Chapter Six

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I would like to take the time out and say how happy I am that my book is so close to reaching a thousand reads. And how thankful I am for those who have comment and vote on my story. I am really glad that I can share my imagination with you guys and galls.


Colony Six: Judicial(Military) District

The Judicial and Military District- or JMD - was what its name applied. The Judicial section was a court that offenders went to be trailed for any criminal activities they were accused of. The judge was one of the seven watchmen that were placed in each colony to supervise and maintain order in all the districts. He was the judge and jury, but the executioner was a Halo soldier. The Military section patrolled the inner and outer borders of the district, they also guarded and protected the six districts. The Halo, as well as regular soldiers, observed and checked the progress or quality of work and liveliness of each district. It was also the training grounds of non-Halo soldiers. Halo soldiers training grounds were in top- secret locations.

The JMD was not a district one would willing visit. People were dragged kicking, screaming and crying there, not walking calmly to the door with their family in toll; yet, she and her family were doing yet that.

Annika looked up at the red stone carbuncle that surrounds the entire military district, a shiver went through her. It stood at least a mile in height with electric bard wire at that top, she knows it was electric because she could actually see the sparks running along the twisted wire. The entrance was two tall silver doors that were guarded by two non-Halo soldiers with guns that were strapped on each of their hips. Annika wanted to run back to the black SUV that brought them here. They hadn't even walked through the entrance yet and already she felt like she had been there a lifetime.

Heart pounding and sweaty hands slightly shaking, she stood next to her mother and sister, trying to figure out the unknown emotion that she was feeling. Fear. That was want she felt. It was an emotion she never really experienced before, even living in one of the worst districts. For some unknown reason, she had a bad feeling that once she walked through those metal doors she might not be walking back out.

The rules and regulations that they were told on the way here did not help ease the fear at all. If anything it helped to build it before she even arrived. Mentally she recalled each rule and regulation that Nathaniel had told them on the way here.

Rule One: Do not talk to anyone inside the base without permission; you could possibly be mistaken as a spy sent to gather information and killed instantly.

Rule Two: Do not touch anything without permission; you could be mistaken as a thief and killed instantly.

Rule Three: Do not leave the group and wander off on your own, you be killed instantly if do not have a guard with you.

Rule Four: You will be given a temporary uniform and identification card; the id card you must have displayed at all times or you will be instantly killed.

Rule Five: Never walk behind us; soldiers do not let civilians out of their sight.

The last rule did not come with a 'you will be instantly killed' but Annika knew it was implied. She thought the rules were all common sense when it came to visiting any military base. It wasn't like she would be doing any solo sightseeing so she was fine by them. It was the regulations that cause her to become uneasy.


One: Upon arriving they would be searched, with and without clothes.

Two: A fingerprint and blood sample will be taken.

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