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Twiggy's POV

I was laying in the back of the bus, waiting for Marilyn to emerge from the shower. I was determined to talk to him, pissed as fuck at the lanky bitch for ignoring me for the past two months. It didn't matter what I did, the most I got out of him was a quick glare.

Even when he walked in and found me sprawled out over his precious water bed, he didn't so much as growl. It was infuriating.

"For Satan's sake, would you at least look at me!" My outburst was met with silence as I waited impatiently for his warm brown eyes to stare into mine. "Jeordie, keep your voice down." The normally ill tempered man spoke with an eery calm.

I snarled and stood up, trying my hardest to look intimidating in my hot pink tights and leopard print dress. "I need some sort of fucking reaction!" I screeched, shoving his shoulders so he was sat on the stool in front of his makeup counter, and, therefore, shorter than me. "I can't handle this passive silence! I'd rather you fucking yell at me and kick me out of the band than completely ignore the fact that I have your son growing inside of me!"

Marilyn raised his nonexistent eyebrows at my outburst, placing two large hands on the tumor like bump that protruded from my stomach. "The nurse said stress was bad for the baby, Jeordie."

I really wanted to bash his skull in with a beer bottle, but Ginger had already taken the liberty of putting every narcotic substance imaginable out of my reach. Poor little ZimZum had to beg Pogo for a bottle of Jack. It was rather excessive, in my opinion, but the doctors are already concerned about my child's health. I'm due in a month and my unique lifestyle hasn't slowed down nearly enough for them to be satisfied, but I don't care.

I went nearly half of a year before Ginger convinced me that gaining such an obscene amount of weight in my tummy area wasn't completely normal. Before I got the news that I had a little bun in the oven, Marilyn and I were headed towards a steady relationship, one that I desperately missed and craved the chance to regain.

"And since when do you care about my baby?" I admit, I stooped too far on that one, but I just wanted to get something, anything, from my old lover.

Marilyn clenched his jaw, teeth grinding together and hands balling into tight fists. "Since the day you came back with Ginger from your first ultrasound, Jeordie!" He stood up, walking us both backwards until I landed with my back on the bed. "This baby," Marilyn kissed the peak of my bump, "Is the inauguration of our commitment to each other." He kissed my forehead. "I've had to do a lot of shit to ensure your safety, Jeordie, as well as our son's."

Despite his plea, my hormone fueled rage was not yet satisfied. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure ignoring my existence was very hard work." I snit, not expecting the response I was given in return for the snippy comment. 

My lover bent down and attacked my lips with his. It had been months since I'd been given the opportunity to interact with Marilyn so romantically, and the taste of his full lips was one that I had grown to miss far more than I realized. My previous anger was forgotten, thrown away to lay in a pile alongside my dress and undergarments. 

Even pregnant, Marilyn plunged himself into my tight hole without mercy, enjoying every primal scream of pleasure that dropped from my lips. His member felt bigger, and I felt much more pressure than I remembered from our previous sessions in between the sheets. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I was eight months pregnant? Eh, who gives a shit. I'm getting my brains screwed out by the sexiest man alive. 

His warm seed released onto my baby bump, and I held onto him with a vice grip. "Mine." I nibbled and sucked on his neck possessively, much to Marilyn's delight. "All yours, darling." I smirked, content with our current position, but the expression was soon replaced by an embarrassed one when Pogo poked his head into the room. "Are you guys finally all sorted out?" Marilyn nodded, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead for extra effect. "Thank Satan!" Pogo cheered, turning around to announce his findings to the rest of the crew. 

I groaned, feeling the little one kick inside of me. "I hate your uncle Pogo too, hon, but kicking me isn't gonna do shit." Marilyn chuckled at my short rant, setting his hand down on my belly to feel our baby. "You're mad, Twiggs." I giggled. "All the best people are." 

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