knew, all they were trained to know, was combat. They followed orders to the max. Mistakes were not tolerated. Punishable by death, no matter the age or circumstance. Strength and loyalty was beaten into them. Scares were like tattoos on their bodies. They felt no pain. Have no emotions. They almost inhumane. They struck hard and fast. It almost seemed like they moved like lightning. One minute they were there and the next minute they were gone. There was no pleading or bargaining with them, they had no pity or desires in them, making them the perfect soldiers of justice, for they couldn't be swayed.They were the hammers of justice.

They came like a raging fire purging the world of anarchy. They were unbelievably strong. These soldiers were not ordinary. They seemed almost robotic. Smiles never came to their faces. Laughter was alien to them. Basic human instincts were foreign. Sexual desires nonexistent, unknown to them. The were instruments of war. Weapons to use for combat to ensure victory.

The Halo Project single handle saved humanity. The Halo Project single handle saved humanity.The watchmen wanting to keep keep the order and peace established Six colonies and in each colony there were Six divisions that each person was placed in to work or teach. They gave people a purpose.

Agriculture: They basically provided nourishment. Farmers.They took care of ranching, seeding, and harvesting crops.

Medical: They were doctors. The healers.

Preparatory School: Where you go up to age ten to gather basic education until the age of ten and then placed in your division.

Judicial(Military): Where trails were held. Of course overseen by the watchmen.

Breeding : When a female age sixteen and up most go to be tested to see if their genes where adequate enough to produce children. Population control. 

Ineffectual:  Contains people that were deemed incompetent. They were useless people who failed to be placed in a certain category. Mostly consisted of the disabled, elderly, and slow-witted.

The watchmen were very serious about placement. Everyone had their place. If you rebelled or was unhappy about your job... you died. Control was key to them. To voice your negative opinions out loud was dangerous, but like any dictatorship, rebellious people will arise, giving birth to the Freedom Fighters. People who just wanted a say in their life. To make choices and be with who they loved and wanted. They fought for the right to live..

The battle for humanities survival was won, but the war for freedom had just begun... and a seventeen year old black girl and a twenty seven year old white Project Halo team leader will decide who the victor will be.

And so the love and war story of Annika and Nathaniel begins ....


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