That was then, This is now. (Zirty-Zee)

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        "Have you ever needed to tell someone something but you knew it would hurt them so you were torn between telling them and keeping it to yourself?"

        "Rose I'm really bad at reading between the lines, so if you're trying to tell me something please just say it."

        I looked him in the eyes and swallowed the lump that was in my throat. "Jessica isn't pregnant."

        He looked at me like I was crazy but I knew I needed him to believe me, so I stared into his eyes with no emotion on my face.

        "Rose please don't do this right now..." He trailed.

        "You don't believe me."

        "Come on Rose, why would she lie like that? Besides what proof do you have?"

        "Why would I lie about something like this? Sure I hate Jessica, but I know how much you love that child. Why would I take that away from you if it wasn't true?"

        "That can't be true. I saw her stomach; I saw the baby bump."

        "Well I saw her stomach that night we went to dinner with my parents and it was perfectly flat. She even told me that she was planning to get pregnant and steal you away from me."

        He closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. I didn't know what to expect. I knew what it felt like to lose something like that. I never wanted anyone to feel that pain. Especially not Vincent.

        "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I couldn't get in touch with you. I'm really sorry."

        He opened his eyes and sighed. "Don't be sorry. I'll deal with Jessica later. Tonight is about you and me."

        I smiled sadly at him and caressed his face. "You don't have to put up a front with me. I know how you feel. We never really talked about what happened between Jace and me, but I think now is as good a time as any."

        "Can we go somewhere else to talk about this? People are giving us strange looks."

        I intertwined our fingers and nodded. We made our way to Vincent's car and he drove us to the same place he took us on our first date. I really liked it because I loved the way the city lights danced in the sky. When he stopped his car. We got out of it and sat on the hood. I sat in his lap and leaned against him, playing with his fingers.

        "I never wanted to get pregnant. It was really out of the blue. I was so scared too. I kept it to myself for at least two weeks. I didn't even tell Jace. When I finally did decide to tell him, he fainted." I chuckled at the memory of Jace lying on my couch sweating bullets.

        "But when he woke up, we talked about it for a while, and we realized that we were going to be parents. We were bringing a life into this world. I don't know what that meant to him, but to me, I was happy. There's something about knowing that a little piece of you is coming into this world that just makes you fall in love. I know how you feel right now. You're having very conflicted feelings. Relieved and sad. Relieved that you don't have to take on that kind of responsibility, but sad because you just lost something you loved."

        "This really sucks Rose. I wanted to be a dad so bad, but I guess it's for the best. I just can't believe that Jessica would do something like this. I mean what's the point?"

        "You must not understand how amazing you really are. I'd do anything to keep you too. Maybe not something this crazy, but still. I-I love you Vincent."

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