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"Max," you motion Max, the bartender, to bring another drink to your table. Max notes it then starts preparing the drink. You look back at your pc and continue with your work. The bar is starting to get crowded due to the hour. You'll finish your work then head upstairs or home. Your eyes stay on the pc screen but movement near your table takes your attention. You look up and notice Orihara, who has taken a seat across the table. Your eyes meet. Izaya's lips pull up into a smirk.

"Bang," says Orihara, lifting his hand and forming his fingers into a gun.

"Orihara," you say in a low voice, even though he surprised you. He watches you, visibly amused, he leans back into the seat and relaxes. His hair is messy as usual, he wears his typical jacket and black outfit.

"Got you off guard?" he provokes, clearly enjoying himself.

"Pleasant company as always," you reply sarcastically. He takes a moment to analyze you, his eyes moving over your face before returning to your eyes.

"It's rather unusual," says Orihara, amused, "that you're so careless."

You give him a dry smile. "I was under the impression I was in a safe environment," you retort, not missing a beat.

Izaya's smirk widens. "Safe environment? With me around? You must be slipping."

You sigh, leaning back in your chair. "What do you want, Orihara? Or is this just another one of your games?"

Orihara's eyes gleam with mischief. "Always so direct. I like that about you, [f/n]- chan. But no, this isn't just a game. I have some...," he gives you a sly yet seductive smile, "information that might interest you," he says but everything about the way he speaks seems like just another game.

You raise an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

Orihara leans forward, his expression relaxes for a moment. "It's about the employee you wanted information on. I found out something that might change things for you."

You study his face, trying to gauge his intentions. "Go on," you say cautiously.

Orihara leans back again, puts his arms up and clenches his hands behind his head. "They're not who they say they are. There's a lot more to their story than you know."

You frown, trying to process this new information. "You finished the background check?"

Orihara's smirk returns. "Isn't that quite obvious [f/n]- chan?"

"Hand me the research," you reply, ignoring his words and Orihara hums.

"Don't have it with me," he says amused and you lift brow in response.

"And why not?" you say in a calm voice, "not taking your work seriously?"

"You know very well how seriously I take my work [f/n]- chan," replies Orihara cunningly.

"Especially when you come to see me without bringing your work," you say then look at Max, who approaches and sets the drink on the table. He offers you a handsome smile and a wink then looks at Orihara, who smirks. He motions to him that he won't order anything.

"Who knew you're like that," comments Orihara while you take the drink and sip it.

"Like what?" you say after you take a sip and set down the drink.

"a flirt, going for your own staff," he provokes again.

"This again?" you let out a small laugh. "Always the observer, aren't you?" you say then smile slyly, "not a good one," you provoke back.

"Am I mistaken?" he smirks, his hands move and he puts his hand on the back of your PC screen then closes it.

"you're becoming too brave Orihara," you say in response to his action, "so stop and do what you're meant to do," you say in a calmer but more serious tone. It seems to excite him and give him a thrill when provoked.

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